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Operations Inspection

Posted on Sat May 4th, 2019 @ 10:54am by Lieutenant Commander Jaeih t'Noramei-McKinley & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Commodore Evelyn Mountbatten [ADMIN NPC] & Captain Garrett Lovejoy [ Taylor]

Mission: Episode 1: Hell is a four letter word
Location: Operations
Timeline: MD3 09h00
2232 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Day 2 of their inspection dawned with Evelyn leading her aides into Operations. With the ship in dock, the bridge stations were shut down so those not on leave were in the Operations Office.

She stepped inside and paused looking around at the neat office space.

A soft cough from behind the group had them turning.

"Excuse me. Sorry" The lone Romulan/human officer in the Operations arm of the Academy stepped past them, her arms full of reports and PADDs.

Evelyn nodded and let the Lieutenant Commander pass. Then she turned and said "Is Commander Brett Available?" to an ensign who nodded and scurried off to get the commander.

While his colleague was looking for Anje, Justin had some tea and coffee flown in on his antigrav tray, hovering in front of the inspection team. "Would you care for some refreshments?" Justin asked, though he did not get up from behind his desk.

Anje walked in smartly, not wanting to keep this woman waiting, ~The sooner she's in and out, the sooner my life goes back to normal.~ "Commodore, welcome to Operations." Anje began, "Cdr. Albright, Cdr. Lovejoy, welcome. The gentleman behind the desk is Ensign Case, who's currently in recovery from a nasty injury prior to my time here, but he's really pulling his weight very well. Now, how can I be of service, sir?"

Lovejoy looked around the department. "Commander, is the department always so understaffed? I have only seen you, Ensign Case and the Lieutenant Commander that just left."

"Unfortunately, yes, we are somewhat understaffed, though at the moment w're running a skeleton crew anyway. Wanted to let as many of the staff as possible have a real shoreleave." Anje explained, "However, we're expecting some new staff to onboard before we pull out. But, you know the one truth about operations is that it's hard to get people to go into operations. Most of the younger staff prefer the 'sexier' divisions, like flight control, command, tactical, engineering... We don't really draw a crowd to Ops, at least not amongst the newer staff. The plus side to this is when people do come to ops is that we're getting older, more experienced staff."

Lovejoy listened to Anje's explanation. He didn't fully accept it but let it ride. "You have a gift for understatement Commander."

"Understatement? No, Sir." Anje shook her head, "Radical acceptance. I knew what I was getting in to when I went into Operations. Even in the Academy the classes were small, nearly empty sometimes. My Fourth Year so few cadets had signed up for Ops on their own the Academy brass started funneling cadets into Ops to fill the spots. But, what my staff and I lack in size, we make up for in skill." ~I understand why everybody hates this guy now.~

Garrett fixed her with a look. "Your staff is woefully inadequate for a ship of this size." He replied making it sound like a proclamation from above.

"As I've informed personnel on eleven occasions." Anje replied, handing him a padd with the relevant information, "As you can see here, Sir."

Garrett gave the PaDD a brief, cursory glance. "Have you informed Captain Lalor of this serious understaffing?"

"I wouldn't have contacted personnel without her permission, Commander." Anje answered flatly, ~Really, you thought I was breaching chain of command? Or that I would've told you if I did? Please!~

"Lovejoy caught Anje's tone. "Lieutenant Commander Brett." He stated stiffly, "You informed the Captain on eleven previous occasions of the staffing shortage and still have nothing to show for it. Is that correct?"

"Incorrect." Anje said, "I informed the Captain once, attained her permission to begin attempting to requisition personnel for my department from command, and over the course of eleven such requests I received part of what I asked for. Also, as you've already been informed, this is not all of my staff, the majority of which were dismissed early as a reward for completing their assignments expediently." ~How many more times do I have to tell this thickheaded fool the exact same thing?~ Anje wondered, though her face had no expression at all, ~Thank the stars for Vulcan blood...~

"And" a soft voice interjected from where she had been returning from the files section, "I believe you will find similar requests were made by the previous Operations Chiefs, including the then Lieutenant Commander Lalor." Lieutenant Commander Jaeih t'Noramei-mckinley stepped forward as she spoke.

