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Fancy meeting you here

Posted on Sun Jul 14th, 2024 @ 4:47am by Cadet Freshman Grade Cerese Gemini (Kelea-Salik) & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Lost somewhere!
Timeline: md3 1145 hrs
1527 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Every turn looked the same, every corridor looked the same, Cerese was frustrated with herself for not being able to find where she wanted to go. Ever since she’d come aboard the Elysium she’d kept to herself, it was safer that way, no one could hurt you. Now she was lost and she didn’t know what to do.

Gary was coming down the corridor but slowed when he saw an unfamiliar officer coming towards him. The woman looked lost and unsure of where she was going. He approached her slowly, "Excuse me um Lieutenant, can I help you?" He offered.

Cerese turned to look at the man in-front of her. “Erm..Captain!” She offered a brief smile. “Ohh I’m not...” She motioned to the uniform she was wearing. “I was given this uniform in place of my old clothes, I was rescued by your crew.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I’m Cerese Gemini, Sir.”

Gary smiled at her in understanding. "A pleasure to meet you, Cerese. I'm Gary Taylor and welcome aboard the Elysium. He looked at her uniform. "We'll get you some new clothes Cerese. Forgive me, what is your specialty?"

“Speciality?...Oh like career?” She offered a more comfortable smile. “I’m a scientist, I trained to be a biotechnologist and I’m also a Botanist. I like plants, anything to do with plants.”

"Boy, you could sure help me. I can't get anything to grow. I think I have a black thumb when it comes to plants." He chuckled. "We'll get you a proper teal colored uniform to show you are a scientist."

“Really?” Cerese looked at Gary in surprise. “You’re offering me a job?” She couldn’t help but smile. “Do you have science labs and facilities aboard this ship?”

"Yes really. I am offering you a position in our science department we can always use botanist and a biotechnologist." He nodded, "Oh yes, i think you will be quite impressed with our science labs and facilities." Gary said with a grin.

Cerese nodded. “I’d like that, thank you Captain. I was trying to find my way back to the cargo bay but I got myself a little lost. Your ship’s Counsellor did offer to put me in shared quarters but I...I don’t feel comfortable being cooped up after being held prisoner.”

"I fully understand how you feel Cerese. I was a prisoner for three years. I know about feeling cooped up but it will pass." He paused and changed subjects. "I can take you to the cargo bay but having quarters of your own is much better."

Cerese nodded. “I guess you’re right, I should let your Counsellor know that I’ve changed my mind. She did say to tell her if I did.”

"I don't want you to feel forced Cerese I just think having quarters of your own or even sharing them is better that sleeping in the cargo bay." Gary replied.

“You’re very kind Commander, thank you” Cerese offered a smile. “None of us were treated very well, I...” She paused. “My species has the ability to heal others, the side effect being that we take on the wounds we heal. Our captor’s used me to heal others, without thought of my own welfare.”

Gary's face filled with concern. " That is the one constant trait of captors towards prisoners. They have no concern for their prisoners. I am so sorry to hear this, Cerese. Do you need medical care now?" He asked ready to call medical if needed.

"No, but thank you" Cerese offered a warm smile. "There are other empaths onboard your ship aren't there? I can feel emotions just as other empaths do."

"You are welcome, Cerese and yes there are other empaths and telepaths aboard the Elysium." Gary replied with an answering smile.

Cerese nodded. “I’d like to be of some use if I can, it saves sitting around wondering what to do with myself” She offered a smile.

"I understand perfectly." Gary replied, "Being busy helps you both physically and mentally. Gives you a purpose and everyone needs that."

“Exactly” Cerese nodded and smiled. “You took all of us in, it’s the least I can do to be of help.”

"We're glad we could do it Cerese. You can all move forward with your lives and get back to enjoy your lives."

“I have a twin sister out there somewhere” Cerese sighed. “They attacked our ship and we were eventually separated, I don’t know where she is now.”

"I'm sorry to her that Cerese. Hopefully we'll find her, and you can be reunited." Gary said hopefully. "Don't lose hope. You need to stay positive." He added.

She nodded and smiled as they walked along the corridor. “Thank you Commander. I’m not a member of your starfleet, so how do I make myself useful as part of your crew?”

Gary smiled, "It's Captain actually and you are welcome. We have to get quarters assigned to you and you added to the crew manifest in the department of your choosing."

Cerese nodded and smiled. “Apologies you did say you were a Captain, forgive my mistake. My field is science so I’d like to join your science department if that’s alright? Now I just need to see what Quarters your Counsellor can find me.”

Gary shook his head, "No apology is necessary Cerese. No harm done. I believe we can get you into the science department with no problems. However, quarters may be a bit harder. With do many cabins either destroyed or needing major work to get them livable again."

Cerese nodded. “Well if it’s not possible I don’t mind staying in the cargo bay, it’s still better than the conditions I lived in while a captive.”

"Be positive Cerese." Gary offered. "We'll find you quarters. You are not going to be sleeping in the cargo bay. I promise you that."

“Like I said Captain, I’m used to worse conditions” Cerese smiled. “Your cargo bay is positively comfortable after the conditions we’ve all been living in.”

"Absolutely not." Gary replied. "I'll tell you what. You can stay with my daughter and myself. We have the room, and it beats the hell out of the cargo bay." he added.

Cerese gave Gary a shocked look. “ barely know me. I wouldn’t wish to get in your way, besides I’m sure your wife would have something to say about that.”

"Are you a homicidal murderer? A pathological liar?" Gary replied. "No? Good. You won't get in the way. I assure you of that. As for my wife, that won't be an issue." He answered a bit cryptically.

Cerese nodded. “I...” She paused. “Thank you Captain, I appreciate it. At least I can babysit for you, that’s if your daughter likes me of course.”

Gary nodded at her answer, "Good. Why don't you come with me and you can meet LL, after all you may not like her." He pointed out.

“Not like her!?” That made Cerese smile. “No child is so bad, I’m sure I will. It depends whether she likes me.”

"Oh, LL isn't bad Cerese not by a longshot. She just is somewhat introverted, but she is a good child." Gary explained.

Cerese nodded. "I'm an empath, I feel emotions so I might be able to help your daughter. I'll let her decide on how things go between us though."

Gary smiled. "Then you and LL should hit it right off. She's Betazoid and she can hear people's thoughts." He explained.

“Really?” Cerese smiled. “I don’t know much about Betazoids, but it sounds like we have a lot in common already. Is her mother a Betazoid? Are there many Betazoids onboard?”

Gary nodded, "You both have a lot in common and I think you will become very good friends." he paused for a moment and then continued, "LL Is my adopted daughter her biological parents were killed in the accident that stranded us here." Gary answered softly.

“Ohh..I...I’m so sorry!” Cerese offered an apologetic smile. “She’s a very lucky little girl to have you to care for her.”

Gary offered a soft smile, "Thank you but I think I am the lucky one. LL is an adorable, loving child. I'm proud to be her father."

Cerese smiled. “I can tell. So, when do you want me to start working as part of your crew Captain?”

"When you are ready Cerese. However first come and meet LL, get to know her, spend a few minutes just talking with her." Gary answered with a smile.

Cerese nodded. “I’d like that, and if she’s happy for me to stay then I’ll gladly stay with you both.”

"Then what are we waiting for? I'm on my way to pick up LL you can meet her then, no pressure." Gary replied.

Cerese smiled. “No time like the present then.” She motioned for him to lead on. “Let’s go and collect your daughter.”


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