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Stranded and Mining

Posted on Mon May 27th, 2024 @ 8:25am by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Aboard Shuttle 7, Nebula Expanse
Timeline: MD 3
594 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


- Ensign James Uthia
- Ensign Michelle Harper
- Lieutenant JG V’Tar
- Lieutenant JG Dylan Isaacs


The shuttle hummed softly as it drifted through the dense, swirling gases of the nebula. Four Starfleet engineers, clad in spacesuits, prepared for the arduous task ahead. The rare and precious dilithium crystals they were here to harvest were the key to controlling their matter-antimatter reactors, but they couldn't be manufactured. They had to be mined.

"Ready to exit the shuttle?" Lieutenant JG Dylan Isaacs asked, his voice crackling slightly through the comms.

Ensign James Uthia, securing his helmet, grumbled, "Yeah, let’s get this over with. The sooner we get the crystals, the sooner we can get back to cursing our luck."

Ensign Michelle Harper snorted. "Stranded in another galaxy, far from home, because someone couldn’t keep the ship steady. What a great mission."

V'Tar, the ever-logical Vulcan, interjected, "Complaining will not expedite our task. Focus on the mission, Ensign."

Michelle rolled her eyes behind her visor. "Sure, sure. But can we at least acknowledge that this whole mess is because of the Commodore and Lieutenant Derani? If she hadn't been at the helm during that accident, we wouldn't be in this galaxy in the first place."

Dylan sighed. "We've been over this a hundred times. Yes, they messed up. But griping about it now isn’t going to help us get back home."

The engineers engaged the shuttle’s airlock, the door hissing open to reveal the vibrant, swirling colors of the nebula. They carefully stepped out, their suits’ boots magnetizing to the shuttle’s hull to prevent them from drifting away.

As they moved towards the designated mining site, the conversation continued. "Still," James muttered, "It’s hard not to blame them when you’re out here risking your neck for some dilithium crystals."

"Focus, Uthia," V’Tar reminded. "Our priority is to secure the dilithium. Personal grievances can wait."

They reached the rocky outcrop embedded in the nebula, the scanner beeping to indicate high concentrations of dilithium. The engineers activated their mining tools, the devices emitting a low hum as they began to extract the precious crystals.

Michelle sighed, her voice softening. "I know V’Tar’s right. It’s just...hard, you know? Being so far from everything we know. From everyone we love."

Dylan placed a hand on her shoulder. "We’ll get back, Harper. We’re Starfleet. We’ve faced worse and come through. Let’s get this done and keep our eyes on the goal."

The team worked in silence for a while, the only sounds the hum of their tools and the occasional beeps from their scanners. As the first dilithium crystals were carefully placed into storage containers, a sense of accomplishment began to overshadow their earlier frustrations.

James looked at the others. "Alright, we’ve got what we came for. Let’s head back to the shuttle and hope we never have to do this again."

"Agreed," V’Tar said, a rare hint of satisfaction in his voice.

As they made their way back, Michelle glanced around the nebula. "You know, it is kind of beautiful out here. Even if we are stuck."

Dylan chuckled. "Yeah, it is. Let’s just hope our next view is of home."

With their containers full and spirits somewhat lifted, the engineers re-entered the shuttle, sealing the airlock behind them. The mission was a success, but their journey home was still uncertain. For now, they had done what they needed to do, and that was enough.



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