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One step at a Time

Posted on Tue May 23rd, 2023 @ 5:13am by Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant Commander Malakai Starr [Taylor]

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Med Tent/Kara and Malakai's tent
Timeline: Current
1015 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Come on Kara sweetie! You can do this!" Malakai encouraged his wife as he stood a few feet away from her. They were doing physical therapy to get Kara up and walking. It was a slow go in getting her injured legs use to bearing weight. But he was patient and Kara bless her heart was determined.

He held his arms outstretched to Kara, ready to assist her in case she fell. Otherwise, she was on her own. "Alright Kara, just like we talked about it. Nice and slow. Take baby steps sweetheart. You can do this. If you get tired just stop." Malakai didn't want Kara to get tired or worse discouraged.

“I’m...trying.” Kara nodded as she kept her head up looking at Malakai as she held onto the support bars as she walked. Her hair was sticking to her forehead with perspiration at the effort, being so far in her pregnancy the extra weight of carrying their baby made the effort all the harder.

"I know you are darling. I know. There isn't any hurry, Kara. We have all the time in the world. You take your time and just go slow." Malakai spoke encouragingly to Kara. "You can do this Kara. Just one step in front of the other, nice and slow. Baby steps." He repeated, gently urging her on.

Kara managed a couple more steps before her legs finally started to give way. Not wanting to fall and hurt herself, or her baby she clung onto the supporting frame she was practicing on. “I can’t do anymore.”

Malakai was at her side in an instant. He took her in his arms and helped her back to her wheelchair. "You did fantastic Kara! Look how far you came this time." he pointed to the bar. "A couple of more steps and you will clear it." He kissed her gently. "I am so proud of you Kara. You are so strong."

Kara couldn’t help but smile as she rubbed her face down with the towel she left hanging on her wheelchair. “It’s all Thanks to you Imzadi, without your encouragement I would have given up half way!”

Malakai kissed her again, "Aw, you are just being kind Kara, this is all you. Your determination, your strength. I bet next time you clear the bar easily. You know what else? Your steadier on your feet as well. You stand upright, no weaving or wobbles."

Kara smiled, Malakai was her strength without his unwavering support she wouldn’t have been so far in her recovery already. “So does this mean I get a treat?” She smiled a wry smile.

He gave her a boyish grin, "You know, I had a feeling you were going to say that so....." He dug into his pockets. "I am prepared." He said opening his hands and showing Kara a candy bar in one and a bag of pretzels in the other. " have another reward but it will have to wait until the baby is born. A very personal reward." He grinned mischievously.

“Ohhh I see!” Kara grinned her eyes twinkling with the thought of mischief. “As for those...” she picked up the candy bar and opened it taking a bite. “Hmmm wonderful.”

"I'm sure you do Kara." Malakai bantered back . "I know how quick you are. I can't get anything past you." He grinned at her as Kara bit into the candy bar. "I'm glad you like it Kara. Wait to see what you get when you clear the bar. That's in addition to your personal reward.''

Kara grinned. “I can’t wait to find out!” She stifled a yawn, all the exercise has been pretty tiring.

"Good things, no wait. Exceptionally good things come to those who wait." Malakai replied with a smile and a wink. "Just be patient sweetie and keep on making the wonderful progress you are and you'll have your surprise in no time." He promised.

Kara nodded. “I’ll hold you to that you know” she finished off her candy bar, then set about opening the bag of pretzels Mal had given her. “I promised Ezri that she could play with some of the children today, she was invited to go to play with a friend, would you take her there for me please?”

Malakai watched with a smile as Kara opened her bag or pretzels. Then ask him to take their daughter to go play with some other children. "Welllll....." He dragged out, "I guess so Kara but only because you said please." He teased her. "When does she need to be there?"

“I said I’d see to it once my physio was over, so anytime I guess. I’m not sure how long for though, so you’ll need to check.” Kara smiled. “I like doing the parenting thing with you, I wish I’d done it a long time ago instead of sending Ezri to live with your sister.”

"Okay. I'll check when I take Ezri. Um, where am I taking her?" He smiled at Kara, "I like it too Kara." He shook his head, "Kara don't feel like that. You did what was best for you and Ezri at the time. No looking back. Just like now, her being here and us being a family is the best thing." Malakai replied with a grin.

“It truly is” Kara nodded. “I think the plan was the kids would be gathering at the daycare tent, it’s only for around two to three hours, Ezri will enjoy it.”

"Daycare tent. Okay, got it. Yes, Ezri will enjoy it. It is good for her to be out playing with other children and two or three hours will give us some much needed alone time."

Kara smiled and nodded. “I’m looking forward to it already!”

Malakai beamed at Kara. She was the best thing to ever happen him. He would be lost without her. She made him a better person. "Now, that is music to my ears Kara and for the record, so am I."



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