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On the nose: Part 2.

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2019 @ 7:05am by Lieutenant Tate Sullivan Ph.D. & Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Chief Counselors office.
1363 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

Avri has already been to the doctors office, and had been directed by both her teacher and father to go to the Counselors office. She had checked with the doctor who had given her directions. And told that the Chief Counselor was the one on duty at the moment. She was less then thrilled with the prospect, her father harden't made a huge issue out of it. But they both agreed that she needed to take the whole instance seriously.

Walking up to the door of the office and chimed in. Waiting to be told to enter, or go away. She half hopped the Counselor was busy.

"Come in," Tate called out, her office doors automatically opening. She had been expecting this particular visitor and was interested to hear from the young woman herself. "Hello. I'm Tate."

The teen walked in and started to sit down but stopped seaming a bit tired already. "Oh, sorry, I'm Avri nice to meet you Tate. Mind if I sit down?" When she got a affirmative she almost flopped down into the chair.

"So, what brings you my way?" Tate asked, genuinely interested in her perspective.

She fidgeted for a moment. "Well I was having a... heated political debate with another student. And we reached a Impasse in our discussion. So I hit him in the groin." She nodded. "He and his brother didn't take kindly to that."

The counselor didn't know if she was not telling the whole truth or just anxious. She decided to follow up. "I think I'm going to need more detail than that. What exactly did the two of you say to each other?"

She exhaled feeling rather awkward about the whole thing. "We had just went over the review Khitomer Accords and the Klingon Federation wars in history. And he was expressing the opinion that Klingon's system of honor was so convoluted that it made them as a whole a untrustworthy diplomatically." She shrugged "I mean I wasn't totally disagreeing with him either. I was more trying to argue that humans and Vulcan's aren't all that much different. They all use there own moral stances to argue for what they want just as often as one another.

"He was... Adamant about it being a Klingon thing, and I hit him... I know it sounds strange but it literally just felt like the correct thing to do at that point in the discussion."

"Hitting someone seems like a strong reaction to a mere difference of opinion," Sullivan began. "I'm wondering, what was it about what he was saying that seemed so personal to you?"

The look on her face was one that anyone experienced with Teenagers would know. the look of a Child about to smart off. But she clearly caught herself. "Well. I mean my father.. Well my step after is Ambassador Toran, I mean pretty much over half of the family that I interact with is Klingon. I Mean I guess I don't need to say he's my step father, It' pretty clearly not half Klingon. But he raised me, Is raising me... So when he's saying Klingons are as a rule untrustworthy, he's basically insulting half my family... And like I said, I'm aware of Klingon history and know what goes on. But the kid was human, a few hundred years ago humans where rounding each other up and gassing them to death."

She seamed to realized who she was talking to all of the sudden. "Oh.. That wasn't meant to seam like a personal attack. I'm just saying I wasn't even taking a extreme position, I was just arguing that Klingons are like most other species. You have to take them from a person to person basis. And.." She gave a heavy exhale again seaming rather tired. "Look I know... I'm not suppose to hit people, I know that is a huge issue and taboo in a lot of places.. But you know where it's not? Qo'noS... Four months ago punching a kid I had reached a impasse in a heated conversation with would have been the correct thing to do. We would have beaten on each other until we had shown that we where willing to fight for what we where arguing about. And then we would have parted ways, both of our families proud of us, society telling us that we did the right thing... now, I'm in a Counselors office."

"It sounds like both of you jumped to conclusions. He made a general statement about an entire race of people and you forgot where you were and acted in a way that wasn't appropriate for the situation either," Tate offered.

She shrugged looking at Tate. "Let me ask you a question... You ever feel like you might not be... human enough? I mean I am assuming your Human and not betazoid or something."

"No," Tate admitted. She could appreciate where the conversation was headed, however. "What does that feel like?"

The teen leaned back seeming to think. "I don't know... I mean at this point I don't really know what being Bajoran is really about, I go home to visit my mother's family and I honestly feel like I have less in common with Bajorans than I do when I go visit my family on Q'nos. I think my dad wants me to do something in starfleet or with the Diplomatic corps. but honestly, I don't know that I even want to say in federation space... I might go see if my grandmother can get me into the Klingon Medical Division's Academy." She gave Tate a side ways look. "As far as the fight? I knew I screwed up when I did it. It was at least in the context of where I am.. My fault."

"It sounds like you strongly identify with your Klingon heritage. Is it possible you got into the fight because you were trying to prove you are worthy of it?" Sullivan asked.

She again answered with a shrug. "Maybe? But I mean that's the thing, do I have a Klingon heritage? I mean I'm biologically just a Bajoran, but I suppose that's not what Heritage is about right? Like I said, starting a fight would have been the right thing to do in Klingon Society, it would have given both of us a way to save face without one of us having to be 'wrong' I know it most likely sounds strange but.. I don't know. The Klingon way of doing this is less... Painful, Figuratively speaking. Less complicated."

"It doesn't sound strange at all, just different from what I am familiar with as a human. That said, no matter what our biology or our cultural influences, we all have to learn to control our impulses at times, even Klingons. I suppose the question now is, looking back, what do you think you could've done or said to yourself internally to keep from striking?"

She exhaled. "That's a tough one, I guess just not acting right away. I have issues with maybe going with my gut to quickly." She sat up from where she was. "I'm going to be spending some time with my grandmother soon, back on Boreth, Might actually spend time there with the Monks. There's a whole regiment that they have about not acting to hastily. I never really payed close attention because I'm not actually Klingon."

Sullivan smiled. "Not acting too hastily is something we all must practice, regardless of our species." She paused, then added, "How about we plan to meet again in a couple of weeks time? Even if you haven't spent time with your grandmother yet, we could at least talk about how you're adjusting."

The teen got up and stretched. "Alright that sounds good.. I'll make sure to go apologize to Patrick's also. I'm sure he feels silly about it also, but I mean I did start it all."

OOC: Ambassadors daughter being sent to Counselor for starting a rather serious altercation with another student in school.

OOC: please wrap this one. its been here for AGES

Lori: yes, sorry about that. Maybe just one more response and we can post it?


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