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Settling In

Posted on Sat Nov 11th, 2023 @ 3:18pm by Ensign Maxine Mckull Ms.

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Max's Quarters
Timeline: Five months ago
628 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Max's quiet footsteps were muffled by the carpet underfoot. The sound of the suitcase wheeling behind her was quiet, much more so than her thoughts.
She was here... she had made it. Somehow, she had gotten lucky and had been snatched out of a dead end situation. Her odds were slim, but they were more promising than they had been.
As Max stopped in front of her quarters she couldn't help but wonder just what would lay in store for her here. Would she really be able to find a treasure world? For all her research, she knew they existed, yet the woman still had no idea how to find one of them... would she get lucky?
She huffed quietly and tapped the door control. They slid open easily and she looked inside. The room seemed empty.
To say she was grateful was an understatement. She wheeled the suitcase inside and set about unpacking. But for some strange reason, the relative silence was starting to get to her. She didn't understand why... normally, silence didn't bother her at all. She was quite used to it. She never shared her space with anyone, it was easier that way.
She paused, looking down at the suitcase.
The computer, always waiting, chimed to life to let Max know it was listening. Max paused then. Though she knew what she wanted, she didn't know what she was looking for.
A moment passed, and the computer chirped at her, confused by having been summoned and then going unaddressed. Max shrugged then offered, "Music. Something gentle."
'She wondered what she'd get as the computer chimed its acknowledgement, then a moment later a low key, quiet rhythm and blues number kicked in. Max listened for a moment, letting her eyes close... yes, this would do fine.
Max really packed light... she wasn't one for decorations. She prefered to stick to the essentials. This was something that applied to her in all aspects of her life... it just seemed to be the easiest thing. Don't get attached to anyone... don't let anything take on too much value.
She wished she had something... someone now. She didn't know why. But as Max continued to unpack, she couldn't help the fear that suddenly came over her. Her translator, her implant. Reactions to it tended to be all over... but one thing was always certain. If her mental barriers fell, she couldn't control it.
Though it let her speak, she couldn't help but feel like the implant made her some sort of freak. Everywhere she went, Max was sure it got noticed. Even if no one commented. How would they react if she lost control? If she were knocked unconscious, or fell asleep? She had avoided roommates throughout her career for just this reason, but there were times when she wished she had one, where she wished she felt comfortable getting closer to people. But her fear ruled over her, prevented her from feeling confident socially.
How could she be, when she could only speak in the most flat tones possible?
As Max continued to unpack, her thoughts continued to swirl. Her hands were far from idle, but her head was running away on itself.
"Computer, stop the music."
The room went quiet, and that seemed to be enough to jerk her out of the thoughts she was having. There was still much for her to do... maybe once she settled in, her thoughts would as well.
Taking a few moments to compose herself, she resolved to go check in with Miraj, the officer who was in charge of her department. That seemed like the next necessary step. There were other things to do, like check in with sickbay for a physical. But one thing at a time.


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