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Chess is Chess

Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 11:24am by Josef Forstinger & Lieutenant N'vok Holv

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Afternoon.
1601 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

N'vok adjusted a white pawn, making sure it was precisely in the center of its square. He leaned back and took a sip of Oolong tea and waited for his guest.

Josef was unsure why the other non-human he had met back on the Station wanted to play chess with him, but after briefly debating it with himself he saw no other reason as to not go. After all, maybe some social interaction would be good for him, other than sitting in his quarters reading-and having a slight mental breakdown. He entered the Messhall, and walked over to N'vok, taking a seat at the table.

"Welcome," said N'vok with a nod. "How would you like to be addresses?"

"Just uh, call me Forstinger." the human would reply, taking a look around as he took his seat. He had been on board for a little bit-yet still, crowded spaces made his skin crawl for some reason. Was it the unknown ? Perhaps just the transition period from war to peace ? He did not know.

"Black or white?" the Vulcan asked with a gesture to the board. "The game has not changed in this version since your era."

"Black." he responds after a little bit of thought. "Good to know, even though I saw one Chess game played on 3 different boards last time I got in here." with what he was describing sounded most likely like Three-Dimensional Chess. Which certainly was not familiar to the Terran at all.

"That is Three-Dimensional Chess, I would be happy to teach you at some point," said N'vok turning the board so that the white pieces were in front of him. N'vok moved a pawn forward.

"How are you adjusting to life here, Forstinger?" he asked, looking at the board rather than the man.

Three-Dimensional Chess ? Now thats something straight out a sci fi dime novel. But, he didnt comment. Just nodding as he looked at N'vok moving his pawn, responding in turn by also moving a pawn in the same place, opening up by mirroring him.

"Its been.....alright." an obvious lie, N'vok may be a Vulcan but that probably doesn't mean he couldn't see or sense the emotions of the rather volatile human.

N'vok moved another pawn. "I know it is not on the same level as your displacement, but when the Elysium was knocked into this sector of space, I was almost killed. I spend over a month in a medically induced coma. So, I woke up to a ruined ship, a notable part of the crew dead, and a brain and body that did not respond the way I wanted them to. "

He took a sip of his tea. "So, I have an inkling of what you experienced."

"Guess we have similiar experiences in that regard then. But do tell me Lieutenant, have you been to war before ?" He moves another piece, practically mirroring the Vulcans moves. For now.

"And I dont mean flying high on a ship or handling paperwork. I mean boots on the ground."

N'vok moved out his queen's knight. "Thankfully, no. I missed out on the last big war fought by the Federation. While they are sometimes necessary, wars are wasteful and tragic."

"Still fighting wars 400 years later ? Guess some things never do change." Was his response. Moving his Bishop in return, notably stopping at copying his moves. "At least there'll still be some use for men like me."

"It should be said that the Federation did not start any of those wars," said N'vok moving another pawn. "Arguably, our actions may have provoked they, that is certainly what they claimed. But the Federation is peaceful but we will protect ourselves."

"Unlike some Vulcans, I am not a pacifist. Rather I subscribe to what your 20th Century philosophy Orwell said, 'people sleep peacefully in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.'"

"You've read Orwell ? Well. I guess politics really hasn't changed much in 400 years. It's always about the same things and leads to the same outcomes. I guess only thing different is the scale. Then again. Even back then we tried to take politics off world so to say." Josef moves his piece in turn.

"So, you think of yourself as one of these rough men then ? Or do you think I am one of them ? Because trust me. I didn't become one by choice. I befell the same fate as my grandfather and great grandfather. I originally wanted to be a teacher of all things...."

"I am not. I can fight, I have, but it is not my specialty nor my interest," said N'vok pondering before moving another pawn. "It is not my place to judge you, Forstinger, you know yourself best. However, there is still time to become a teacher if that is a path you still wish to pursue."

Forstinger suddenly stopped mid moving a piece. Perhaps N'vok had touched a....sensitive spot. But he proceeded to move after a second. This time not saying a word before moving his rook to capture one of his pieces.

N'vok slid a pawn forward. He was patient and waited for Forstinger's next move and next statement.

Forstinger still had not responded. A bit of tense energy hanging in the room as he pondered the next move. The Humans own mind racing, not because of the game, but because of memories, regrets, promises. Made for him a few years ago. Now ? Made hundreds of years ago.

"I am not sure." he finaly responds. "I was 18 when I was given a rifle and told to fight a war against things I barely thought the realm of possibility beyond science fiction. I saw horrors that broke lesser men. I had more brushes with death than I like to admit. I am not the same man I once was. I have killed so often that I lost count. What does that make me ? In this seemingly perfect new world." He said in a slightly bitter tone. Revealing some of his hidden emotions, but not everything.

"It makes you a person," said N'vok. "We all change. Your life has been filled with wrenching changes, many of which were outside of your control, but now you have a chance to again chart your own course."

"The Federation is not perfect but it has proved to be very successful in promoting the flourishing of the sentients that live within it."

"A Course to what ? I have given everything in defense of all I knew. My Morals, my Future, My soul. And what have I received in the end ? Nothing, everyone I knew, cared for, loved or even hated is long since dust and gone. I am on the other end of the galaxy. Stuck in a place I barely understand. Sometimes nothing even feels real." he says finaly making his move, this time though basicaly putting his king into the open, with seemingly no clear tactical advantage to gain.

"To a new future," said N'vok studying the board. "While, yes, you have lost much. You are still here, you have the chance to make your own way. To memorize those that you knew, if that is your wish. You can teach us of your era or leave it to be forgotten as you choose." He slid a bishop forward.

The Humans eyes would dart across the board and now look onto N'vok. Despite his best attempts to hide it the Humans emotions were aflame. At least at the levels a Vulcan like him could notice. Confusion, Anger, Sadness ? Something was clearly working inside the Human's brain. How could he forget and move forward ? His Friends, His Family....everything he loved and cherished was long gone. Everything he went to fight for, and his friends died for. What reason was there to continue on in a place that saw him as an outdated fossile, so far away from a home.....that might not even be home anymore.

And even though it seemed his anger almost boiled over, he just let out a sigh. Moving his Knight to attempt and take the Bishop, leaving himself however open for a checkmate.
"Maybe... you're right. Everyone's been telling me that. It is just....hard, you know ?"

"I can only imagine," said N'vok. "But it does not have to happen all at once. A journey of a hundred days, begins with a single step. But you need to decide what path you wish to embark upon."

He made the obvious move, placing his queen precisely. "Checkmate, I fear. Would you like another game? Or perhaps later when your mind is clearer?"

It seems the Checkmate brought Josef back to-or at least slightly tethered back to the present reality. "My apologies. Perhaps we can try again at a later date. I-just need to rest a bit probably." A lie, to himself mostly. "Thank you for the game N'vok."

"You are most welcome," N'vok said as he reset the board. "Let me know if I can be of help. I can recommend several books on teaching techniques, I was a lecturer at the University level before I returned to Starfleet."

"I appreciate that N'vok. Ill definetly take you up on that offer" though would he really ? He wasnt so sure. But he did not wish to shun his kindness. Or everyone elses kindness. They were all too kind. And he felt like he was shunning them at his slightest shift in mood.

"Anyway. See you around." And with that, Josef left the room to head back to his quarters.

Back to compforting Isolation.


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