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Seeking Advice

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Commander Alicia Kelea-Salik & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Counselling Complex
Timeline: Current
1383 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Zac stood outside the counseling complex. He was nervous, not about seeing the counselor but the reason as it dealt with someone, he loved a great deal but wasn't his. It was Leana Vai, Emily's adopted daughter. He loved the child and he knew she loved him, and she adored Emily, but she didn't talk and that bothered him Hence him being here to see a counselor. Drawing in a deep breath, he entered the complex and stood in the outer office. He told the yeoman at the desk he had an appointment with Counselor Kelea-Salik and was asked to wait.

Alicia smiled as she exited her office as her previous patient departed. “Hello Zac” she smiled warmly. “Please come on in” She motioned him into her office as she walked back inside.

"Hello Commander." Zac replied politely as he entered the office. he was suddenly nervous and full of second guessing himself, but it was too late he was already committed as Commander Kelea-Salik had seen and spoken to him.

“Please, call me Alicia” She smiled warmly as she motioned for Zac to sit down. “I can sense you’re deeply concerned about something, tell me all about it.” She took her seat and waited for Zac to speak.

Zac nodded, "Um okay. Thank you Commander I mean Alicia." He said nervously as he sat in silence for several seconds before speaking again. "I um, hope you can help me with a situation. I'm engaged to Emily Charles and she has a little three-year-old girl, Leana who is Betazoid, Emily adopted her when her parents were killed in the accident that brought us here. Well, I love Leana, and I feel like she loves me." He paused for a moment then went on. "The problem is she doesn't talk. I'm guessing it is because of the trauma of losing her parents. Is there anything you can suggest to help get her to talk?"

Alicia offered a warm and comforting smile. “Leana is one of several children currently under the care of the Counselling department, I remember her name being mentioned. Tate is our paediatric specialist, but I do keep up-to-date on all of our patients. As you said Leana is suffering from the trauma of losing her parents. She was rescued from the clutches of her deceased mother, we don’t know exactly how long her mother had been that way before rescue came, she had severe injuries.” She paused. “That kind of trauma is deeply buried, the fact that she’s attached to the two of you is a good sign, but it could take a while before she’s able to articulate her feelings vocally again.”

"I see." Zac replied after listening to Alicia talk of Leana and her situation. "I didn't realize it was as bad as you described it. "I just want to help her, and Emily does as well. Like I said, I know Leana loves me and she adores Emily. You can just see her face light up when Emily is around and to be honest, Leana is better. she let me take her out swimming with her on my back when we stopped at that planet awhile back." He looked at Alicia, "Is there anything more I can do to help Leana?"

“It sounds to me like you’re doing just fine so far Zac” Alicia smiled warmly. “As a parent I understand how you feel, unfortunately Lea’s recovery has to run it’s natural course. Once she feels secure enough to let go of her fears she’ll start to articulate, right now she has both of you, but deep down she might not be sure if you’ll be gone anytime soon. Just be there for her, show her you’re not going anywhere.”

Zac nodded as Alicia spoke. When she finished he trailed. "Thank you, Alicia, for saying that. Emily has been marvelous with Leana. I just feel helpless, but I do understand what you are saying about Leana. She must be terrified she is going to lose Emily and myself like she did her parents." He looked at Emily," That would be a difficult burden for an adult to bear but for a small child it must be terrifying and overwhelming."

Alicia nodded. “Extremely terrifying. She’ll continue her counselling with Tate for a while yet, as will the rest of the orphaned children.”

"Oh, I wasn't suggesting that Leana's counseling sessions stop. I think Lieutenant Sullivan had done an outstanding job with her. Leana is more expressive than she was when I first met her." Zac explained.

“I know you weren’t suggesting that Zac” Alicia smiled warmly. “I think it’s wonderful that both of you have stepped up to be parents to Leana, she’s a very lucky little girl. In Emily’s case, I think her past problems have become a big plus in caring for Leana.”

Zac smiled. "We try, we’re united and focused on helping Leana. I think Leana helps Emily as much as Emily helps her. They absolutely love each other and I think that is wonderful. I help where I can with Emily and Leana." He smiled again. "And to be honest I benefit from having them both in my life."

“I think they’re both lucky to have you in their lives Zac” Alicia smiled warmly. “Just keep doing what you’re doing, Leana will surprise you. According to her file..” she looked at the PADD in-front of her, “She’s doing well in her sessions, that’s a big credit to both Emily and yourself.”

"Thank you Comm er Alicia. I just try to support and help Emily any way I can." Zac replied with a smile at Alicia's statement. "All we want is for Leana to know she is loved and wanted. Of course, being happy and feeling safe goes along with that. Speaking of safe, do you think that maybe Leana doesn't feel safe? I mean considering she lost her parents."

“It’s possible” Alicia nodded. “She isn’t pushing the two of you away which is a good sign, she’s allowed herself to become attached to the both of you. Does she have any nightmares? Sleep disturbances?”

Zac thought on Alicia's question before he answered. After a few seconds he replied, "She did when Emily first adopted her. She would wake up several times an evening, nightmares I am not sure. I just know Emily had a hard first few weeks with Leana but she sleeps through the night now."

“Then that’s good, Emily is proving to be the mother that Leana needs.” Alicia smiled warmly. “I know Emily had a traumatic childhood herself, that experience is helping her to help Leana.”

Zac nodded, "All I know, Is I want them both happy and safe and I'll do everything I can to make sure that happens." He finished on a determined note.

“I think Emily is very lucky to have you, and Leana is lucky to have you as her father.” Alicia smiled warmly. “Anytime you need to ask any questions, or you have any worries feel free to come and talk to me.”

Zac smiled at Alicia's compliment. "You are very kind to say that Alicia, but I think I am the lucky one for having Emily and Leana in my life they make me feel very happy and very complete."

Alicia smiled warmly. “Then that’s what matters. If you need any further advice, or you have any worries feel free to come speak to me, or any of the counselling team.”

Thank you, Alicia. Thank you so very much. Your wise words and counsel have put my mind at ease with Leana." Zac replied gratefully.

Alicia nodded. “In that case I’m glad I’ve helped.” She stood up to see Zac to the door.

Zac stopped and turned to Alicia, "Thank you for your patience and understanding. Would it be alright if I need to come and talk to you about any other matter, I need help in."

“That’s what I’m here for” Alicia smiled warmly. “Feel free to come and see me anytime you need to talk.”

"Thank you, Alicia, I certainly will." Zac replied gratefully.



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