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Another piece of the puzzle??

Posted on Sun Dec 3rd, 2023 @ 8:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor & Lieutenant JG Nerinath zh'Rhilror [Lalor] & Lieutenant JG Jason Danvers [Taylor] & Chief Warrant Officer Carol Dolton
Edited on on Sun Dec 3rd, 2023 @ 8:48pm

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Security Section/Brig
Timeline: Present
2008 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure


Carol was doing a Lia, she was sat in a cell in the brig and going over some old personal logs. She remembered a meeting she had attended with others from the Flight Control Department, all she had come up with was two names.

Lia entered the cell and stood watching her, "I think your taking this investigation thing a little to far, don't you?"

Dolton looked up and shook her head, "I'm surprised your not picking another of these ruddy things for your next visit, what are you trying to do Lia?"

Taylor walked forwards and sat down next to Dolton, "I'm being truthful Carol, I'm being honest and upfront. I don't need Reece telling me I can't do this or I will do that, I know what I have to do."

Carol moved up slightly to let Taylor sit down, "Lia, he's got his feet under the table. He's got the Commodore's ear, and he's friends with your husband. In bloody short he holds all the ruddy cards, you hold nothing girl."

Lia nodded in agreement, "I know, but what am I supposed to do? I can't go crawling to S'hib, and both Reece and S'hib know that also. So why push it?"

Carol shook her head and pointed to a PaDD, "I don't know the answer to that, but I think these two might hold some info regarding Derani. I think you should take Danvers, I'll take Nerinth."

Taylor looked at the names, "What makes you think they have any information? Neither of them were anywhere close to the attack, and have been eliminated from the case."

Dolton pointed to the PaDD, "They're both in her section, and five will get you ten they must have heard or seen something. What have we got to lose?"

Lia thought about it and decided it might shed light on the inner workings of the department, "Ok, I'll run with it. Lets go."

Dolton made her way to Nerinth's cabin, a few questions was all she had to ask. Lets hope the Andorian wasn't to uptight to answer them, Carol had never really spoken to one before. Arriving at the cabin Carol rang the chime.

The door to the cabin opened and Neri stood there. She raised an eyebrow at the security officer before her. "Yes?" she asked curiously.

"Hi I'm CWO Carol Dolton, I'm with Security." Dolton held out her hand, "I'd like to talk to you about Lt. JG Derani, if you don't mind."

Neri crossed her arms. "ok, what about Miraj?" she asked curiously. She was not sure she wanted to invite the security officer in. She had been keeping to herself and watching everyone after the attack.

Dolton looked at the Andorian and smiled, "I need your impressions and opinions on both the Lieutenant and the department, as we're trying to get handle on who would gain the most from Derani's removal." Carol could sense a reluctance from the Officer, "If you wish to do this somewhere else, or at a later time please say so. You are not a suspect in the case, we're just crossing the T's and dotting our I's."

"Yeah I bet I am not a suspect. I heard what happened to the last 'suspect', so no we will stay right here, you out there and me in my cabin." Nerinath replied coldly. "I have no beef with Miraj. I was one of the ones who found her. You want to know who dislikes her? Check out those who have been stuck on Shuttle detail for months because Miraj doesn't know how to do a roster and leaves it like Liselle had it. There are people who believe that they will never get promoted because of her. So go ask them."

Nerinath's response made Carol step back, "Are you questioning my conduct Lieutenant? Because if you are, I will report it to Commander Reece. Regarding the last suspect, I wasn't involved with him." Dolton's old self began to rise, "As for having no beef with the victim, I notice you have never offered any assistance in this investigation. Why is that Lieutenant?" Carol now caught herself and remembered what Imik had taught her, "Sorry, I'm new to this. You don't remember me do you? I used to be a shuttle pilot, but people with your attitude made my life hell so I left. I'm Security now, with a job to do." Dolton looked at her PaDD, "I think its best if we forget this interview, I'll inform Commander Reece of your reluctance to aide and assist."

"Tell him whatever you like. I gave my statement. And not everyone could drop everything to help security find its own butthole. I had work to do, work that Miraj would want me to continue. And frankly it seems like you have have an issue with officers. Please leave." Neri said and stepped back in and closed her door.

As the door closed, Carol thought about Lia and Reece. "No not all Officers, just stuck up bastards like you." She turned and headed back to the Security office, no doubt she'd get reported but Officers with attitude she didn't need or like.

Meanwhile Lia had headed for Danvers cabin, just what he knew maybe of use but she doubted it. But the Imik hunch had paid off, perhaps these two could make a difference. Ringing Danvers chime, Taylor waited for a response.

Jason was alone, Lana was out at the gym, so he was looking over new dance routines for them to try when the door chime rang. Putting the routines to the side he went to see who it was. He was surprised to see Commander Lia Taylor standing there. "Commander Taylor!" He exclaimed not quite able to keep the surprise out of his voice. "What brings you to my door?"

