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An impromptu counselling interlude

Posted on Wed Aug 7th, 2024 @ 5:30am by Lieutenant Anna Esquivias & Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Alicia’s office
571 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Alicia was in her office checking her calendar, amongst other things. With the crew on Shoreleave it gave her time to relax more herself. She was just checking appointment requests when the chime rang. “It’s open, come on in...”

"You said to come by," Anna reminded her as she stepped inside. "Sorry it took a bit." She looked around, still not entirely comfortable.

“Not to worry” Alicia smiled warmly. “Please make yourself comfortable. How have you been?”

Anna took her seat. "Well enough, I guess," she said, which wasn't all that promising.

“You guess?” Alicia gave Anna a curious look. “You don’t sound all that sure?”

"As well as can be expected," Anna said, "under the circumstances. It is a little overwhelming."

"Of course" Alicia nodded offering a warm smile. "This crew have been to hell and back on several occasions so we're kind of used to it."

"I've been in hell for awhile," Anna said. "It's the coming back that's rocky." She shook her head. "Sorry. That was melodramatic."

Alicia shook her head. “No it wasn’t. You were being honest about how you feel, and that’s a good thing. We can work on that, and get you away from feeling that way.”

Anna nodded slowly. "So..." She felt she should say something, ask something, but she wasn't sure. "So what now?" she finally asked.

“Now?” Alicia smiled. “Do you have anything you’d like to ask? Or is there anything you need to say?”

"I feel like there should be," Anna admitted. "But I don't really know what to say about it beyond the obvious."

Alicia nodded. “Fair enough, I guess the same old questions lead to the same old answers!” She grinned.

"The thing is...I guess...How do you endure so long in such horrific conditions? You get used to it and you don't just get used to it. You start to want approval, because there's no one else. There's no other source of companionship or comfort. And you know you should hate them and part of you hated them even more for making you feel it but you still feel it. Everything normal, every duty, every right, it's a galaxy away. It's never coming back. After the months start turning to years, it's just life." She looked away, cheeks red, ashamed and not wanting to meet Alicia's gaze. All of that just pouring out of her.

“Don’t be ashamed” Alicia offered a comforting gaze. “I understand exactly what you’re saying, I’ve heard it from those who’ve been in similar situations. We all do what we have to do to survive, and there’s no shame in that, now it’s time to let that go and try starting anew. Find reasons to move on, maybe find yourself someone special, allow yourself to enjoy life again.”

"Easier said than done," Anna answered, sighing, but then she looked up. "I'll try."

“That’s all anyone can ask of you” Alicia smiled warmly. “I’m always here if you have any worries, or you need to ask for any help, plus not everything has to go on record like Counselling sessions do.”

"Thank you, Counsellor," Anna said. "This was helpful."

Alicia nodded. “I hope so Anna, I know how hard it can be fitting in somewhere new.” She smiled warmly.

"Thank you," Anna said again as she rose, making her way out.


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