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Dear Birthmother - Athena’s Story

Posted on Wed Mar 13th, 2024 @ 4:22pm by Lieutenant Tonya King ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Athena Magnus

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Massachusetts
Timeline: When Athena was 16
726 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

Athena Kazan was a very gifted student when she was fifteen years old. She was chosen to go to an Engineering Summer Camp in Massachusetts. It was held in Cambridge Massachusetts in one of the dormitories on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

There were one hundred twenty five other girls who were chosen as well. One of others was Tonya King who was from the planet New California.

Athena was given her room assignment. When she walked in to her room, Tonya looked up at her from unpacking her clothes saying, “Hi there. My name is Tonya King. Nice to meet you.”

“My name is Athena Kazan,” Athena replied with a kind smiled. “Looks like we will be roommates for the next three weeks.”

“Splendid,” Tonya replied with a curvy smile.

“I have a great feeling that we might become great friends,” Athena said grinning.

“I have the same feeling,” Tonya giggle. “Just so you know that I am not gay. Last female who said something along those lines, she wanted to be more than just friends.”

“No worries here, “ Athena facepalmed herself, “You are a very attractive woman but I rather a man. Some of the male teachers I saw teaching the courses or seminars, I am just crushing on.”

“For sure but we might be consider minors and you might wind up getting one arrested,” Tonya said in a very serious tone.”Do not try anything.”

Athena did a quiet giggle to herself.

The next day they had an all day seminar titled “When Theoretical Engineering Becomes Reality”. The teacher was a Betazoid Deltan named Commander Theo Yana. He started the first hour talking about DaVinci. As he taught he was catching arousing vibes from Athena. Keeping it professional, he did not call her out on it while the class was going on.

After the seminar ended, Tonya whispered to Athena, “You do know he is half Betazoid. He can sense what you are feeling and maybe thinking. The other half is Deltan. They say that is one of the sexiest hybrids in Starfleet.”

Athena caught her breath for a brief moment. “Dang. I am in trouble.”

For the next two weeks, Athena tried to catch her arousals in check. Finally after a three day class, Theo had to confront her after class. “Student Kazan. You do know I can sense what you are feeling. Here on Earth, you are consider a minor. You are making it literally hard to concentrate. “

“My apologies,” Athena replied. “I never met a Betazoid Deltan before and especially one who is attractive as you.”

Theo faced palmed himself. “You would be reprimanded if we were on a ship together. After this summer camp is over with student, I will be happy to discuss possible futures.”

“I would like that very much,” Athena replied with a wink.

Weeks went by so fast. Athena had her seventeenth birthday and that day and age, she was no longer considered a minor. Finally the last day of camp came.

Athena said her goodbyes to Tonya and they promised to keep in touch.

Athena met with Theo that night at an exclusive restaurant. Theo might have seemed like a gentleman on the outside but on the inside, he was as aroused as a stud on a horse farm.

He invited Athena to his hotel room. Theo slipped a drug in her drink. This caused Athena to become very submissive as they went all the way.

The next morning, she woke up but oddly, she could smelled soapy cleaned all over. She did not recall anything that had happened.

There was a note by her bedside thanking her for everything and to turn the hotel key in to check out. He had to beam up to his ship.

Almost three months went by. Athena was feeling kind of strangle. She went to go see the doctor. The doctor confirmed she was pregnant with twins.

“I am?” She said confused. “By who.”

The doctor confirmed it was by Theo. She tried to contact Theo but a week later, she was informed he was killed on a mission by an anomaly.

Athena loved the children she was carrying, she decided to place the child up for adoption. Theo’s uncle and aunt agreed to adopt the twins she had, a boy and a girl.


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