"Lieutenant Danvers, I need you to tell me about Lt. JG Derani. Or more exactly, what happened in the department before the attack on her." She extended her hand and looked at Danvers, he seemed to be your typical fly boy type.

Jason shook the offered hand. "Please come in Commander." he replied as he stood aside so Lia could enter. "I don't what I can tell you Commander, Neri and I were nowhere near the attack on Lt. Derani. We've been cleared."

Entering the cabin, Lia remembered the last one she visited. "I understand that Lieutenant, but I need to know about the atmosphere within the flight control department. Arguments disagreements and the like, in short who might have a reason to carry out the attack." She crossed the room and stood in the centre, "You are not a suspect and neither is Nerinth, what I need is context about the department."

Jason sighed and gestured to the couch, "please have a seat, Commander." As he sat on the couch waiting for Lia to do the same. "Neri and I stayed out of office politics and the usual sniping that was going on."

"I fully understand that, and can sympathise with you completely." Sitting down, Lia looked at Danvers with a slight smile on her lips. "The thing is, after my mistake at the beginning of the investigation. Myself and Chief Dolton are revisiting possible leads by talking to people like you and Nerinth." She glanced round the cabin, "Did I call at a bad time Lieutenant? I could return at a later date, I just called on the off chance you were free."

Jason shook his head, "No, you didn't come at a bad time Commander. Just looking over some dance routines for Lana and I to practice." He paused, "I want whoever did this caught and punished and so does Neri. They have given the department a bad name."

"Dance routines? Hiding you light under a bushel Lieutenant?" Taylor smiled as she spoke, hopefully this would go better than S'hib. "I think you're not alone in wanting the guilty party caught, there might be a long line all wanting the same thing." Lia glanced at a PaDD she was carrying, "So Lieutenant, the department. Who in your opinion, had the most to gain from Derani's removal? And who do you think had the where for all to carry out such an attack?" By starting with asking his opinions, Lia hoped Danvers would continue and possibly give her a clue. After all, he worked in the department and knew the people around him.

Jason shook his head, "You have my statement, Commander. The department is in turmoil because of Miraj's ineptness at not knowing how to run the department. She is a fantastically gifted pilot but that's all she cares about. As for pointing fingers at others. No, not going to happen. Look at who is there and how long they been there without a promotion or any chance of one."

"I'm not asking you to point fingers, I'm asking you for an opinion. There's no harm in that is there?" Lia knew that departmental loyalty would always be a part of the reluctance to talk, even if the Officer concerned wasn't that good at her job. "So flying was all she cared about, didn't her 2i/c step up and help?"

Jason shook his head. "Aren't you Commander? Isn't that what you are doing? You want me to give you my opinion and Neri give hers on who were the loudest complainers." He nodded his head. "All Miraj knows is flying. She isn't interested in anything else." He gave a short bitter laugh. 2i/c? There wasn't one and Miraj never delegated one."

Lia looked puzzled, "Never had a 2i/c? Pardon me Lieutenant, but how does one run a department without a 2i/c?" She thought hard about that one statement, "That seems unusual to me, but since you have no wish to continue I will leave you to keep practicing your dances."

Jason looked at Lia, " Bingo. You just hit the problem, Commander. Miraj has no clue to running the department. It functions despite her lack of attention to it. It may be unusual, but it is that way. The people do their jobs without any input from Miraj.

Lia now looked at Danvers hard, "But who suffers the most from her inaction?" She stood up and walked towards the door, "Someone in that department reacted in the most violent way possible, and he'll do so again if we don't stop him before his next victim gets attacked." Taylor stopped at the door and turned to face Danvers, "Think on Lieutenant, because you just might be that victim."

" Good point Commander. here is one for you to think on. It seems to me that your investigation is focused on a man committing this vile act. How do you know it wasn't a woman?" Jason posed.

Lia smiled, "We don't, that's why we're asking. Look I dropped the ball first time around, Commander Reece doesn't intend to drop it a second time. So we need a lead to point somewhere, to someone."

"I can't give you a lead Commander other than to say expand your investigation. A line from Hamlet is appropriate here and I paraphrase it. Something is rotten in the Flight Control Department."

"My answer to you is this. Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, all others you can but forsake." Lia smiled again, "I added the last part, but you get the meaning." The doors opened and Taylor stepped back into the corridor, "Sorry I interrupted your dance practice, I'll leave you to continue."

Jason nodded, "I do indeed. No apology is necessary Commander. I wasn't practicing that will come later. Right now, I was just looking through dance routines to practice. Good luck with the investigation."

"Thanks." Lia turned and walked down the corridor, *Well that didn't go as well as expected, but at least I didn't get thrown out* she thought. Taylor headed back to Security to write up her report, it was back to square one on this lead.



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