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Where do we go from here?

Posted on Mon Oct 2nd, 2023 @ 7:19am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Captain Gary Taylor & Chief Warrant Officer Carol Dolton

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: Brig
Timeline: MD
3137 words - 6.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia lay on her bunk looking at the ceiling, Carol entered and tapped the wall. "Lia, you have a visitor. Its your husband, do you wish to see him?" Sitting up Lia looked at Carol, "Yeah of course, how long have I got?" Carol winked, "Just let me know when your done, its a quiet day." Taylor smiled, "Thanks Chief." Carol turned and went to get Captain Taylor, "This way sir, please note that I will be present during your visit. That is so at no time can you release the prisoner, do you understand and agree?"

Gary followed Carol silently as she led him to Lia's cell and then stopping just short of it. "I know the rules Chief. However, to cover your butt. I understand and agree."

Carol stopped short and turned to face the Captain, "Due respect sir, its for your safety as well as the prisoners. My butt is already covered, please leave your communicator here as its a forbidden article within the cell area. Something both you and the Commodore disregarded on your last visit, it has been noted in the daily log for that day sir."

"Excuse me Chief. Neither the Commodore or I were in the cell with Lia and Lia herself had not yet been incarcerated." Gary answered even as he placed his communicator on the tabletop.

Carol pointed to a spot on the floor, "Please go no more forward of that area, or restraining action will be taken against you sir. Please enjoy your visit with your wife." Turning, Carol now walked to a small desk where she controlled the force field and her phaser was located.

Gary remained silent as Carol gave him instructions on seeing Lia. Once she was gone, he turned to face Lia. "Hi." He said awkwardly.

Standing up, Lia responded. "Hi, how are you?" She glanced at Carol and got the thumbs up, that meant she could sit down if she wished. "Has little Lia arrived yet?" Moving a small chair, she sat down to talk to Gary.

"Okay." Gary replied simply then shook his head. "No, not yet. She had a reaction to a shot, nothing serios but medical wanted to monitor it."

"I hope she isn't lonely, you could go visit and let her know we're thinking about her." Lia's eye's now looked at the floor, "I'll be home in a few day's, I think we'd better talk about our future at some point. This little escapade has forced us to look at each other differently, that may take a long time to get over." She so wanted to walk forward and hug Gary, but the force field crackled to make her know that it wasn't possible.

"She isn't lonely. I've been to see her and spend time with her to bone up my parenting skills." He sighed, "Look Lia, I want to put this behind us and move forward. I will never bring this up again. When you are released, it is over and done with. I don't think less of you or look at you differently. You made a mistake, simple as that." He finished and looked at her, his eyes displayed his love for her as well as just wanting to take her in his arms and hold her.

Nodding, Lia look briefly at Gary. "I'm glad you've been to see her, if you go before I get out. Tell her I'm thinking of her, I'll try and get to see her as soon as I can." Her demeanour change, "It's a mistake I can't forget, I let S'hib down as his superior. I let you down, as my husband. But most of all I let myself down, and I can't resolve that right now. But I still want you, if you still want me that is?"

Gary nodded, "I'll tell her. I promise." he paused as he just looked at her. "Lia, we both said things we regret. I know I do. As for letting S'hib down, no. he's an adult and he's responsible for his own actions. You didn't let me down. As for you, only you can answer that." He paused for a heartbeat maybe two before he replied. " do you even have to ask that? I have never not wanted you, Lia. I want you today, tomorrow, ten years from now. This was a bump in our marriage, but we will get through it."

She slowly raised her head, "A bump which led here, a bump which has split us for 14 days. Words hurt, actions hurt. We've never stopped knocking bits off of each other since we met." Lia shook her head, "But still we won't back off from each other, still we keep going. Why?" Her whole body wanted to simply reach out and hug Gary, and bury herself in his arms. But she also knew she couldn't do it, and that single fact now hit home hard.

"Lia, this knocking bits off each other as you put it, is a result of us being honest with each other. Something neither one of is going to stop being. Not going to back away from you. You ask why, it's because I love you and you love me, and we make it work." He sighed, "And all I want to do right now is wrap my arms around you and hold you and hold you and hold you some more." He finished.

Before Lia could answer, Carol stepped forward. "Excuse me sir, I need to talk to the prisoner."

Gary bristled at Carol's term prisoner when referring to Lia. He knew she was correct, but he still didn't like it. "Go ahead Chief. Talk away."

"Lia, I need you to promise on your oath as an Officer not to escape or attempt to escape. I have a problem in another cell, to solve it without stopping your visit I need that promise." Lia nodded, "Sure chief, word of honour." Carol now turned to Gary, but Lia stopped her cold. "And Captain Taylor will remain exactly where he is, also on my word of honour." Carol stopped and looked first to Gary then at Lia, "Lucky I trust you Lia, ok girl he's all yours." She turned to Gary, "Anyone else sir, and I'd have them removed. But I trust the Commander, her word is gold in my book."

