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Posted on Tue Apr 2nd, 2019 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant JG Gallia Norris
Edited on on Sun Apr 28th, 2019 @ 2:45pm

Mission: Season 2: Episode 3: Determination is not always a good thing
Location: Base Camp
505 words - 1 OF Standard Post Measure

Dunphy was pacing the holding area like a caged tiger, but remained cocky the entire time, “Enjoy yaselves while ya can.” He sneered at the Home Guards, “When I’m outta here, you got Hell itself to pay.”

“Pipe down, you imbecile.” Sgt. Wilson replied, he’d heard quite enough out of Quinton Dunphy and would be thrilled when the Colonel questioned him and turned him over to the Federation.

Gallia had decided to give Liorga and Estelle some time alone, she’d had plenty of time with her bestie lately, Li was in arrears. With her gear packed and slung over her shoulder, Gallia walked to the holding area with some extra survival gear she’d requisitioned for the Home Guard, “Sergeant Wilson, got a minute?” She asked, she knew a bit about him, especially his heroism during the Dominion War, so it was an honor of a sort to bring him these things.

“Ah, Leftenant Norris!” Wilson smiled, she was every bit as lovely as her mother had been, “How can I help you, ma’am?”

“I actually came with some supplies for you and your men, Sergeant.” Gallia replied, “Just a bit of survival gear, nothing really…”

“Everything is needed and appreciated.” Wilson nodded, “You know, if you’ve got some time before departing for your vessel, I’d be happy to sit down and talk with you, share some memories of your mum.”

“I would love that.” Gallia grinned, taking a seat across from Wilson.

“Oh, now ain’t this just precious?” Dunphy taunted, “Gonna talk ‘bout ya mummy with Ol’ Uncle Willy? I can’t bloody take it.”

“That’ll be enough out of you.” Wilson stated, “Quiet down or I’ll be forced to quiet you down myself, understand?”

“Sergeant…” Private Ferrel interrupted.

“Not now, Ferrel.” Wilson brushed him off.

“Sarge, the shields are goin’ down.” Ferrel continued.

“What?” Gallia exclaimed, pulling out her tricorder and seeing the shields around the holding pen were in actual fact going down. Dashing to the shield generator, she labored desperately to bring them back up, “Bloody Hell is goin’ on here?”

“Told ya!” Dunphy snarled, “See ya soon, bitch!” He shouted, shooting Gallia the bird as he vanished in the unmistakable blue light of the transporter beam.

“NO!” Gallia shouted, dashing into the now unshielded holding area, grabbing at the ground where Dunphy had just been, not even noticing that the other criminals were dashing away.

That was when the shooting started. Home Guard members struck down the other criminals to prevent a mass escape, and one was especially unfortunate in that he ran into Anderson, who was rushing to the scene upon hearing of the commotion. The heavy man slammed a huge fist into the man’s torso, and going down, the poor sod broke his neck. With the others rounded up, it was soon learnt that their main prize was now gone. “Inform the Elysium, they’ll have to find him”, Anderson bellowed, as he usually did when angry.



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