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Bad Conversation

Posted on Tue Sep 26th, 2023 @ 9:57am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant Serenity Triannth

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: USS Elysium Brig
Timeline: MD4 - 11h00
2752 words - 5.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Phoenix was steaming. But she hid it rather well. She walked briskly into the brig with Gary on her heels. Serenity followed in silence.

"Which Cell?" She asked the officer at the desk

"Number 3, privacy." He replied.

Nodding, Phoenix walked down to Cell 3. She paused outside the forcefield and looked into it. Her gaze, now the icy blue, that always proceeded one of her legendary temper outputs, raked across her chief of security.

She took a breath. "Resignation Refused Mrs Taylor" She held up a hand to stop her from speaking. "I do hope you have had time to get over your temper tantrum, because while you were throwing your pips on the floor, you missed the fact that we were trying to get things sorted. And you also missed the punishment given to Lieutenant Commander S'hib. He has been confined to his quarter for 7 days and then to them when not on duty for a month. he will be removed as Assistant chief of Security for 3 months and has been assigned to mandatory Counselling for 6 months. His communications with you will be monitored for 12 months. And he will be enrolling at the academy."

"Temper tantrum? Is that how your treating it?" Lia looked at Gary then back at Phoenix, "You have a moral problem, and by doing this little act. You've given a scumbag the green light to remove Officers, or possible other actions. At worst they could mutiny, at the very least simply desert when the opportunity arises. You've dead headed your own Security, and left this ship unguarded."

She moved to the back of the cell, "S'hib is one of the best we have, he thinks on his feet. Unlike a certain Captain who tends to act like a bloody Borg Drone, and will comply with any order given." Her eye's never left Gary's face as she spoke, "Just one request Captain, you have a child arriving very soon. I hope you can at least cope while being alone, looking after children can be stressful." Lia now took a breath and glanced at the floor, "And now for the sixty four million Dollar question, What further punishment am I to receive?"

Gary's jaw clenched and his eyes which never moved from Lia's face were ablaze with anger but he held his tongue at Lia's hateful, spiteful and hurtful words. Though his look promised he would have something to say without an audience to hear it.

Phoenix let Aurelia’s words wash over her and held up her hand to stall Gary and Serenity from commenting.

“You know Aurelia, I have often wanted to say things to you. The way you somehow blame everything on other people, this being the prime example. But I keep my mouth shut because I am a nice person.” She stated calmly. “And you are not the only person on this ship with Security experience you know. And if your team is unable to protect the ship in your absence then that does not say much about your training of them doesn’t it.” She calmly crossed her arms. “Your punishment is thus. Demotion in Rank to Lieutenant Commander affective immediately. Briged for 2 weeks. Confined to quarters when not on duty for 6 months after this. Mandatory Counseling for 12 months. Something that probably should have been there for everyone. And then after your two weeks in here, you will report to Commander Kyle Reece who will be taking command of the Security Department, merging with the Tactical Department. For a period of 6 months. This can be extended should you not meet the requirements I am laying out today and reports from counsellors and your new superior officer. And before you blame your husband again, misguidedly, This was fully my decision and he has no say in it.”

Lia now locked her eye's on Phoenix, "Blame? I haven't blamed my husband for anything, I stated he obeys your orders without question. That, Commodore, is not laying blame on him for my situation. As for being nice, once maybe not now." She looked at Gary, "This will affect us as a family, how much will depend on us both. Captain." She now glanced towards Serenity, "You won't always have someone to hide behind, I would be careful on which bridges I burn Lieutenant." Her eye's now returned to Phoenix, "I understand the punishment so delivered, I wish to state I find it overly harsh but I expect no less on this ship." Lia was about to ask to be dismissed when she remembered something, "Oh one more thing Captain, I request someone stand down Chief Dolton. While the investigation was ongoing, I asked her to take charge of the shipboard Security section. She was once an Officer, so I knew she could handle the task. Thank you."