"You aren't telling me anything I don't know Chief. You have excellent taste, and you are correct. Not only is her word gold. She's gold thru and thru." Gary answered his eyes never leaving Lia.

As Carol left to sort out her problem, Lia looked at Gary. "Seems that's one thing I got right, she was a pilot and an Engineer. But that temper of hers got her in trouble. I sat her down and had a talk, she came over to my department and been ok for now. Not sure she's going to be ok with her new boss though. So do we run, stay or just talk?" A grin briefly appearing on Lia's face.

Gary watched Carol leave to take care of whatever the other problem was. Once she was out of sight, he turned back to Lia. "Hmmm. If she gives Kyle attitude, she is going to have a problem." He stated decisively. As for us, we stay and talk. You gave her your word after all." He finished with a smile.

"Then it looks like Kyle and myself maybe facing off, I'll not have Carol bullied out of the department." Lia made a face as she spoke, already thinking about what might happen. "Gary how has my visit to the brig, impacted on you?"

"Whoa Lia. Kyle isn't going to bully Carol. However, neither is he going to put up with any attitude on her part. Why don't you just wait and see how everything goes before getting yourself all worked up." Gary answered. "As for how you being here has impacted me. I hate it, Lia. I don't like us being apart. You are my wife; we're supposed to be together."

Lia looked at the floor, "Kyle won't understand Carol, you don't and your the XO. She's been knocked about and moved on a whim, I won't stand for it." She then looked straight at Gary, "Being together has been on my mind as well, but our leader deemed this as fitting punishment. I still think she's changed, but all I want right now is out."

Carol now returned, "If you two love birds are almost done, the evening meal is about to be served. Your welcome to stay Captain Taylor, but the food may not be up to your standards." She smiled as she spoke, ensuring both Gary and Lia knew she wasn't being nasty or bullish. "Sir, if you wish to return after the meal, I finish this shift at 22:00 hours. After that I hand over and the new shift won't be so lenient."

"Please stop telling me what you think I know. I may know Carol better than you think." Gary answered. "I want you out as well." He finished just as Carol returned. "I'll stay Chief, give Lia some company."

Carol nodded, "She could use it sir, the Commander isn't a jail bird." Lia watched Gary and Carol interact, "Not a jail bird? Well that's nice to know. Can I go home now?" Carol flashed Lia a grin, "You have another 48 hours to go, sorry but no night out for you tonight." Turning to her husband, Lia smiled, "You heard her Captain, not a jail bird. That means I can go home, right?" A wide grin appeared on Lia's face as she spoke, it almost felt normal again.

"I agree. Lia isn't a jail bird." Gary answered sincerely. Facing Lia, he nodded, "I did hear her Lia. The Chief said you had 48 more hours to go before you can come home. Other than waiting, everything else is right. You can indeed come home. It's been lonely without you there. The Tea House just isn't the same without you there."

With both Carol and Gary resolved to hold her for another 48 hours, Lia sat on her bunk. "This is mutiny you know, mutiny." Then she started to giggle, "I haven't felt like this for weeks, what on earth has happened to me?"

A smile slowly made its way onto Gary's face as Lia giggled. "I hope that means you feel better Lia and that you are getting rid of the stress that been building inside you for a while." He remarked.

Carol stood looking at Lia, "Have I missed something? Sir can you inform me as to what is happening?" Lia answered, "Don't panic Chief, I haven't got batty. I think my husband simply let his emotions out, and I kinda of agree with him."

Gary looked at Carol and back to Lia. His smile never leaving his face. "I believe Chief that Lia, is allowing herself to relax and rid herself of stress. Though I could be wrong, and she's just lost it." The last said with an even bigger smile on his face.

Carol shook her head, "I haven't a clue what happened, but I'm glad you two have resolved the problems from two weeks ago. Now I've solved my other problem, so you can continue you visit. Just remember that the meal will soon be served."

Standing up Lia moved forward, "I have to thank you Chief, you've made this past two weeks easier than they could have been." She looked at Gary, "I'll see you in 48 hours, and let's hope things can get back to normal quickly."

"Appreciate it Chief, thank you for helping Lia these last two weeks." Gary added sincerely before looking back at Lia. "You'll continue to see me now and then in another 48 hours when you arrive home. I am confident that things will return to normal once you are home Lia."

Carol just smiled, "Captain, your wife showed me respect. She listened to me, and she understood my situation. Nobody else in this bloody universe ever did that for me, that's why I've done what I've done over the past two weeks. I owe that woman, and I'll stand by her 100%."

Having listened to Carol, Lia looked at Gary. "So tell me Captain, what does one do in a situation such as this? Chief you have a new C.O. But I'll do what I can for you, when ever I can." She turned and spread her arms, "I think I'll program a Japanese Onsen when I get out, and sit in it and soak for a week."

