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Posted on Wed May 29th, 2024 @ 8:34am by Avalon [ADMIN NPC]

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Edens Reach
Timeline: MD 3
606 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Under the golden glow of Edens Reach's sun, the four Starfleet officers wandered through the verdant expanse, their task clear: gather edible planet samples to cultivate onboard the USS Elysium. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of fairy dragons flitting between the trees. Birds with melodious songs perched above them, creating a symphony that was both exotic and comforting. Aquatic animals with iridescent scales occasionally breached the surface of nearby crystal-clear waters, adding to the surreal beauty of this tropical paradise.

Ensign Clarissa Moore paused beneath a tall, fruit-laden tree, her tricorder in hand. "This looks promising," she said, her voice tinged with the enthusiasm that came with the discovery of new life. She reached up, plucking a plump, crimson fruit and scanning it with her device. "High in vitamins and minerals. This could be a great addition to our onboard garden."

Lieutenant JG S'kar, his Vulcan demeanour as calm and collected as ever, knelt beside a cluster of vibrant, nut-bearing shrubs. "These nuts have a high protein content," he observed, his voice devoid of the excitement Moore displayed but filled with the certainty of a scientist. "They will be an excellent supplement to our current provisions."

Ensign Christopher Lockhart, always the jokester of the group, ambled over with a grin. "You know, if we weren’t stranded in another galaxy, this could almost be considered a vacation."

Lieutenant JG Isaac Reacher, the most senior of the group, chuckled. "Sure, if you ignore the fact that we’re millions of light-years from home and it's partly the fault of that reckless Lieutenant Derani. I still can't believe the Commodore let her at the helm during such a critical mission."

Moore sighed, plopping down beside a patch of edible tubers she had just uncovered. "It's hard not to blame them. We wouldn’t be stuck here if it weren't for that accident. Miraj should have been more careful."

S'kar's brow furrowed slightly, a rare display of emotion. "Assigning blame will not alter our current predicament. Our focus should be on survival and adaptation."

Lockhart rolled his eyes playfully. "Leave it to a Vulcan to remind us of our duty. Still, S’kar's right. We can gripe all we want, but it won't change our situation. Let's just gather these samples and make the best of it."

The four officers continued their foraging, each finding solace in the task at hand despite the underlying tension. The beauty of Eden's Reach was a stark contrast to their frustrations and fears, offering a momentary escape from the reality of their displacement. They moved from tree to tree, bush to bush, collecting fruits, nuts, and various plants that would hopefully thrive on their ship.

As the day drew to a close, they gathered by the shore, their containers filled with the bounty of the planet. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden light over the ocean. The sight was breath-taking, yet it also served as a poignant reminder of how far from home they truly were.

Reacher looked at his comrades, a faint smile on his lips. "We may be stuck here, but at least we have this place to sustain us. Let's head back and see if we can make these samples work for us."

With that, they began their trek back to their temporary camp, the beauty of Eden's Reach easing their spirits as they faced the uncertainty of their situation. Despite the complaints and the blame, they knew that together, they would continue to endure and adapt, no matter where in the universe they found themselves.


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