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Dark Thoughts

Posted on Wed Dec 20th, 2023 @ 3:07am by Lieutenant Commander Aurelia Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: The Tea House
Timeline: Present
601 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Lia sat in the Tea House, all was quiet not a thing stirred. Her heart was frozen with hate as people around her celebrated the joys of life with loved ones, only two bright embers remained within that now cold detached soul. Why had it come to this? Simply put, the crew blamed her for S'hibs crimes and as such it was she who had brought shame on the whole Security

Chinese whispers ran riot through out the ship, all having the now disgraced Lia Taylor at their heart. Some even said she had known of the attack on the pilot, but did nothing as she wanted to show off her skill in capturing the culprit. Stupid is as stupid does, and Lia knew nothing of any attack. In fact Lia Taylor wished she did know who was the culprit, then at least she could nail the bastard to the foremast.

Counselling wasn't helping either, "What caused you to commit these offences?" "Why didn't you stop your subordinate from abusing the accused?" "Why don't you answer these simple questions?" Lia couldn't answer because she didn't have the answers, what drove S'hib to do what he did was a void in her knowledge.

But still everyone pointed their stubby little fingers in her direction, still everyone blamed her and yet welcomed S'hib back as some kind of victim. He was no victim, although he played one very well. Even his little fight was stage managed to put him in the right light and show Lia as the evil manipulator abusing her power, position and staff.

Her thoughts turned to ending it all, somehow someway. Resigning was one answer, but then the fallout to little Lia and Gary would stain any relationship left in the wake of leaving. There was another way, a quick and simple way. Lia could commit suicide, she had the means and nobody was here to stop her. But once again the fallout would harm her two bright embers, her loved ones.

But maybe, just maybe there was a way. But how? Where? When? Lia glanced at the medicine cabinet hanging on the wall of the small kitchen, she'd managed to obtain several medications that really should be under lock and key. Nobody knew just how fragile Lia Taylor's mental health really was, oh little Lia had brought her a lot of comfort and much joy. But if the councillors decided she was unstable, they would take her away. And Gary would blame her, that above all else would end their marriage.

Lia Taylor would be alone again, isolated and apart from all she loved and held dear. The fear of being rejected grew within her, the crew already had rejected her. The Commodore sat within her ivory tower, and didn't care or intercede for her. Reece had the department, and had made it clear he wasn't going to give it back. Oh he made all the right noises, but deep down both he and she knew. He was here to stay, it was his department now his empire.

The dark tunnel before her made Lia Taylor frightened, scared even. There was no way back, no redemption for her. S'hib and his antics had ensured that route was closed, and everyone else kept blocking and closing other ways back. They didn't want her back, they hated her and despised her. A smile to her face, a knife in her back. Tears flowed but not for herself, for little Lia and in part for Gary. Because no matter what she did next, they would suffer her shame.



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Comments (1)

By Captain Gary Taylor on Wed Dec 20th, 2023 @ 4:42am

WOW! Oh wow! Another deeply moving and profound post concerning Lia Taylor as her thoughts take a deep downward turn. A post to make one think on how their actions affect others and the fallout from those actions. A well-crafted, thought provoking post.

Well done!

Jeff aka captain Gary Taylor