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Quilting Bee

Posted on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 1:31pm by Lieutenant Alice Jordan ( Barclay de Tolly ) & Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Lieutenant Athena Magnus & Lieutenant JG Toshiro Yamaguchi & Ensign Francine Yamaguchi & Ensign Lorelei Lee ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Magnus Quarters
Timeline: Current
520 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Thor, Toshiro and Tarr walks into the quarters to see their wives along with Alice Jordan having a quilting bee.

Thor was the first to speak. “Hello ladies. What are you all doing?”

“Quilting a baby quilt for Francine’s future baby,” Athena winking at Thor. “You guys should take shore leave together. Now Thor, please mingle with some non engineers.”

“I promise I will,” Thor replied.

Each husband kiss their wife before they left.

After they left, Alice says to the other ladies, “This is fun. We should do this more often.”

“Indeed,” Athena said with delight, “I replicated a quilt one time but it was not soft at all. My oldest prefers home made ones. Children can tell the difference.”

“Thank you all for doing this,” Francine at each one. “So what is the theme of the quilt?”

“Combination of Alabama Southern with Japanese Hospitality with ballet,” Alice said as she started on the ballet part. “Francine, is it true that ballet dancers make great sword fighters?”

“Yes,” Francine replied, “Did you know that the en guarde position is similar to one of the ballet positions?”

“This is true,” Athena remarked, “Thor fences with Toshiro and Thor have given mme lessons in the sport but I rather self defense discipline. Wrestling is fun with the Hubbie as well.”

A few if not all the ladies chuckled on that one.

Lorelei grabbing a few squares said, “I prefer phaser shooting exercises. I do not mean to brag but I do have at many times perfect scores in that.”

Alice smiled. “If the phaser course is a difficult one, it helps. Sometimes one just shoots and they can hit the target but if you add real case scenarios in holographic courses, it becomes a challenge and I do love a challenge.”

“Toshiro has some challenging holographic self defense courses,” Francine said as she stitched. “So have any of you had to ever fight to the death?”

Athena raised her hand, “Several times. Thor and I were on a ship that was captured and we were put into an arena. Another time we were on this away mission as we were chasing space pirates.”

Lorelei spoke next. “We had a shootout one time as we were rescuing crew members. You have to think fast. In fact, in any fight, you need to make so many calculations in your head. Ones who I have seen killed were ones who was trying to over analyze everything.”

Alice nodded. “I know the type. Over thinking I feel is from having an inflated ego.”

“Wrong kind of ego can get yourself killed, “ Athena said as she finished a square. “One thing that helps Thor is playing chest and not not that new kind. I mean that good old fashion flat kind. Add speed timer to it and causes one to think fast.”

Francine’s response as she smiled, “I will let Toshiro know so he could play a match with him.”

“Thor might like that,” Athena smiled at Francine.

All the ladies continue to talk about their hobbies, husbands, defending one self as they quilt.


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