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Returning to life

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2024 @ 8:51am by Consul Andrinn Orin
Edited on on Thu Jul 4th, 2024 @ 1:44pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Trill
Timeline: 2112
1044 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn was standing on the balcony of his family's estate in the Trill capital when he heard the steps of someone coming up behind him. Andrinn turned around to see that his mother was several steps behind him, holding a cup in her hands. She closed the distance between them and handed Andrinn the cup before saying, "Drink up. It'll help make sure that you don't get dehydrated or anything."

Andrinn just smiled as he took the cup out of her hand and took a sip of the amber liquid within it. It tasted rather sweet and reminded Andrinn of his childhood. The liquid was something of a mix between a Trill and an El-Aurian drink that both of Andrinn's parents made when he was younger for both him and his siblings. Since they were always active, it gave them something to burn off while they played around in the backyard or in one of the various sports that Andrinn and his siblings played.

After taking a few more sips of the drink, Andrinn sat it down on the table next to one of the lawn chairs that adorned the balcony. Andrinn remained rather quiet and that caused his mother to ask, "What's wrong, Andrinn? I know that there's a million reasons that it could be, but don't be so silent and keep all the rest of us out."

Andrinn knew that his mother was right when she said that and where her intentions were coming from. But, Andrinn wasn't quite ready to return to the rest of the galaxy and life as a whole. At least, not quite yet.

For Andrinn, it felt like just yesterday that his father had passed away and was buried according to Trill traditions. But, in fact, it had been well over a month or two since the whole thing and others, including Andrinn's siblings, had returned to work and their normal, everyday lives.

Not Andrinn though. He was having a bit of a harder time than the rest of his siblings in returning to work. Andrinn had been in the room when his father had passed away, or at least close enough to see his father's passing. That was something that most people need time to truly get through and unpack. It wasn't something that was to be "gotten over" within a few days or weeks.

Andrinn just looked at his mother and said, "Well, the first thing is that I don't know if I've truly gotten over the fact that dad's death was only a month ago and I think that I'm a little bit bitter that everyone in the family has just moved on like it was nothing, you know? I...I....I don't know what to even think right now, mom. It still just hurts and I think I'm just taking more time to grieve than everyone else. But, I know that I've got to get back to helping the Vulcans sometime, sooner rather than later."

Andrinn took a seat on one of the lawn chairs that was nearby and Emory walked over to take a seat next to Andrinn. She wrapped her one arm around Andrinn and said, "I know that it takes time to get over something like this. But, like you've said to so many others when their loved ones passed away, life goes on and you need to live within it. You can't forget to live just because someone close to you passed away. Your father wouldn't have wanted something like that and the rest of us don't want that for you, either."

Andrinn let what his mother said sink in for a moment and thought about it. She was absolutely right and Andrinn knew that he couldn't wallow in all of the self pity. But, he wasn't sure of what the future held for him, either. Should he stay in the diplomatic corps and help his people out or should he do something different with his life? Diplomatics was one of the few things that he had a knack for, but there was so much more out there in the universe.

Andrinn looked over at his mom and kissed her gently on the top of her head and said, "That's why you're so wise and you make for a good dang diplomat.I think that dad's passing put me into a weird space. Nothing bad, but it has me questioning some of the choices that I've made in my past and some of the ways that I'm going into the future."

Emory took her head off of Andrinn's shoulder and asked, "What do you mean? Are you thinking about leaving the Diplomatic Corps?"

Andrinn remained quiet for a moment before replying, "I don't know mom. That's part of the reason why I haven't gone back immediately to the Vulcans or anything. Growing up, I've always watched you and dad, being diplomats and loving every second of it. When I got the chance, I joined you guys and loved it too. But, then dad passed away and I wondered for a brief moment if this is what I was meant to do or if there would be something else out there for me. I just needed a little bit of time to see what I was thinking and what my future holds now that dad isn't around anymore. Not that I don't love you and all of you sage advice, but it's just not the same without dad around anymore either. Plus, I'm the oldest child, so I can't just go to an older sibling for their advice either."

Emory chuckled for a moment to herself as she looked at Andrinn and said, "You want to know something? You're beyond wise in your own right and while I was initially worried about you, I'm not anymore. I think that I've got someone that you can talk to though. Someone who has been some tough times like yourself and could give you an outsider's opinion that might help you out, if you're willing to talk to them?"

Andrinn was curious now and said, "Yeah, just name the time and place and I'll be there." Emory replied, "Okay, I'll let you know..."


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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