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The Best Laid Plans

Posted on Sun May 12th, 2024 @ 7:48am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 4: Memory Lane
Location: Orin's Quarters
Timeline: MD3, 1200hrs
550 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn walked through the doors of his quarters and before he could even take off the overcoat of his uniform, Andrinn flopped down onto the bed and let out an audible sigh. Andrinn had been through several important meetings with the diplomatic corps and the senior staff before he had the chance to even come back to his quarters for a bite to eat.

It was going to be a short meal because Andrinn knew that he had to get back up to Deck Two before too long because there was a potential diplomatic crisis that might've been unfolding before his eyes. There was a person that was rescued from the planet that might cause some issues with various members of the crew and Andrinn didn't want anything to happen for anyone involved, no matter what the situation was.

However, before he could get up and order something from the replicator, Andrinn's computer terminal was beeping. He walked over to it and put in his command codes to activate the terminal, where there was a message from Sam. Andrinn couldn't help but smile as he saw the message coming across his screen because it was entitled "Potential wedding plans."

Andrinn couldn't help but chuckle when he read the heading. To be honest, Andrinn hadn't paid much mind to it because of everything that was going on. But, he was excited to truly start planning for something other than trying to get out of some pickle in an unknown part of the universe.

He sat down at his computer terminal and began looking over everything that Sam had sent over. Andrinn couldn't help but love all the ideas that Sam was putting out because they were almost everything that Andrinn was thinking about for their wedding.

Something that Sam had brought up in his message and wedding plan proposals for Andrinn was that who they wanted to make it official and who was to marry the two of them. Andrinn remembered talking a bit about it when Sam asked him to marry, but it was starting to become something more real and that needed to be decided sooner rather than later.

The Commodore was one of the front runners, since she was the Commanding Officer onboard the ship. But, something that Andrinn was thinking about was would she agree and have the time to do it on the day that him and Sam would eventually agree upon for their wedding? She was rather busy with keeping the ship steady and away from harm. So, it was something that Andrinn wanted to ask her later on, when she wasn't too busy.

Andrinn put in a reminder into his calendar to have him and Sam go talk to her when all three of them weren't too busy. Even though it was still early in the planning phases, it was better to have it on the books to talk about earlier rather than later. After putting it into their calendar, Andrinn saved everything and put in another reminder to talk to Sam later on in the evening about all of the ideas he sent over.

For now, it was time for lunch and off to more meetings. So much for the best laid plans.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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