Anje didn't see McKinley often, but she was stoked to see her today, ~And a sister pointy-ear to the rescue.~

Lovejoy sighed dramatically, "Be that as it may Lieutenant Commander. The fact remains this department is woefully understaffed so perhaps the question should be, Is it because of some deficiency in the command team of this ship?"

"Or perhaps it is a deficiency on the part of those who assign crew tp vessels?" The half Romulan replied calmly. "We are not the only ship to suffer crew deficiency in key departments."

Commodore Mountbatten stood silent and watched the conversation.

"Cadets graduate every year. This not a frigate or a lesser ship on some patrol no one wants. This is the supposed jewel of the fleet. Now I ask again is there a deficiency with the command team of this ship? It's a simple question."

Jaeih narrowed her eyes at him. "No there is not." Her tone was firm and held a warning note. Jaeih t'Noramei-mckinley had a temper that was barely seen.

"Are you sure? I seem to have struck a nerve with my question." Lovejoy countered.

"Are you dense?" Jaeih asked her tone icy. "I find your attitude insulting commander. I find this whole witch hunt insulting. The command team of the USS Elysium do their job exceedingly well and they have earned the respect of this crew. So please continue to be the way you are, and you will find more nerves than mine being touched."

"Lieutenant Commander Mckinley!" Evelyn interjected.

"Thats Lieutenant Commander t'Noramei-mckinley." Jaeih replied.

"Jaeih, I'll take it from here." Anje interjected, turning back to the inspectors, her voice completely calm, "Cdr. Lovejoy, as I'm the head of this department, I'll ask that you address all your questions and any subsequent verbal abuse for facts beyond our control not meeting your standards to me. Also, since we're asking questions here, I would ask you, sir, if you would address a male officer with such a vile level of disrespect?"

He gaped at her. "Disrespect? If there has been any disrespect here it has been on the part of Lieutenant Commander t'Noramei-mckinley. Not me. I have not belittled her or you. I have simply asked questions which seem to have struck a nerve."

"As have I, Commander." Anje replied, her face blank though she was giddy beyond words, he'd just proven her point, "Now, as to the staffing shortage, any help you or the Commodore can provide I will receive graciously, since apparently they're not all that interested in the concerns of an overworked, understaffed operations manager at command. Perhaps you can do better? Maybe you have more influence."

"We will see what we can do. No promises." He replied looking at the Commodore.

"Thank you, Commander." Anje smiled, bowing her head ever so slightly, ~Jackass...~

Lovejoy made no reply he continued to glare at Jaeih.

Jaeih however turned her gaze to the Commodore. "Really?" She said her tone cool. "You brought this guy here to piss people off?"

"Commander Lovejoy is doing his job." Came the calm reply. "It would be in your best interest to cooperate with him."

"I'd as sooner cooperate with the borg." Jaeih replied, her gaze on Evelyn.

"Commander t'Noramei-mckinley. consider yourself on report for gross insubordination and conduct unbecoming an officer." Lovejoy spoke, his tone cold and stiff. You have been argumentative and belligerent through this entire questioning process."

Jaeih rolled her eyes and said "Gee Auntie Eve, you picked a right royal.."

"JAEIH MIRANDA EVELYN T'NORAMEI-MCKINLEY!" Evelyn snapped out. "You watch your mouth! Such language is unbecoming an officer of your rank."

Jaeih merely raised an eyebrow. "Didn't take much did it."

Evelyn glared at her niece. She wanted to continue in a family argument tone of voice, instead said "As the commander said, you are on Report. I will make sure it is noted on your file. I am sure Captain Lalor will be wanting to be informed when she returns from Trill about your attitude and behavior."

"Yeah probably." Came Jaeih's reply. "Still though, you should have told him I would make his blood boil. Its a bad habit I have with people who go after my commanding officers."

"I thought you would have more control over your mouth." Commodore Mountbatten replied. "Then again, you take after your father in that."

