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A brief respite

Posted on Fri Mar 24th, 2023 @ 7:42am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Commander Sthilg

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Planetside Medical
1179 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It had been a long day, Alicia had spent a long time with those who needed her, and now she sat in Sthilg’s temporary office, Connor was sitting eating his food whilst Alicia was feeding N’Vea trying not to fall asleep.

The door slid open as the shivering lizard stepped through. He let out a sigh as he dropped his bag down onto the floor before looking up and seeing his daughter in his chair. " Hello, there little onesss." He said his voice raising as he saw his grandchildren ." How are you all doing?"

“We’re fine father” Alicia smiled as watched Connor get up from his seat and race across to his grandfather dragging a large, Gorn sized blanket behind him. “Just tired, it’s been a long day. I hope you don’t mind me using your room? It’s a bit warmer in here than it is in ours.”

Sthilg smiled as he picked up his grandson wrapping him in the blanket as he did so. " Have you been looking after mummy?" He asked his grandson as he gently ruffled his hair. Looking over at his daughter he replied. " Off courssse not my dear."

Alicia nodded and smiled. “Connor has been a very good boy, How are you doing Father? How are things in medical?”

" Asss well asss can be given the current situationsss." The old lizard replied doing his best to hide the tone and tiredness in his voice. They'd lost another patient only a few hours ago.

“Stop hiding your emotions from me father” Alicia offered a wry smile. “You walked in looking shattered, you don’t have to hide it from me. I can’t imagine what it must be like losing so many crew, and not being able to save others. You are the best Doctor that anyone could ask for, don’t blame yourself for those that have been lost.”

" Then why can't I sssave them little one. " The gorn said with a sigh. " I've had to bury freindsss, ssshipmatesss and othersss. All on sssome cold ice ball without even a name."

“I’m so sorry father!” Alicia motioned for the large Gorn to sit down. “There’s only so much you can do, the ship sustained horrific damage at a time when most of us were asleep. It’s amazing we didn’t lose more people than we already have. You have done everything possible.”

Sthilg carefully sat down next to his daughter his big form coming up to her head level. Connor clung to his grandfather without a care in the world. " I know my dear I know, buy your old dadsss brain won't ssstop telling me otherwissse"

Alicia nodded as she laid her head against Sthilg’s arm. “I understand, I’ve spoken to so many people today trying to reassure them, telling them how lucky they are, how we’ll all get home...” She wiped away tears that were starting to run down her face. “What if I’m telling them lies?”

" Your not telling them liesss." Sthilg said doing his best to wrap his arm around her. " We don't have room to let ourssselvess fall into dessspair. We have thessse two to look after and I intend to sssee both of them graduating from ssstarfleet."

Alicia smiled a little as she wiped her eyes. “You are the best father a woman could ever want! I do believe, even if it takes a while, that Phoenix will get us home.”

" I'm sssure ssshe will my dear. What we have to do isss make sssure the crew doesssn't give up hope. " he said giving her a gentle squeeze. " Besssidesss I'm marrying your mother and I'm not going naked on thisss ice bucket. I'd freeze sssolid within sssecondsss." he added trying to lighten the mood.

Alicia couldn’t help but grin. “Has mother said she wants a naked wedding? It is Betazoid tradition, but amongst non Betazoids it is more appropriate to wear clothes. I, for one, am not attending completely naked in-front of my crewmates!”

" Well, we're ssstill thinking it through. We've been going over houssse plansss mossstly." He answered with a grin of his own.

“Really?” Alicia grinned. “You’ll have to show me sometime. I’d love to see what you have in mind.”

Sthilg began fumbling in his pocket until he pulled out a pad. " Jussst give me a ssseconed my dear." He said as he typed.

“Not a problem!” Alicia grinned. “I’m glad you managed to keep it with you, and it wasn’t lost aboard the ship when all hell broke loose.”

The gorn smiled as he pulled out a padd and brought up the blueprints. " I've found a nice ssspot in northern California near the national parksss. "

The plans were still basic, but the beginning of a house was starting to take shape. Rooms clearly marked including ones for the children.

“Ohh Wow!” Alicia marvelled at the Plans. “Father this is amazing! I didn’t realise you were planning on building from scratch. It’ll be amazing!” She looked curiously at some points on the plans. “You’ve included adaptations for the house? I guess it doesn’t hurt to plan for older years and mobility issues.”

" I'm not getting any older my dear. Can't help to already have them planned. " Sthilg said. " Asss you can sssee I've included roomsss for the children including sssome for any othersss that decide to join our family."

Alicia grinned. “Are you and mum planning on adding to the family? Am I likely to have a baby brother or sister in the future?”

" We've had a few words about it." Sthilg said a rather sad look on his face. " But it would be rather difficult. I'm......" He began before the words caught in his throat. " I couldn't bear to lose her." he finally muttered.

Alicia gave her father a worried look. “Is it that dangerous for the two of you to have a child?” She cursed herself. “What am I saying... you’re two completely different species, your size alone compared to Mum...” she nodded. “I know she won’t push it, as long as the two of you are happy that’s what matters most to her.”

" I rig my arm to wake me up in cassse I ssstart rolling over. I'm not going to hurt your mother. i ssswear it by the all mother herself." Sthilg added reassuringly.

“I didn’t realise you had to go to such lengths, it must be difficult for both of you.” Alicia offered her father an understandable smile. “I know you’d never hurt mum, and she knows it too.”

Sthilg was silent for a while before he gave his daughter another hug. " I don't know what i'd do without any of you."

Alicia smiled. “You’ll never have to find out, I’m not going to leave you that’s a promise!”

" I know little one I know." The gorn said keeping the hug though deep down that picture flashed before his eyes.



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