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Sense of Purpose

Posted on Mon Oct 9th, 2023 @ 11:37am by Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Rin
Edited on on Tue Oct 17th, 2023 @ 7:41am

Mission: Season 6: Episode 3: Far From Home
Location: XOs office
Timeline: MD4 0800 hours
1524 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Rin took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She didn't have to do that often, especially not for something as simple as a discussion with a senior office, a discussion she was initiating no less. It should be simple. Make the request, lay out the case. The XO would say yes or no. Nothing lost if he didn't approve it. So why was she so flustered?

She actually knew the answer to that, although she couldn't quite put it into words. So she dismissed the internal monologue as she hit the chime on Gary's office door.

Gary sat behind his desk. He was thinking on Lia and what she had done. First in the investigation she and S'hib had been conducting and then arguing with Phoenix about said investigation and if that wasn't enough insulting him. He sighed he wished he knew what was going. He was roused from his musings, pushing them aside for the time being and concentrating on the here and now.
"Enter!" He called out, rising as he did.

The door slid open and Rin stepped in with her usual quick, measured gait, arms folded behind her back. "Good morning, sir."

"Rin. Good morning." Gary greeted. "This an unexpected surprise please come in and a have seat. "Would you care for a glass of water?"

"Yes, thank you, sir," she replied by rote as she took the offered seat across the desk from the XO.

She took advantage of the next several moments to get her thoughts in order as Gary provided the offered glass.

"Sir, I'd like to make a request. In the hours after the accident, I chose to access the computer system directly. So many of the interfaces were damaged and Avalon was having difficulty navigating her own systems. It helped...bridge gaps when time was of the essence."

"Previously, Starfleet has rejected me doing such a thing. But I think I proved that with some safety measures I can safely interface in at least a limited capacity. I'm asking to be able to do that on a more regular basis. Work with Ops to develop an interface."

Gary listened as Rin spoke of having interfaced with Avalon previously. When the Elysium was severely wounded. Her actions bought the crew and the ship time to affect some repairs and get the crew to the ice world. When she finished, he spoke. "I think there is no question you proved what you can do Rin. I have a few questions. The first is would you interfacing with the computer system would it present and danger to you? Next when you say a regular basis, what do you consider regular and finally what kind of safety measures are we speaking of?"

"They were concerned I'd get 'lost in the data,' that I'd find it more appealing than regular interaction between people," she explained. "Looking back, I can see their concern, but me years ago is not me now. There was also the concern of how much information my brain can take, and there's a certain truth to that. There were side effects of what I did. But that's why we put in safety measures: limit what I can access, regulate the flow of data."

"Also, trust I'm not a idiot," she added. "Starships are dangerous, but we trust engineers to know what they're doing. I dived into a digital mess because of extenuating circumstances. Engineers take similar risks. That's their job, in fact. Weigh the risks and the rewards."

"As for how regularly," Rin shrugged. "Does it actually matter, if all of the above are true?"

Gary listened as Rin spoke, when she had finished, he replied. "I for one have always trusted you Rin. I trust you now. You are definitely not an idiot." He smiled across the desk at her. I don't believe you would do anything to intentionally harm yourself or the ship." He paused as weighed his next statement and then after an internal debate spoke. "Actually, Rin it does matter. It matters to me. I don't want you to become addicted to delving into the ship's database. I don't want you to lose your sense of self inside the system and being exposed to almost limitless information. It is or could be overwhelming."

Rin kept her expression neutral. The response was, more or less, what she had previously received and what she expected. It was nice, however, to hear it come from a place of genuine, personal concern. She welcomed the relationship they had, although she was never sure how to express it.

*Maybe just actually say it,* she thought.

Her expression softened. "I appreciate the concern. Truly. I know you're not just checking a box. What can I do to convince you it's safe?"

Gary looked at her, "You are welcome, Rin and no, I'm not just checking the box. As for convincing me. You, as you said are not an idiot and I said I trust you. I'd ask for an example, but I don't that is possible here. So, I'm going to approve this and just give you the standard warning. Don't abuse this Rin. Say, what a second. I just thought of something. Can holodeck show me an example?"

Rin frowned slightly as she thought about the logistics of it. She didn't visualize most of what went on in her head. It just sort of...was. But she figured she could make something that approximated it. After all, it also ran through her head about 1000x faster than she was likely to demonstrate it too.

She also wasn't sure how this would convince Gary. After all, she could just make a simulation that was appealing to him.

Not that she planned on doing such. She just wondered why he put faith in her honesty.

*Because he's not looking at it like an Intel officer,* she concluded. *He's looking at it as a friend. But then how would this help him? It would help him understand. That's all he really wants, right?*

She really needed to stop analysing. There was a reason she liked data more than most people. Numbers didn't have intentions, or feelings or all the subtleties of people. Honestly, it was exhausting some days.

"I can do that. Just give me a little time," she responded.

Gary watched as Rin appeared deep in thought and didn't rush a reply. When she finally did it was in agreement with his request. "I appreciate that Rin and you doing this for me. I know it's just to humor me as I can't see how you process and receive the data flow. I'm just trying to understand what it is you are doing."

She smiled. "You are correct, but it's nice someone wants to understand. I don't get that very often."

Rin paused briefly as she switched from personal matter to professional. "A second matter I wish to discuss: the purpose of Intel at the current time. Many of our normal routines are irrelevant out here: no field agents to keep track of, data drops to access, listening posts to man, transfers to screen, etc. Even with diminished numbers, we have time on our hands, and I'm wondering where we could best assist for the time being."

Gary was quiet as Rin posed her question. after several seconds he replied. "A good question Rin. You could help in tactical. As kyle is now chief of both security and tactical leaving on Malakai as the only experienced tactical officer in the department. Your insight would be most welcomed and appreciated. It would definitely keep you busy." He smiled as he said his next. "I figure you'd rather do that then be swapping out bedpans." He was silent as he thought on something that could help Rin feel she was contributing to helping the ship. He looked across at her, "You may be aware we rescued a small civilian recently. Two occupants a man and his daughter. I'd like you to interview the man. He is familiar with this area of space and how things are done and who to avoid if possible. Get all the information you can."

"Yes, sir," she replied, happy to have something to do other than riding a desk. "Anything I need to know about them?"

Gary nodded."His name is Teevs Dosivi and his daughter's name is Kerilia. It seems she is beginning the transition from girl to woman if you get my meaning and no, I didn't ask him. He volunteered it freely." Gary said, stopping any comments Rin might have. "However," He continued "And more to the point, Teevs claims to be a geologist. So, any information he has on minerals in this sector could be very valuable to us."

Rin nodded. "Yes, sir. If there's nothing else, I shall see to them immediately."

Gary nodded, "No, nothing else Rin just let me know the results of your interview and what you make of Teevs." Gary replied.

With a final nod, Rin exited the office, head full of ideas for a holo simulation while planning out how to talk to this new alien.


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