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On to the Beach!

Posted on Sat Jun 29th, 2024 @ 6:10am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Tropical Planet
Timeline: MD3
1108 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

"Emily! We need to get going or we'll miss our assigned time to get down to the planet." Zac yelled to his better half. Who was in their daughter's bedroom helping her get ready. Though not married yet, Zac and Emily lived together with Emily's adopted daughter. "I hope the away teams that did the first surveys of the planet weren't going overboard about how beautiful the planet is. I want us to see it first-hand."

He looked at the small mountain of stuff lying by the door. Toys, some suntan lotion, towels. All the required beach essentials for a good time.

“We’re ready now!” Emily grinned as she appeared in the doorway in a summer dress along with Leana who was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and carrying a hat and sunglasses. “I think we’ve got everything so let’s go!”

"Great!" Zac replied as he looked at Emily and Leana. "You two look beautiful." He bent down to kneel in front of Leana. "You ready for a fun day Leana?"

Leana nodded and smiled. She was slowly finding her voice, and her confidence after the trauma of losing her parents.

“If it’s as beautiful as they say it is, there’ll be a lot of people who won’t want to leave!” Emily grinned. “From what I heard there’s little dragon-like creatures down there too!”

Zac looked at Emily, "What? a dragon-like creature? Does it breathe fire?" He asked half seriously. "I wonder if we could catch one and make it a pet?"

“Certainly not” Emily shook her head. “These creatures belong here, not in captivity. They wouldn’t be happy with us!” She paused giving Zac an apologetic look. “Sorry...having grown up practically in captivity, I don’t like to thrust that upon any creature.”

"Oh, no, no Emily. Don't be sorry. You are right and I was horribly wrong. The creatures do belong here. I wasn't thinking. I apologize." Zac answered.

Emily offered an apologetic smile. “No, it’s my fault I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. Forgive me.”

Zac smiled, "Emily it is okay, you didn't snap and there is nothing to forgive. Let's put it behind us and set up our site and enjoy this paradise. What do you say?" He asked grinning.

"I say let's do it!" Emily grinned. "I brought some beach mats and a windbreak but it doesn't seem to be overly windy here so we might not need it."

"Let's get everything set up except for the windbreak. If we see we need it, we can set it up then." Zac suggested.

“Sounds good to me” Emily smiled as she looked towards Leana. “Would you like to help us set up Leana?”

The little girl nodded, she was slowly starting to come out of her shell after the traumatic loss of her parents.

“Okay” Emily smiled warmly. “This is going to be lots of fun!”

"Wonderful Leana. With you helping we can get done so much quicker which means more time to make sandcastles and get into the water." Zac told the child.

Leana looked a little hesitant as she looked towards the water. Noticing and sensing her apprehension Emily offered reassurance. “It’s alright, you don’t have to go in the water if you don’t want to. We could just Paddle our feet at the edge.”

Zac knelt in front of Leana, "Yor mummy is right, you don't have to go into the water if you do not wish to. If you do decide you want to go in. I will take you and hold you, so you won't be alone. Okay?"

Leana looked between Zac and Emily, taking a moment before nodding.

“Wonderful” Emily grinned. Let’s go and see if what the water is like.”

"Leana hold both your mummy and my hand. We'll keep you safe." Zac told the girl.

Holding out her hands Leana smiled as she held onto both Emily and Zac, as they reached the water they stepped into the shallows feeling it lap at their feet.

Zac smiled at Leana. "See? Nothing to be afraid of. You are safe with mummy and me. Water feels good doesn't it Leana? Nice and warm."

Leana gave both her parents a big smile, enjoying herself in the warm waters.

Emily grinned. “I spent a lot of time in Hawaii when I was little, but I never really got to do this. It’s a lot of fun doing it with both of you.”

Zac smiled at his better half. "I think this the best time of all. Spending it being here with you and Leana. Nothing tops this."

“Just being with both of you day by day is amazing to me Zac!” Emily smiled.

Zac beamed at Emily's words. She and Leana were his world. "It is wonderful to be able to share this with you and Leana. I wouldn't change this for anything." he finished giving Emily's hand a quick squeeze.

“Neither would I Zac” Emily smiled. “This is my dream come true, I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

Zac grinned at Emily's reply. he looked at Leana, "You want to swim with me? You get on my back and hold on tight, and we'll swim a bit. Mummy can swim beside us." Zac finished as he waited for Leana's answer.

Leana looked at Emily as though waiting for permission.

“Your choice sweetheart, Zac won’t let anything happen to you and neither will I” Emily smiled warmly.

Leana nodded and smiled at Zac.

"Very good Leana." Zac encouraged the child. "Climb onto my back and hold on tight. I will swim slow, so there is nothing for you to worry about and mummy will be swimming next to us."

Climbing onto Zac’s back, Leana held on tightly Emily right beside her.

“Don’t worry okay?” Emily smiled at her adopted daughter. “This is going to be lots of fun!”

Once Leana was on his back and her hold on him secure, Zac started off with Emily next to them. He swam slow and easy as to not startle Leana who was starting to come out of her shell. "You okay Leana?" he glance over at Emily, "She okay Emily?"

Emily smiled and nodded. “She’s having a wonderful time” She gave Leana a proud smile. “This is the best day ever!”

"Excellent! That a girl Lena!" He said proudly as he continued to swim slowly with Leana on his back and Emily at his side. He was having the time of his life with the people he loved.



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