"Lia is a good listener Chief. I like to think I am as well. As for showing you respect, every enlisted crewmember and officer deserve respect. Furthermore, I am glad Lia has a friend like you she can count on. You have my thanks as well for helping her." Gary answered before turning back to Lia. "Once you are released, I plan on preparing you a meal fit for a queen. You can then soak for a week if you like, or you can come with me to bring little Lia home."

Lia spun round, "What did you say? Go collect little Lia? Are you kidding me? The Onsen can wait, I have a far more important appointment first. Chief, you any good ay baby sitting?" A wide grin appeared on Lia's face, as she looked at Carol."

"Sir, is she kidding?" Dolton had turned to Gary, she expected some support from the Captain. These two were nuts she decided, but happy nuts she just might be able to call friends.

Gary smiled at her, "Been waiting for you to be released so we can go get her together. That's what husbands and wives do. They do things together." He looked at carol, "She isn't kidding Chief. Lia is quite serious, and I think it is a fair question to ask. "Are you any good at baby-sitting?"

Looking nonplussed, Carol just shook her head. "I haven't looked after a kid for over twenty years, I'm very rusty. But Commander, babysitting isn't part of my duties." Lia now glanced at Gary, "Carol, it wouldn't be part of your duties. You'd be helping out friends, that's if you like the three of us to be friends?" Dolton now looked even more nonplussed, she now turned to Gary. "Captain, am I missing something here? People like you two, don't have friends like me."

Gary glanced at Lia and then back to Carol. "Then Chief you know the wrong people. Lia is being sincere in what she says about us being friends. I agree with her. I would like us to be friends as well. However, if your embarrassed by being seen with us. We understand." The last said tongue in cheek and with a grin on his face.

"Now just hang on you two, you both know my reputation on this bloody rust bucket. And yet here you are asking me to be a friend, why?" Carol seemed unable to grasp what was being said to her. Lia now looked at Gary, "Are you gonna tell her or shall I?"

"Oh, I think you should. You've known her longer." Gary answered his smile growing.

Lia took a step back and looked at Carol, "We're asking you to become friends because we like you and want you to feel like you have someone in this universe who cares, plus looking after little Lia will help you and her to settle down. I know there's a difference in rank, but off duty I can't see that being a problem." She now motioned to Gary, "The Captain here may seem indifferent, but he's not. If you have a problem on duty or off, talk to him or me. We'll listen and you just might stay out of trouble, now what do ya say?"

Carol glanced at the floor, "But your both senior Officers, I find it hard to except this kind of thing. We didn't do this in my universe, we stayed apart from lower ranks." She raised her eye's and looked at Gary.

"Look Carol." Gary said using her first name. "Not trying to be cruel or indifferent but this isn't your universe. Lia and I don't operate that way. Besides, you used to be an officer and with a little luck, you will be one again. Now quit being a hardhead."

Gary's response made Carol stop and think, "Hardhead? I'll have you know, when I was an XO something like putting your Security Officer in the brig. Wouldn't have happened, we would have reduced her rank and taken away her seniority for two years." She now remembered Gary was a Captain and took a deep breath, "Sorry sir, I spoke out of turn, but I now understand where you're both coming from." Carol turned to Lia, "If that offer is still open, then you've just gained a new friend. But you still have 48 hours to serve Commander." A wide grin on her face showed Carol was joking for once.

"Right now we got that sorted out, Gary my love. You need to bugger off, as after my evening meal I'm requesting a shower. And I don't think the Chief will let you scrub my back, will you?" Lia gave Carol her best puppy eye's, with no success.

Carol shook her head, "Now you're pushing your luck my girl, even the Captain did a double take." Dolton turned to Gary, "Thank you sir, and I'll keep you informed as to when your wife will be released."

If Gary took offense at Carol's statement and seeming to find fault in his actions he gave no notice. "No harm Chief. You can always speak your mind to Lia or myself."

Gary smiled at Lia, it was a genuine, honest to goodness smile. "Right love. I can always scrub your back when you return home. Get back in practice."

He looked at Carol, "Please do Chief. I wish to walk my wife back to our quarters. For we are united and stand together."

Just then a well known crewman and his trolly arrived, Carol flashed him a dark look. He now responded, "Come on Chief, ease up will ya?" He turned to Lia, "What are you having tonight Commander?" It was then he spotted Gary, "Oh sorry sir never saw you." Lia smiled and pointed, "Katsu Chicken curry, and just a little rice." The crewman smiled, "There you go Commander, enjoy." With that he moved off and was gone, Carol shook her head. "Bloody idiot that one, but he's changed in the two weeks he's known you Lia." Taylor looked up, "Do you think so?" She looked at Gary and blew him a kiss, "See you in 48."



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