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We ARE the Shepherds

Posted on Tue Apr 25th, 2023 @ 2:05pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor] & High Priestess An'Dalus & Sovereign T'handu

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Survivor's Camp
Timeline: MD 4 / 1100 hours
2139 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Mal stood outside the tent set aside as the diplomatic suite of Princess An'Dalus. He was already second-guessing the wisdom of 'agreeing' to trying to convince the Sequus diplomat of reason when listening to Matt and his team. He straightened his tunic, checked for dust, took a deep breath, looked around for something to knock on saw a tent post and knocked on that, waiting for someone to come to the tent entrance.

At first, there was silence, then an irritated snort, quickly followed by the sound of hooves slowly approaching.

“The Mistress is not here…” T’han growled as he stepped outside, the shawl he had put on hastily doing little to cover his exposed lower half. “But I can take you to her… though she might not appreciate being disturbed while she meditates…”

The look T’han gave as he stood tall, towering over Mal with an expression that viscerally told him to make a choice then and there.

Mal didn't hesitate, "Take me to her, please. I need to speak with her." He replied firmly, no hesitation in his voice.

T’han said nothing as he nodded deeply, happy with the decisiveness before turning on a single hoof and marching off at full stride, indifferent if Mal could keep pace or not.

Mal walked behind the bodyguard? aide? He didn't hurry his step, just kept a brisk pace as he followed along.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the edge of the camp, yet still, the Priestess was nowhere in sight. “We keep walking.” T’han snorted as he manoeuvred around a perimeter post and continued into the blinding white wilderness, tugging his poncho tightly.

"Lead on." Malakai replied simply as the pair headed into the wilderness in search of the ambassador.

Another Indignant snort was all Mal got as a response, and so they continued in silence. Except for the snow, crunching under hoof and boot.

A short walk later, past dead trees and up a steep incline they found the High Priestess, a short walk that felt like an eternity with the uncomfortable silence.

“Mistress…” T’han spoke, getting down on both knees but remaining sat up straight. “This hoofless one insisted that they see you.”

Silence once more befell the pair as An’dalus sat there naked atop an unnatural pile of rocks, sitting cross-legged on a large flat section.

“Leave us…” she said with a sharp tone, waving a single hand behind her.

“As you wish Mistress.”

And with that T’han stood and left, seemingly forgetting Mal even existed.

Mal stood in respectful silence for several seconds before he moved closer and spoke his tone respectful. "Ambassador, I apologize for intruding on your meditation. However, I must speak with you on a serious matter." He finished as he lapsed into respectful silence again and waited for the ambassador's reply.

She said nothing for the longest time, her ears remaining fixed ahead on the ice-filled valley before them, twitching slightly at the distant rumble of ice shifting and creaking.

“This planet is dying…” She stated ominously, leaving a long pause before turning to face him with a smile. “Come, sit…” Anne insisted, shuffling over and uncrossing her legs before patting the rock she was on.

Mal heard the rumble of ice shifting in the faraway distance. "Then I hope we are off it before it dies completely." He replied before going silent again. He smiled when the ambassador turned and smiled at him and asked him to sit. "Thank you, Ambassador." He answered as he moved to sit next to her.

“None of this should be, least it never has been before… and the stars, they move every night.” She continued, reaching her hands up at the sky and moving them as if moving the sky itself.

“Her orbit puts her in a lot of pain.” She said quietly, placing her hands back into her lap.

Mal absorbed what the ambassador was saying and after several seconds of silence, he spoke, his voice also quiet. "I envy you Ambassador to be able to sense and feel the world around you. While it can be painful at times It must also be equally wonderous to be able to feel life and to truly appreciate a sunrise." He finished bowing his head respectfully.

“I can sense and feel the energy around, to an extent… everything else comes from countless lifetimes worth of rigorous study of the sciences!” She exclaimed while clicking her hands together excitedly. “If I had to guess, a rogue element came through this star system. possibly a small black hole… If we ever get back to the Elysium I should love to scan for gravitational aftershocks… ripples left behind.”

"I am convinced we will get back to the Elysium Madam Ambassador and once back you can scan for gravitational aftershocks. I would be most interested in what you find." Malakai answered smiling at the ambassador's excitement. "Perhaps, you could even author a paper on what you find. He suggested. "I am sure it would be most informative." He concluded.

“Perhaps… perhaps not, I'm not overly fond of attention… when I don't want it that is.”

She mused for a moment, listening to the distant sounds around them before turning somewhat to glance at Mal, a single eye trained on him.

“So, this serious matter of yours… is it going to bore me? i could push you off this cliff, they'd never find you.” She teased ominously, patting his closest knee with her sizeable Sequus hand.

"Probably." Mal answered honestly. "As for pushing me off this cliff. I agree you could but I wouldn't go easily and you might get punched or scratched which could be hard to explain but even more than that, it is the endless reports you'd have to fill out as well as the questions you'd have to answer." Mal replied, his tone light and easy. "I am not worth all that work Ambassador."