Phoenix is just going to roll her eyes and say "If this was how you feel I have treated you over the years, then I should have said no to your return after the events of the Romulan prison. I have always treated my crew with respect and honour where possible. A pity it was not something that trickled down to you as a member of my senior staff. I will reveiw your attitude and behaviour in 6 months and if there is no improvement S'hib will be chief in your place." Phoenix turned and stalked out.

Serenity sneered at Aurelia "I am a JAG officer and i do my job. Pity you refused to do yours." And so saying she walked out, leaving Gary with his wife.

Gary stood in front of the cell as Phoenix and Serenity left the brig. He waited until they were out of the area before he spoke. He started off soft and low, like a small earthquake. "What in the hell were you thinking Lia? You're the chief of security and you pull a bonehead act like this! You and S'hib got so caught up in finding who attacked Miraj who lost your perspective and became criminals yourselves and we're still no closer to finding out who did it despite your comments to Vex. Now, you want to go and insult Phoenix and myself. You are burning your bridges Lia. and what's this crap about me coping when our daughter arrives. I can assure you, I'll have no difficulty despite your less than positive confidence in my parenting skills." He shook his head slowly, "You, on the other hand have done a masterfully job on royally screwing up and insulting everyone along the way. A class act. Very impressive." He finished sarcastically. He turned to leave, "I'll leave you now, so you can think on what you've done to your career, your friends and me."

"If you don't know me by now Gary, you never will. Did I screw up? I suppose so, but I'm Human I make mistakes." Lia walked forwards to the cell forcefield, "I could have stopped S'hib, but he was so full of hate that I let him get it all out. Now yes that was wrong, but for him it released his grief about his friend." She turned and walked to the bed, "Four years ago I gave you an out, it wasn't the first and wasn't the last. This time its the last, if you think so little of me and our relationship then I won't stop you going."

Gary's eyes blazed with anger. "First, Did, I say I want out! Did I say we are calling quits! No, I did not. Couples can have arguments Lia. Doesn't mean I want a divorce because I don't. But I am mad and disappointed with you. Furthermore, don't put words in my mouth or try to guess what I am thinking and feeling. What you said about letting S'hib release his feelings is a cope out. Didn't do a bit of good or were you asleep earlier when he and I got into it."

"No I was there, and wide awake." She sat on the bed, "Wives often guess what their husbands are thinking, and most of the time they get it right. As for what your feeling, after five years with you I think I'm pretty good at working it out. And I didn't mean to put words into your mouth, but this situation is way out of control. And you seem dead set on being in the opposite side to me, and that Gary hurts."

"Oh Lia. Please. I want whoever attacked Miraj caught and punished but not the way you and S'hib were going about it. Also do you think what you said to me didn't hurt? It hurt a great deal."

"We know who attacked her, what we needed was for the perp to sing. But that's your problem now, just lean on Vex. That slime knows more than he's letting on, so now you know as much as we do.

So now we're one for one, how much more are we going to knock off each other again?" Lia slumped and thought about the next two weeks, "Fucking Romulans part two!!"

Gary shook his head. "We'll question Vex again but I don't think he's the answer, but we'll see. As for fucking Romulans part two. Not quite you aren't naked or bound." He sighed, "You need to apologize to Phoenix. You were out of line with her, way out of line."

Sitting up Lia looked at Gary, "What? Little princess has changed out of all proportion, since she got promoted this ship has become a whole lot more harder to enjoy the deployment. Then she gets us stranded millions of light years from home, Janeway she is not. That Captain soon learned to unbend very quickly, and Phoenix only has ONE crew to work with."

Gary's voice was hard, "I think you need to rethink what you said. Phoenix didn't us stranded nor did Miraj. It was the encounter with the filament. I am not going to argue with you on this. Phoenix has the whole crew depending on what she does or doesn't do. You may want to consider that."

"I think you need to remove those rose tinted glasses, this crew isn't depending on Phoenix. They're depending on the senior staff, who do the hard work. There was a time I might of agreed with you, but I've seen a different side emerge just lately. Little things but when you add them up, it shows a marked difference." Lia slumped down again, "I think all is not well in paradise, I'm not sure what's wrong but there's something amiss."

"We're just going to have to disagree on this Lia. The senior staff and Phoenix are not going to let the crew down." Gary replied.

