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Writing Up The Research Part 2 (Backpost)

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 8:05am by Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: 10 Forward
Timeline: (Backpost)
1357 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure

From Part 1: "I'm greatly relieved that you feel that way as I was in enough doubt myself that I would have submitted myself for disciplinary if you had felt it was warranted. That's why I needed to discuss this with you first. I wasn't just looking for you to let me off the hook - which you have by the way - but also to hear your actual opinion because I was so split in my own ways of looking at the whole situation and event."


"Let me get you another drink - not that I'm trying to pay you off for coming to the conclusion I benefit from - but because I needed your reassurance to guide my own next move, as it were. Does that make any sense?" she asked as she rose to go to the bar with their empty glasses for a refill. She paused to hear his reply before moving away, naturally.

Zac smiled and nodded at J'air as she expressed her thanks at his opinion. "You are welcome J'air, I think that you were so close to the situation that it is a case of you can't see the forest for the trees. Not to mention, you beating yourself up is pointless. You, we were in a situation no other Federation member will ever get."

Zac smiled as J'air said she would buy him another drink. "It makes perfect sense J'air. though I don't think you need any reassurance from me. Though, it is nice to hear and yes you can buy me another drink. Thank you very much." Zac added with a smile.

J'air accepted this at last as Zach had made it make more sense to her. She grinned with both relief and approval that he had accepted another drink. She felt she definitely needed one and imagined he probably did too by now!

"What will you have to drink this time, Zac? May I call you Zac?" J'Air asked two questions at once.

"I think I will have a Samarian Sunset this time and by all means you can call me Zac. I'd feel much better if you did. Makes the conversation much less formal."

"Okay Zac, deal!" J'Air grinned and set off to the bar, returning with two more very pretty drinks.

When she sat back down she held hers up and toasted. "Cheers!" before taking a sip.

"Have you been on the Elysium long, Zac" J'Air began.

Zac smiled, raised his glass and repeated "Cheers!" before answering J'air's question. "Only a few months, Boarded just before our trip to planet ice cube. But I have to say, I love the ship and crew. It feels like one big family."

"That sounds very much like my story too. I joined at about the same time and I feel like that about the crew I've met and worked with. Perhaps we've all 'trauma bonded' being on the whole mission. Even the Planet 'Ice Cube' as you so appropriately call it, was further trauma, not to mention the trouble we got into just before we got there. It's been one VERY eventful outing this time, hasn't it?" J'Air replied, chuckling at the idea of calling the last planet they'd visited @Planet Ice Cube'

Zac nodded and sipped his drink. "I think that tis a very profound and true statement J'air. We are all trauma bound. The events leading up to this and the last mission have served to prove we need each other even more."

"That's 100% true!" J'Air agreed. "Would you mind if I asked about your fiancee? I don't know her well but she seemed like a very competent and organised officer on our 'excursion'. Did you tell her about our little diversion with the the Trigremlers? Was she horrified?" Something of the guilty feeling was clearly still at work inside J'Air's mind to bring this up but she didn't initially recognise it as she said the words.

"Emily?" Zac smiled, "Not at all. I think she is absolutely the best thing in my life. We just get along so well." Zac stopped. "Oh, sorry J'air." He shook his head, "No, I didn't tell her about our little run in with the Trigremlers. However, I probably should. I don't like keeping secrets from her." Zac paused and looked across the table at J'air. "Are you still feeling guilty over our interaction with the babies? You shouldn't. You and I are probably the only two people in the Federation who have ever interacted with them, and we have video as well. Please J'air, no guilty feelings. This was a once in a lifetime moment."

"Yes, we do have that video, and .... well, I'm sorry I've been so hung up about it. You're so right. Our interaction could mean the whole Federation can learn about them without anyone having to disturb or disrupt them unnecessarily now. I like that aspect of what we achieved. Thank you!" J'Air finally settled to the idea at last.

"Your Emily sounds really lovely. I hope I get to meet her again somewhen. I can imagine what a lovely couple you are together!" she added, taking a sip of her drink and swirling it freshly.

"We'll have you over for dinner and you can meet her. I think the two of you would be good friends." Zac answered as he took a sip of his drink as well.

J'Air brightened. "Oh that would be brilliant. I'd really like that, thank you. We could ask you two over first, I didn't mean to be fishing for you to start...." she blushed.

Zac chuckled, "You aren't fishing. Besides I said it first. You can do it the next time. I'll get up with Emily and we'll pick a time that is good for all of us. How does that sound?"

"That sounds amazing. I'd love that and I know you'll love Chuck too..... perhaps you've already met him? He's MCPO Chuck Finlay....? You might have worked with him before?" J'Air asked finishing her drink and looking sadly at the empty glass.

Zac shook his head, "No, I don't know him but I look forward to meeting him." He replied honestly. He noticed J'air looking at her empty glass. "Would you like another drink J'air?" He asked while motioning the waitress over to their table.

"Well, I probably shouldn't...." J'Air hesitated but as the Waitress arrived she changed her concerned look for a much more relaxed, broad smile.

"Oh why ever not?" she asked rhetorically. "I was just going to say I shouldn't because I should get back but actually, no-one is likely to miss me for a while longer and anyway, yes please, I would like another! Thank you!" she said, deciding she would like to stay a while more.

Zac grinned at Jools as she relented and decided to have another drink. "That's the spirit." He proclaimed as he spoke to the waitress. "Two more drinks please." He looked across the table at J'air. "Would you like something to snack on? Some cheese sticks? Or a bloomin onion, if they have it." The waitress nodded, "We do sir. Would you like to order one?" Zac looked back at J'air. "J'air? You want to try a bloomin onion?"

"I do please" J'Air agreed but as the waitress left she questioned Zac with a pretend serious air. "Have you tricked me into trying something that will be so hot with spices that it'll blow my tastebuds to bits?" she narrowed her eyes at him for a second but immediately relented and laughed. "Lucky I trust you, right?"

For a moment Zac worried he had overstepped by ordering a bloomin onion for the pair judging by J'air's narrowing of her eyes. However, he released the breath he was holding as she laughed and said she trusted him.

"Whew! You got me. You had me worried J'air. I was sure you were upset. I am glad to see you aren't." He stated as the waitress returned with the bloomin onion. "Oh, that looks so good." He said as he looked across at J'air, "Please, J'air, ladies first."


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