“No, not at all… not now that i told you anyway…” Anne countered, amused by the whole thing. She already knew what he had come to say, this was simply her way of figuring people out.

“But come on then, say what you have come to say.” She added, an insisting but pleasant tone leaving her lips, though she wasn't at all interested. Which if wasn’t obviously apparent before for Mal, would be soon.

High Priestess An’Dalus had not even finished her sentence before idling herself with rearranging the mass of jewellery that hung around her neck and down between her breasts, a clear hint that this mundane task was trumping whatever Malakai had come to discuss, no matter how important he proclaimed it to be.

Mal wasn't stupid or blind. He could see the Ambassador's disinterest and hear it in her voice. She was being polite and pleasant even, but she wanted to be done with him. He watched silently as she played with her necklace. After several seconds of her toying with her jewellery, he spoke. Ambassador, I've given you respect, listen to you. Paid attention to what you've said. I deserve the same respect. So when you can do the same to me, we'll continue." His voice was soft, pleasant but firm.

With that, she stood, the rock they sat on shifting somewhat by the sudden departure of weight. “Well come on then, spit it out.” She replied, though her tone was not harsh nor demanding, more a sign of begrudging acceptance. “You look cold anyway, and I have nothing to wrap you in…” She exclaimed, waving her hands over her naked form before resting them on her large hips.

Mal ignored her statement about him appearing to be cold and got right to the topic at hand. "Ambassador, I need you to listen and to accept what I am about to say." Mal prefaced and then began. "It is imperative that you recognize that in a crisis, either Captain Richardson, or any of his people has operational authority over your wellbeing."

“And as I have told your department before, on many occasions… I respectfully, disagree with that statement.” Anne replied. Her pleasant and excited demeanour from before was seemingly replaced by an entirely different person.

“So listen here, little stal. And listen well.” She said taking a step forward to loom over Mal as he sat there. “You have as much authority over me as I damn well choose to give you.”

her last few words seemed to make the entire world rumble, even the light snowfall hung around them, daring not to land near or on her.

Mal stood. He kept his temper in check. He wasn't cowed by her height advantage. "Ambassador, I was informed by Captain Richardson before coming out to see you of your 'reluctance' to this idea. I came out to change your mind but upon listening to you, I'm not. You are an intelligent individual and I respect that and your position. However, that being said. It is fine for you to disagree. I disagree with procedures as well at times but while I may disagree as an individual it makes sense for the group as a whole. So, feel free to disagree but it is for everyone's best that you accept it and know no one is trying to take away your independence."

Anne tutted loudly at this, clicking around in a narrow circle of discontent before stopping and pointing at Mal.

"It has nothing to do with my independence..." She snorted, going back to pacing around. "The issue comes quite simply from the fact you are male, if you had done your homework on my people you would know this... but clearly you have not." a scowl formed on her long face as she spoke, her words filled with a disappointed tone... as one might have from trying to teach a child repeatedly.

"So I will make it very simple for you," Anne said, stopping to slow face Mal. "I cannot and will not do anything any of you Stals tell me to do, not unless a Mare has first told me to listen to you."

She let her words hang for a moment, waiting until Mal was just about to open his mouth before interrupting.

"So don't waste any more of my time please, I don't like having to repeat myself."

With that she sighed and began to walk off, clearly vexed by the whole ordeal.

Mal walked after her, catching up, standing, blocking her way. "Ambassador. I don't like repeating myself either. I do humbly and sincerely apologize. I admit. I did not do sufficient research on your species. You are a matriarchy. I should have realized that. I hope you can forgive my ignorance and stupidity." With that he knelt in front of her, his head bowed.

Anne's head reclined on her long neck as she watch him bow, these hoofless males really did not take a hint she thought to herself.

"Oh get up you silly boy!" She snorted, clamping her hoofed digits around his upper arm and heaving him up onto his feet with very little effort. "Your words mean nothing," She continued, still firmly holding onto him. "Your actions however do so fix your department's mistake."

Every word towards the end rumbled out of her long throat, it was not a threat nor a command, but each word carried an immense weight behind them.

And with that, she let go. cupping her hands together at her waist with a smile "...And everything will be fine." She hummed, her tone returning back to the pleasant silk from before.

Mal nodded, he heard the words and what the ambassador was asking for. To have a female leader come and speak to her, to tell her to listen to him or Matt. He'd get Phee down here to talk to the ambassador. "It will be done, Ambassador. The mistake will be corrected. I will get to work immediately on this. Thank you for your time and conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation, found it most informative and look forward to continuing it at a later date and time with your permission of course."

"I look forward to it as well," She said with a gentle nod of her head, leaving a long pause before speaking again. "Now... escort me back to camp please."

It was obvious she did not need him, nor her Sovereign for such trivial things... but what was obvious was it's symbolic intent, an olive branch that showed she trusted they would do the right thing now.

Mal smiled, it was full and brilliant. "It would be my honor Ambassador." He replied honestly. Now he needed to talk to Phee and get her to talk to the Ambassador.



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