Escape artist
Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 6:30am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Lieutenant Commander S'hib & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani
MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Naxea and S'hib's Temporary Quarters
1302 words - 2.6 OF Standard Post Measure
It was quiet in their quarters, it had been for some days now... a cold indifference forming into walls with Sle'anna caught in the middle, the only warmth left between the two.
But today was different, with Slee taking her first steps, steps that quickly turned into her stumbling around their quarters at increasing speeds.
S'hib had smiled, for the first time since... well, he wasn't sure when.
Naxea grinned as she sat on the other end of the couch. She had come up from Marine Country. She couldn't sleep in the quarters after everything.
"Probably a good thing you got rid of those vases..." He quipped, not really knowing what else to say as Slee ran laps around the couch.
Naxea was silent for a moment as she watched Sle'anna run laps. She was amazed at how quickly she was learning to move. "Yeah, I suppose so," she said as the door chimed. "Enter," she called.
Miraj opened the door, started to enter then paused to rummage through the bag over her shoulder. "Baby sitting service, reporting for duty. I brought bed time stories and totally safe for children sea-shanties, and a change of clothes, in case of accidents. for me I mean. not for slee. My stuff wouldn't fit."
"Sounds great, Miraj..." Naxea began as the blur that was her child bolted for the open door. "Sle'anna, stop!". The infant bolted through the open door.
Miraj stared, brain stalling. Bablies of barely months old wouldn't be walking, let a lone running. Too late her brain pointed out that Slee wasn't a normal baby and dropped her bag to grab at the toddler wobbling pass at surprising speed. She missed as the little one nimbly skittered passed her.
S'hib groaned as he watched his daughter run past Miraj, tripping somewhat and crashing into the opposite wall. "Not again..." He muttered as he marched quickly for the door.
Slee however, was entirely unperturbed by the fall outside, having already scrambled unsteadily to her hooves before S'hib had reached the door.
"Sle'anna..." He called out, his tone an amused warning as she hurriedly stomped away, her tiny hooves clicking loudly as she sped down the corridor.
"I'll just be a moment Miraj." S'hib smiled, squeezing by before lazily jogging after his daughter.
Naxea sighed tiredly as she stepped out into the corridor. We better go help him," she offered as she ran after the two Sequus.
"She's moving. Why is she moving?" Miraj broke into a half jog, trying to follow. "She's a baby. Babies sleep, eat, puke and poop. Why is she running?"
"Because she's full of energy, and part Sequus, and she's just figured out what legs are good for," Naxea said as she rounded a corner.
"I signed up for baby sitting, not sprinting. How is she so fast?"
"Those long legs of hers. That's how. Ever since she learned to walk, she's gotten faster by the day," Naxea explained.
"I'm a babysitter not a sprinter, dammit" Miraj groused.
Naxea grunted as she rounded a corner, colliding full speed into an ensign from science, sending her tumbling to the deck.
"Slee sweetie, stop please..." S'hib called out as he caught up to her, leaning down to scoop her up before she tripped and fell.
His eyes widened as he watched her fall to the floor in front of his hooves, her dainty little frame falling into a heap as he used his momentum to fling himself over her.
S'hib hit the floor hard, his awkward landing prompting a vexed groan as Slee got back up, running back the way she came.
Naxea, having excused herself from the ensign was now running again, this time she spotted Sle'anna bolting at her full speed. "Come to momma, you!" she dived at the infant Sequus, managing to lock her arms around her in a hold. "Calm down, now, little girl," Naxea said in a stern tone, looking Sle'anna in the eyes as she caught her breath. Sle'anna, not liking the tone, let out a scream as she began to cry.
Miraj caught up with them, and winced. Naxea and S'hib both looked dishevelled, and Sle'anna was wet and blotchy from all the tears. "Oh poor baby. Can I get her anything?" she asked Naxea, hoping this was just temporary, and not the sign of a long night.
Naxea had begun to bounce Sle'anna to help stop her from crying which was doing little to help as she pushed herself to her feet. "Yeah, some warm Sequus milk should help calm her down. Recipe is in the replicator."
"Milk, sequus, warm, got it." Miraj shot off down the hall to get back to their quarters for the requested food.
"Might have to start taking her to the park, let her run around for a bit," S'hib said while catching his breath. "Or um... one of the holodecks, I think they sorted out the power issue the other week."
He leaned down, placing his hands on his knees. "Though saying that, what about Marine County? could all go running together, I know I could do with the exercise."
"She already knows Marine Country. Gunnery Sergeant Gami watches her when I need her to," Naxea replied, her voice like ice in response as she switched her hold on Sle'anna. The infant's constant struggling was wearing her out.
S'hib looked down, a long drawn out sigh leaving his lips as he gently trod the small gap between him and Naxea.
"Look, you might not want me In your life anymore, but you're not keeping me out of hers." He said, matching her tone as he reached out, his hands hovering expectantly for his daughter.
"You shoved me, refused to support me when I needed you the most. Give me one good reason why I should want someone like that in my life?" she kept Sle'anna in her arms as she struggled to her feet, awkwardly due to Sle'anna's weight and struggling.
The struggling won as Sle'anna managed to slip free, landing on the deck. Realizing she wasn't being held, she got to her feet and pushed off in an attempt to get past the two tall people that cared for her.
S'hib watched as Slee got off the floor, seemingly unphased by the fall "Can we do this later, Nax? Can we just get her back home first? please?" He said, the harshness of his previous tone gone as he lurched to one side and scooped up Slee before she could gain any speed.
"Because I'm not doing this in front of her, Alright?" He continued as he spun his daughter around and placed her over his shoulder, her head and arms dangling over his back as she giggled manically.
"Let's just give her to Miraj first, and then we can go talk."
"Fine," was the only response she gave as she followed S'hib. She was tired both physically and emotionally.
As they walked, Slee stared at her mother, her head bobbing up and down with every hoof step from her father as he began to talk.
"I'm not asking you to pretend everythings alright, Nax, because it's not... but she doesn't need to know that."
As if to emphasise his words he pulled her off his shoulder, feeling her mouth nipping at his mane. "I'm not food you little carnivore..." He said as he tucked her against his chest, her long spindly legs hanging either side of his waist.
Naxea remained quiet as she glared at S'hib's back before her face softening as she looked at Sle'anna. She felt like she was in a neverending nightmare. The thought of Desek being alive added with her husband's lack of support and physical anger towards her was keeping her on edge, unable to get much sleep.