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Reoccurring Nightmares

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 8:31am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Commodore's Cabin
Timeline: MD3-4 Midnight
746 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Thunder crashed. Lighting flashed. Bare feet slapped on the cool flagstones as the figure fled through twisting corridors. The velvet skirts tangled in the figures legs as they rounded a corner and skidded to a stop, a large doorway was a head, its opening gaping like the maw of an evil beast. Heart pounding, a hand pushed long black hair back from a sweaty brow.

Biting back choice swear words, lifting the skirt, the figure stepped tentatively towards the opening. Knowing without a doubt that back the way they came was worse than whatever they would face moving forward.

A sound, of metal grating on stone echoed through the darkened corridors behind them. A choice made, a flurry of velvet skirts and gasping breath, the figure darted through the opening and into a darkness so thick, it was oppressive and made it hard to breath let alone see.



Hunched against the one solid thing they could find, a wall, they stilled in the darkness, pressed a hand to their chest, trying to halt their rapid breathing, caused by their reckless flight through the halls. Listening, ears straining, waiting for death that followed them. Time slowed as they waited in that dark cold room. Waited for the footsteps as they grew closer. And Death came nearer with each step.




'That was the sword' Their brain registered the noise and linked it to the images they had seen.

Death with a sharp, and now bloody sword. Blooded by the life blood of their friends and family. Revenge was a bitter pill to swallow, one their family had learned the hard way.

It was a horrible sight that had met their gaze upon entering the great hall. Blood everywhere, and standing amid the carnage and bodies of their family was a lone man with madness in his gaze. A man who they knew had died years ago.

"When the dead walked, your bloodline will fall."

The words echoed from the dead man's throat. And had set them to flee. Knowing their connection would not save them from the fate of their family.

They knew the old prophecies spoken long ago by a condemned man whose ability to predict events had been legendary. He had cursed their ancestor with ill health and had predicted that one day the dead would rise from the grave and those of their blood would die before the sun set on the 3rd day after they had risen.

A scrape, closer now, made them catch their breath and hold it, pressing back into the darkness, praying the killer would pass along and no go into their hiding place.

"He eh he he he" A dark throaty chuckle reached their ears. And a low almost hissing voice called out "Come out and play, little girl. Make it easy for me. Come out and play."

Yeah that was so not happening. Phoenix was definitely not about to make things easy for this mad man. Why was he here? Why was she here? Shouldn't she be elsewhere? The thoughts puzzled her. And while her mind was considering the puzzling thoughts, a hand landed heavily on her shoulder and flung her from her safe haven and onto the floor.

A scream tore from her throat as she rolled away and tried to orientate herself to face her assailant. "Mik'hai!" She got out between gasps for air. "No!" But her words were too late, the sword descended with swift justice and she knew no more.


"NO!" Phoenix screamed sitting bolt upright in her bed, the sheet pooling around her waist. She glanced at the sleeping form beside her. For once she had not woken Mattias, and he was sleeping calmly... for now. It had been years since this nightmare had reared its head. She had, had numerous torments to choose from but her brain picked this one.

[["Oh for the love of the Triad"]] She groaned in her native tongue. She knew she should not have slept. She was sick of having nightmares and had wondered when it would hit her and she refused to take sleeping tablets. Mik'hai had killed her again. Killed her and ruined her favourite dress in the process. Bloody man. With a disgruntled 'Humph' she slid from the bed and headed for a shower and clothes. She would work. It would take her mind off of things. And she had to get up in an hour or so anyway.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Tue Dec 5th, 2023 @ 7:28am

I enjoy your use of disorientation. "The figure" and the use of sounds and angles. I like how you create an atmosphere of doom and dread. Allowing the reader to fill in the gaps with their own images of that cold, nightmare place. You accomplish a lot and are economic with your wordsmithing. Thank you for the read.