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Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2024 @ 11:28am by Miran Lalor [Lalor] HRH

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Various
Timeline: MD7 - 16h00
481 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

In the dimly lit classroom of the onboard school, Miran Lalor, with a cascade of mahogany curls being idly twisted around her fingers, sat perched on the edge of her seat, her attention drifting from the drone of the teacher's voice to the beckoning allure of the arboretum. The sunlight filtering through the dusty windows seemed to cast a spotlight on her restless form, illuminating the boredom etched into her features.

Her mind, a whirlwind of untamed creativity, refused to be tethered by the mundane constraints of the classroom. As the teacher droned on about quadratic equations and historical dates, Miran's thoughts soared far beyond the confines of the walls, wandering amidst the verdant splendour of the arboretum.

With each passing minute, her longing to escape the monotony of the classroom intensified. She yearned to trade the sterile confines of the school for the lush embrace of nature, where the vibrant hues of blooming flowers and the melodious symphony of birdsong awaited her.

The mere thought of dipping her brush into a palette of colours, each more vibrant than the last, sent a thrill coursing through her veins. She envisioned herself seated beneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree, her canvas stretched out before her like a blank slate waiting to be transformed into a masterpiece.

But as the teacher's voice droned on, Miran found herself anchored to her seat, her yearning for freedom stifled by the weight of academic obligation. She surreptitiously glanced at the clock, willing the hands to move faster, counting down the minutes until she could make her escape.

With a sigh, she returned her gaze to the front of the classroom, her eyes scanning the rows of neatly arranged desks and the faces of her classmates, each one lost in their own world of boredom and distraction. It was a scene she had witnessed countless times before, yet it never failed to fill her with a sense of frustration and longing.

As the final bell chimed, signalling the end of the class, Miran wasted no time in gathering her belongings and making a beeline for the door. The promise of freedom beckoned her like a siren's call, drawing her towards the arboretum with an irresistible force.

And as she stepped out into the warm embrace of the afternoon sun, her heart soared with the knowledge that soon she would be surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, her brush poised to capture the beauty that lay before her. For Miran Lalor, the arboretum was not just a place of refuge, but a sanctuary of inspiration and creativity, where she could lose herself in the timeless dance of art and nature.

ignoring her friends she gave an absent wave and headed for the arboretum, to get the images she had been dreaming of down on canvas before they vanished in the mundane of Starfleet grey.


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