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Old House, New Room

Posted on Sat Jul 22nd, 2023 @ 2:02pm by Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: USS Elysium, Temporary Cavendish/Reece Quarters
Timeline: MD 1 / 0815
1024 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

The mass exodus from the ice planet had begun. The Commodore had issued the order to return to the ship to the entire compliment.

Nicholas and Cassia were on the first wave of shuttle flights back up to the ship. During the flight, they held each other's hand, curious as to what they would find.

After the shuttle landed, they stepped out and gave their names to a young yeoman. They were then told that their former shared quarters was still sealed off, as the repair teams hadn't gotten to that section yet. In the the meantime, they were assigned a small, single occupancy cabin, and were told that, unfortunately, it would have to do for now, as nearly everyone was being shuffled around into new living accommodations. It helped that they were a couple, without any children, so they could be put into a single bedroom cabin, thereby freeing up another cabin for someone else.

As they entered the cabin, they saw that it was indeed small, possibly a senior noncom had once had it. Nicholas looked over at Cassia and grinned. "Looks cozy. I sure hope you don't snore. I need my beauty sleep every night." He chuckled as he finished speaking.

"Hmmph, you should talk," she smirked at him. "The one thing I didn't miss," she teased him and placed her bag beside the wall.

Clutching his chest playfully, Nicholas stumbled back into the single chair that was in the small cabin. "You wound me, my dear woman! How ever will I recover from your assault upon my delicate nature!"

"You'll live," she replied with a smile. "You will just have to..." she licked her lower lip. "Be a man?"

In a flash of movement, Nicholas was back up on his feet and had backed Cassia up to the bulkhead behind her. The silly playfulness gone, replaced with the look of a hungry predator. "Oh, I can definitely be that." He then leaned in and kissed her deeply.

Cassia moaned into his mouth wrapping her arms around his neck. It was like she was dying of thirst as she matched his kiss with her own passion. She knew better however, to let them get carried away. They had work to do as well as unpacking. She gently disengaged from the kiss. "Hmm I am so sure you are a man, Maybe after we unpack and finish our work..."

Nicholas gave Cassia a slightly feral grin, but behaved himself. For now. "Then it's a good thing that we only have a bag each to unpack." He planted his hands on either side of her head, and he leaned in a bit closer. "But later, you are mine!"

She sniffed and said impishly "Maybe, Maybe not. I might have a headache." Her eyes sparkled with mischief.

His feral grin grew hungrier. "You wouldn't dare," he growled playfully and dangerously.

"Wouldn't I?" Cassia asked archly and then she ran a hand down his chest. "We shall see won't we?"

Nicholas flexed absent-mindedly where Cassia ran her hand. "Then, let's unpack and find out?" He gave her a slight growl as he finished speaking. It was a deep one, that vibrated at the very back of his throat and deep in his chest.

Cassia merely brushed her lips across his neck and moved to unpack. She glanced at the bed. "It's not as big as we are used to." She commented. "Guess you will have to allow me to sleep on you."

Smirking slightly, Nicholas replied. "On me, under me, spooned in front of me...I'm good with it all, sweetheart." As he finished speaking, he gave her a flirty wink.

Laughing Cassia began to hang up their clothes. "Oh that I know, believe me I know."

Nicholas grinned, winking at Casdia again. He then started to unpack their things, pausing when he came to a holocube. As he grabbed it, he accidently pressed the on button. "Oh shit..." he said, crestfallen.

Cassia turned and sighed. "We should make sure he and the kids are ok," she said, looking at the holo of Kyle and Vanessa.

Nicholas looked up at Cassia with pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Cass. I know we were just talking about other stuff..." His words drifted off slightly. "Thank you, my love. We all were raised that, when in crisis, the Reece Clan circles the wagons to help."

Cassia nodded. She barely knew Vanessa because the woman had barely made the effort and had not even lifted a finger to help Liam and Samaire after he almost died. She knew Samaire better and liked her a lot. But she loved Nick so she would do whatever she could to support him. "Let's finish unpacking and then we can go."

Nodding, Nicholas gave Cassia a loving smile. They then did what was needed to settle into their new quarters.

When they finished, Nicholas went to the replicator. Though it was on low power, he was still able to replicate two age-appropriate toys for their new niece and nephew. Lifting them up to show Cassia, he said, "I hope they like 'em."

"I am sure they will love them, and when we get home, your parents can spoil them rotten."

Nicholas chuckled at that. "Oh, you can bet on that. Those kids have no idea what's in store for them!" He started towards the door, but looked back at Cassia for a moment. "Just like they will for ours, my love." He reached out and pulled her to him in a loving embrace.

Cassia silently snuggled against him and wrapped her arms around him. She didn't speak or do anything other than just press close to him and cling.

As the pair left their quarters, they held onto one another dearly, as if each was the other's only real anchor of safety in the entire of creation.

While they walked towards their destination, they shared their hopes and dreams for what the future would hold for them. While they had come together, more than once, from different places, they knew now, more than ever, that the only path forward, was together.



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