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New Mother Support Group

Posted on Wed Jul 26th, 2023 @ 12:46pm by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Baeryn Whavi-Tonelly

Mission: Season 6: Episode 2: Survival
Location: Naxea's Tent
Timeline: A day before leaving the planet.
1492 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Lieutenant Whavi's new bundle of joy was wrapped not once, but twice in a blanket as she made her way to the Colonel's tent. She rarely popped in on anyone unannounced and knew doing it to a new mother was not acceptable, but the tent she shared with David was getting stuffy. Ana was restless and clearly in need of a change of scenery. The child was unlike any infant Baeryn had every heard off, constantly bustling with energy and wide blue eyes.

Baeryn stood outside, shielding Ana from the cold wind as she called inside softly as to not wake Naxea's own child. "Knock, Knock."

"Come in," Naxea called from her position on her bed where she sat, reading a novel that was stored on a PaDD as she looked up from the PaDD to the door.

Entering the tent Baeryn saw Naxea seated on the bed, "Hope we're not interrupting?"

"No, not at all," Naxea said, getting up off the bed, smiling. "Have a seat," she gestured to the bed. "How is your little one doing?" Naxea heard a slight noise and looked to the corner where Sle'anna was sleeping in her bedding as the infant shifted her position, remaining asleep.

Baeryn made her way to the bed, removing one of the blankets from Ana to reveal the infants wide eyes. "Awake and observant as always. I felt like she was getting bored in our tent so I thought an outing would be fun. I mean I'm guessing anyway. Most people tell you the baby shouldn't be exposed to too much so early but she seems so restless." She turned to see Sle'anna shift in her sleep and smiled at how peaceful she looked.

"Well she's the exact opposite of what I've heard humans call sleeping beauty over there," she jutted a thumb at Sle'anna. "Doctor Sthilg and S'hib seem to think it's the cold causing her to sleep so much. If that's the case, I dread to think of how crazy she's going to be when we get back home to warmer climates." With Naxea talking, Sle'anna shifted again, and her large dark eyes blinked open, landing on her mother and then to the newcomers in the tent, letting out a long drawn-out yawn.

“These two couldn’t be more different. I'm lucky if Ana sleeps for more than an hour at a time. She also insists on being held.” Baeryn waved hello to Sle’anna then adjusted the position she was holding her daughter so she could see her. She doubted Ana could focus on an object so far away but knew the baby would appreciate a new view. “I know most probably say how much she looks like S’hib, but I can see her resemblance to you even at such an early age.”

Ana's blue eyes stared intently in the direction of Sle'anna. She wiggled in the bundle of blanket she was still wrapped in.

"Thank you," Naxea smiled as she moved to Sle'anna and picked her up in her arms. Sle'anna began to whimper and cry. "That would be her 'Feed Me' cry," Naxea chuckled as she went to the small portable formula replicator and pressed the button that materialized the warm, specialized formula and held it to Sle'anna who eagerly began to feed from the bottle, settling down as she gulped down the formula. "She also eats alot," Naxea joked. "Have you been getting enough sleep with Ana?" she asked.

"Absolutely not." Baeryn huffed a chuckle. " Though it helps to have David. We try to alter nights as much as we can. He can surprisingly function on less sleep then I." She watched in silence for a bit as Naxea fed the infant. "At this point if Ana slept through the night I might be even more concerned then I am now." She glanced down to catch her daughter looking straight up at her. She smiled and pressed a kiss to Ana's cheek.

"Has it been difficult to juggle work along with caring for Sle'anna?" Baeryn asked.

"It actually hasn't been too bad. "Shib and Gunnery Sergeant Gami have been life savers in that department. S'hib's been a great father, which is a bit of a surprise since Sequus fathers don't deal with the raising of the child as much as other species. And I honestly never thought I'd see Gunnery Sergeant Gami taking care of a baby. What about you? Have you gone back to your duties yet?"

"I've received reports from my team up top but other then the recent inspection I haven't done much. Luckily Lalor has gone easy on me. I haven't left Ana with anyone other than David. I'm sure I'll be the one to bustle around Operations with her on my hip. " Baeryn laughed at the joke but felt it could very well be a possibility. "It's not that I don't have faith in anyone ability to watch her, the parting is just not easy to think about."

"Oh, I certainly agree," Naxea said, smiling, as she sat down near Baeryn on the bed, hefting Sle'anna in her arms as the infant continued to feed. "It is hard being away when S'hib has her. Gami only watches her at the Marine Command Tent when I'm on duty. I think she's too afraid to watch Sle'anna on her own," she chuckled. "If there is anything you or David need, don't hesitate to ask me...or if he gives you any trouble," she winked with a smile.

The belly laugh that escaped Baeryn startled Ana. The infant wasn't used to loud unexpected noises, especially from her mother. Her face puckered and then she began to cry.

Baeryn, still laughing started to rock Ana. "Im sorry baby, Mommy couldn't help it. It's okay, your okay." After the infant settled down Baeryn responded to the Colonel. "As he's the perfect marine, he's also the perfect father and partner. But don't worry, if that were to ever change, you'll be my first call." Baeryn paused a moment as Ana sniffled. "It's nice not being the only one, having a new born, being in a leadership position and stuck on this frozen rock. I know others are understanding, but its nice to have someone who can relate to my situation. I know it wasn't planned but thank you."

"Anytime," Naxea replied as Sle'anna finished feeding. She placed her on her shoulder, patting her back to burp her. "Feel free to use the replicator if Ana is hungry or if you want, set her in Sle'anna's bedding if you want to take a break from holding her," she offered as Sle'anna let out a belch. "Excuse you, little one," Naxea chuckled.

"The lungs on her are strong!" Baeryn stood patting Ana's bum lightly as she made her way the Sle'anna's bed and gently set the infant down. Ana started to protest until her attention was grabbed by the new environment. The area was still warm and bigger then what Ana was accustomed to. "She shouldn't be hungry just yet, trust me when I tell you her hungry cry is the most recognizable." Baeryn chucked as she turned back to Naxea. "How often does your little one eat? Is it more frequent then three hours?" As she returned to the bed she opened her arms, "May I?"

"Sure," Naxea said as she shifted Sle'anna in her arms before holding her out to Baeryn. "As for your question, if she doesn't sleep, she's eating. She's a lot like her father in that regard," Naxea laughed.

Baeryn slowly and carefully took Sle'anna into her arms. Smiling down at her. She couldn't help but marvel at how different it felt to hold her compared to Ana. "If you ever need help, or someone to watch her David and I would be more than happy to. I know it's far too soon to be thinking about it but future play dates sound surprisingly fun."

Naxea nodded as she watched Baeryn hold Sle'anna. "Thank you, and the same goes for me with Ana. Also, play dates do sound like a good idea. It will be good for her to play with someone her own age." Naxea was glad Sle'anna would have friends to play with. She was determined to make sure Sle'anna had a much better childhood than she had had. "Ana is very beautiful," she remarked as she turned her attention to the content form of Ana in Sle'anna's crib.

"Awe, thank you! Spitting image of David. I had hoped she would inherit a freckle or two, but so far David's genes seemed to have won the battle." Baeryn bopped Sle'annas nose in a playful manner, admiring the infants bajoran ridges. "Sle'anna seems to be the perfect mixture of you and S'hib.

"I'll have to wait for the verdict on that one," Naxea chuckled as the two new mothers admired and bonded over their babies the next few hours.



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