Looking at Gary, Lia just nodded. "Haven't you noticed that since she bugged out on that solo mission against the Watch, her whole demeanor had changed. It's not the same Phoenix, something happened that we don't know about."

Gary looked at Lia....HARD. "To be honest Lia, no I haven't. She acts like she always has around me. Perhaps you've changed." He suggested.

"Why do you do that?" Lia shook her head, "Why is it always me that's changed or not changed? Why is it always me that's in the wrong?" She stood up and approached the cell opening, "One day Gary, that constant blame game is going to have consequences. One day the person you keep blaming is going to get fed up being blamed, and they are going to turn away from you for good." She stopped and hung her head, "Phoenix is so perfect in your eye's, she can do no wrong. She can walk on water and heal the sick, if she was so perfect. Why didn't you marry her instead of me?"

Gary stared at her for several seconds before he laughed . "Oh! That is rich Lia. Do you actually hear yourself and do you actually believe what you say? You have a terrible habit Lia of automatically assuming that anyone who doesn't agree with you is against you and that's usually aimed at me and I resent it. I support you time and time again and you fail to see or recognize it. As for Phoenix, I do hold her in great respect. I think she is a heck of a commanding officer and furthermore I consider her a good friend. She isn't perfect, she makes mistakes. We all do. I seem to remember a saying, Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. You should remember that. I didn't marry her because, she loves Mattias and I love you. I still do despite your bullheadedness. You should remember that as well. As you are the one that constantly makes little digs about me. But, that's okay your Aurelia, you can say whatever you want or so you think." He finished.

"Do you love me? Because right now it doesn't sound like it, in fact your body language and statements say the exact opposite." She looked at Gary and slowly shook her head, "No wait don't answer, let me guess what you're going to say." She turned and began to speak, " Your wrong Lia, I love you deeply. Only you don't see it, your blind to other peoples feelings because your so wrapped up in yourself." She turned to face Gary, "I'm right, aren't I? When I called you a Borg drone I was half right, you're more Android. Because you can switch your emotions on and off, lucky you." Lia took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I once told you I trusted you, it took me a long time thinking and fighting with myself to say it. I still trust you, but its slipping away, I still love you but that too is starting to hurt to much for me to bare. Perhaps we'd better leave things alone for the next two weeks, see how we both feel once this has settled down." Heading back to the bunk she sat down, "With your permission Captain, I'd like to be alone now. I need to think about my future, my career and my marriage. I think both are under threat, one I can work out, the other needs input from my partner who is in no state or hurry to understand me or my problem right now."

"So, now you're a psychologist? You know what's in my heart and mind? Because all I get is, no one understands Lia, If you don't agree with her, you are wrong. If you don't react instantly, you are wrong. Everyone else is wrong but you and to make it worse, you are so damn cocksure of yourself. You leave no room for the possibility you could be wrong. However, I think you are right. Give us both time to think." Gary answered and turned away, so Lia wouldn't see the tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"YES!!, yes I know what's in your heart! I know because I love you, just like you know what's in my heart. Or at least you should, am I wrong on that point also?" Lia's eye's now edged red as she bite back her tears, "And no, I'm not a psychologist. Just your wife, girlfriend and lover for the past five years. That tends to give people a little time to understand their partners, but I guess I'm wrong on that as well." Her voice dropped to almost silent, "This is killing me right now, I've screwed up and the one person I thought I could talk to Hates me. Why don't you just leave, I get the feeling you don't want to be around me anymore."

Now Gary snapped. "God damnit Lia! Stop it! I'm tired of your second guessing yourself which has gotten really old fast. All these little putdowns have gotten tiresome. I don't hate you. I could never hate but I am angry at you. Very angry. I'll leave you to your self pity."

As Gary left, Lia looked at the floor. *Guess the honeymoons over* she thought. Glancing around the cell, she noted one or two things which needed changing. But what the hell, it wasn't her job anymore.

Gary left the brig, Is anger boiling at Lia's attitude. He hoped she thought on what got her sent to the brig as well as their marriage which seemed to be floundering.

OOC I shall post this when it is time.


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