Jaeih shrugged. "Ah well, didn't like being a goody goody two shoes anyway."

"If I may interject at this opportunity?" Justin asked, figuring it might help direct the line of questioning back towards the matter at hand. "I, for one, enjoy working in this department, and I was one of those posted here right out of the academy. And while I'm a bit short-limbed at the moment, at least not short-handed. If you look at what we've been able to do in these past months with the department in the shape it is, I'm sure you'll agree there is little cause for concern."

Lovejoy didn't answer Case just favored him with a who asked you? look.

Evelyn moved to face Case. "And what, in your opinion Ensign would assist this department?"

Anje looked to Justin encouragingly as she began writing her formal protest of Jaeih being put on report, even while she did other things, she wanted him to know he had her full support.

"Aside from two or three additional personnel, not a thing", Justin said. "I've been in the fortunate position to pull a lot of bridge shifts in the past few months, as that's a seated position and I'm a limb short at the moment. Since the Elysium is such a prestigious posting, we don't get any slackers. But we all understand that there are other understaffed ships in the fleet and that it's currently difficult to bring every ship up to full capacity." He hoped it would be a not-so-subtle hint that alienating good personnel and potentially driving them into resigning their commission was in nobody's best interest, except the enemies of the Federation.

Evelyn nodded. "I will take it under advisement, and speak with Personnel."

"Thank you, Commodore." Anje smiled, "And you, Justin. Oh, and for the record, due to our being short handed, Justin and I have both pulled a lot of double shifts to allow for some of the other staff, mainly those with families, to have more off duty time. As Ensign Case said, no lack of dedication here."

Before anyone else could respond, the ships AI appeared.

"Commodore Mountbatten. Sorry to disturb. We are receiving a distress call from the Shuttlecraft Arrow."

Jaeih frowned. "Thats the shuttle Commander Qwyyn requisitioned for the trip to Trill"

~Oh my God...~ Anje thought, her face not showing her panic, ~Something's happened to Liselle.~

"Afirmative" Came Avalon's Reply. "Protocol dictates that the senior most officer be informed. That would be you Commodore."

"Who was next in line after the second officer?" Evelyn asked.

"Commander Holmes, who is also on that shuttle with the CO, XO and second officer." Avalon replied.

"And who after that?"

Jaeih thought even as Avalon searched the database.

"Lieutenant Commander Arrianna Salannis an Vantar" The AI finally said.

"Very well, Summon the Commander to the Ready Room." Mountbatten said calmly. "Lieutenant Commander Brett, please recall all personnel from shore leave at once. And all remaining Senior Staff are to be in the briefing room in 30 minutes, along with the senior most officers from the departments of Security and Helm."

"Yes, Commodore." Anje nodded, her Vulcan heritage again providing her with a blank expression, hiding her terror at the thought of what had happened. Linking in to both the ship's and DS9's internal comms systems, she issued the order, =A= Lt. Cdr. Brett to all Elysium personnel, effective immediately all shore leaves are cancelled and all personnel are recalled.=A=

"Commander Lovejoy, please bring Ms Lalor to the ready room, and Lieutenant Commander Albright, Please find Master chief Waters and bring him there as well."

"At once Commodore." Lovejoy replied instantly.

Percy's fingers had been tapping at this PaDD so quickly that they positively ached now. So far, the responses from the crew had been terse and hardly welcoming to their delegation. But they had always skirted on the side of conduct becoming a Starfleet Officer. Until now. What he had witnessed here was beyond the pale. There would be a great deal to follow-up on here with the Admiralty. He shut his PaDD down and tucked it under his arm. "I will fetch Mr. Waters now, sir."

"Lieutenant Commanders Brett and McKinley will come with me to the Ready room as well."

Jaeih rolled her eyes. Her aunt always shortened her last name when she was pissed at her. "Yes Ma'am"

"Yes, Commodore." Anje replied, turning to Justin, "You're in charge down here until I get back, Justin." She turned to follow the Commodore and her aides out the door.



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