Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

In 226, the USS Archeron was lost. It vanished without a trace. All hands were listed as MIA.
But in 2396, it was found floating in a nebular. All hands were in suspended Animation. The crew was slowly revived and sent to DS34 for healing, counselling and reassignment. Now as the USS Elysium slowly makes it's way back home via another Galaxy, something is stirring.

A young child wakes screaming in her cabin, and throughout the ship nightmares become prevalent.

Mission Group Season 6: Circinus
Start Date Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 4:45am
End Date Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 4:45am

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Love hurts
by Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea
MD 9 20h00 - after: Arrival, back to the Barn Naxeas' and S'hibs temporary quarters.
Casual Conversation - Alessandra
by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea
MD10 15h00 Medical, Private room
by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]
MD11 - Mid Morning Various
News and Awakening
by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Lieutenant Samaire MacBride-Reece [Lalor] & Skylah McBride [Lalor] & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece]
MD11 - 09h00 Medical Bay
The Pods
by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Kara Starr {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant JG T'Kek [Naxea]
MD9 - 19h00 Main Medical
Casual Conversation - Anna
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias
MD10 11h00 Medical, Private room
Senior Staff Briefing - A lot to discuss
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
MD-3 days 8h00 Briefing Room
Commodore's Log
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
MD10 - 21h00 Ready Room
"Anger Management."
by Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Commander Rin
MD13 Rin's Office, Intel Blister
Conversation with Gul Desek
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Rin
Md10 17h00 Medical, Private room
I Promised I Would Return to You
by Kerilia Dosivi & Teevs Dosivi
S6E4 MD9 - After "Arrival, back to the Barn" Elysium
Arrival, back to the Barn- JP
by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Jonathon DeLaney & Josef Forstinger & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece] & Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik}
MD 9 16h00 Main Shuttlebay
The Best Laid Plans
by Consul Andrinn Orin
MD3, 1200hrs Orin's Quarters
Thoughts and Feelings
by Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant N'vok Holv
MD10 Science Office
Casual Conversation - Josef
by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Josef Forstinger & Captain David Tonelly [Reece]
MD10 - 09h00 Medical, Private room
Looking for the past.
by Staff Sergeant Liam "Swede" Reece [Reece] & Ensign Alessandra Sheffield
MD 10 17h00 Medical, Hibernation Room.
Infiltration Specialist: Part 2
by Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Teevs Dosivi
MD9 K'ithai, M Class world, Owned by the Thaih'ae
Crisis at the Edge
by Lieutenant Cassia Cavendish & Lieutenant Sapphire Morgan [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Kyle Reece & Commander Sthilg & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Consul Andrinn Orin & Lieutenant JG Damien Blackford & Lieutenant JG Rowena "Rena" Campbell & Lieutenant JG Maxine Mckull & Lieutenant JG Toshiro Yamaguchi
MD 9 15h30 Bridge and Various
Away Team: Chaos reigns
by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Jonathon DeLaney & Josef Forstinger & Teevs Dosivi & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]
MD9 15h30 Various
So, What have we Got?
by Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Captain Gary Taylor
MD02 1600 Flight Control Department
Pilot's Briefing
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Commander Kyle Reece & Captain George Charles [Reece] & Captain Addison 'Rico' Leyton & 2nd Lieutenant Slarth [Reece]
MD 9 / 0934 hours USS Elysium, Starfighter's Ready Room
"If you are with me"
by Captain Samuel Woolheater & Consul Andrinn Orin
MD09 - That evening after 1800 hours Deck 16, Cabin 14W-O - Andrinn's Quarters
Shuttle Team - Reunification
by Ensign Alessandra Sheffield & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani & Lieutenant JG Jonathon DeLaney & Teevs Dosivi
MD9 12h00 Shuttle, Planetside
Ground Team - Slave Arena
by Avalon [ADMIN NPC] & Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander Rin & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Josef Forstinger & Lieutenant M'Tuuri Sh'iss [S'hib] & Lieutenant Nicholas Reece [Reece]
MD9 12h00 Arena Station
Unexpected visit.
by High Priestess An'Dalus & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson
Late MD 8 Deck 16 - Captain's Quarters

Mission Summary