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Writing Up The Research - Part 3

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 8:06am by Lieutenant J'airesh Mora-Heath & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson
Edited on on Sat Jul 27th, 2024 @ 9:11am

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: 10 Forward
Timeline: (Backpost)
2066 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure

From Part 2:

"Whew! You got me. You had me worried J'air. I was sure you were upset. I am glad to see you aren't." He stated as the waitress returned with the bloomin onion. "Oh, that looks so good." He said as he looked across at J'air, "Please, J'air, ladies first."


"Thanks" J'Air grinned and helped herself to a portion, using one of the two long pronged forks the waitress had brought with the dish. She speared the fleshy vegetable and removed a modest section which she then tested on her tongue with one hand as she pushed the dish closer to Zac for him to have some too.

Zac stabbed a section of bloomin onion and pulled a section away which he placed on his plate. He then tore off a piece and placed it in his mouth. "Hmmm!" He moaned happily as he chewed and then swallowed. "That is so good!"

"Please, don't mind my silly sense of humour. I'm sorry if I worried you. I've never had a bloomin onion before. I was just joking about not knowing what to expect." she explained as she bit into the batter of the beautifully present rosette of onion pieces covered in a lavish and tasty batter.

"oooh" she commented around the mouthful. On swallowing she added. "wow, I really like that............. Great call Zac. I'll need to try to think of something traditional from one of my dual identities to show you in exchange." although she couldn't resist tucking into more first.

Zac smiled broadly at J'air as he tried the bloomin onion and clearly enjoyed it. "I am glad you like it J'air. He nodded happily at her offer to show him something from her past identities. "I look forward to that." He answered as he grabbed more of the bloomin onion.

J'Air grinned and took some more too. "I can't wait to show this to Chuck" she began, looking enthusiastically across at Zac. Then her face seemed to fall a little as she thought about something and then added "I expect he'll already have tried some though, he usually manages to be one step ahead of everything I think I'll surprise him with or over."

Then she brightened up again. "But I know I can surprise him with the plan to maybe have a joint evening out with you and Emily!" her grin returned, twice as wide. "I can't wait. Do you think she'll mind? I can't wait to meet her. She must be lovely to be the one for such a nice man as you!" J'Air went on excitedly.

"How did you two meet? Was it on this ship - or long before you came here?" she asked, popping another delicious strip of coated onion in her mouth after she had stopped speaking but she seemed struck by a thought and began to speak again, trying to manage around the onion.

"Oh!" she put her fingers across in front of her mouth. "Is that too personal? Should I not have asked something that's not my business like that?" she began to apologise.

Zac listened as J'air spoke about surprising her boyfriend. Saw her dejection when she said she couldn't surprise him with the bloomin onion. Watched as her smile returned when she spoke about the four of them going out to dinner. He felt his cheeks grow hot with her compliment.

"You are very kind to say so J'air. We met on the ship. We both had some disappointments in the past, found each other, like each other, saw we had similar likes and interests and here we are together and couldn't be happier. You and Chuck met on the ship I take it and no asking about Emily and me isn't too personal, so need to apologize."

J'Air swallowed her Bloomin Onion pieces and grinned appreciatively. " Phew! Thanks Zac" she replied. "I suddenly had a thought that I might have put my foot in it then." she rolled her eyes. "It's something i'm pretty good at, I'm sorry to say."

After another indulgence in some more onion, J'Air said. "Yes, Chuck and I met in Sickbay. He decided to attempt to amputate his leg at the knee, without anaesthetic or training!" she rolled her eyes in an exaggerated expression of disapproval, clearly injecting a little pantomime into the tale. "I DID tell him he should have just come in for an Aspirin and i would have still been taken with him and invited him back for a follow up or too, without the need of sacrificing life or limb!" her grin returned and she added softly. "Just kidding."

Zac sipped his drink and took some more of the onion. He nodded as J'air spoke of how she met Chuck. When she had finished, he grinned at her. "That's quite the tale J'air. it is plain to see that your Chuck is a frustrated surgeon, and he was looking for pointers. I am glad you were able to convince him to come back without all the drama. In addition, I can see by the expression on your face as well as the tone of your voice, you are quite taken with him and I'm sure he is with you. Just like I am with Emily, and I hope she is with me." He added with a smile.

"Of COURSE she is!" J'Air declared without any doubt. "How could she not be?" She chewed another piece of the blooming onion. "mmm, great recommendation, this is yummy!" she added as an aside, swallowing it. "Oh yes, well, HOW could she not be crazy about you, Zac, you clearly think she's gorgeous, just like i do with Chuck, and you're a really nice guy, with a great sense of humour, a lot of patience, plenty of common sense and calmness in a crisis and, if I may say so on her behalf, you look great as well..... what's NOT to be crazy about for a lady that you're engaged to, with all that going for you!"

Looking across at him, J'Air suddenly wondered about that foot in the mouth problem that she had going on and blushed again. "I'm feeling the effects of those Andorian Sunrises now. It's lucky you suggested we might eat when we did, or I might be getting even more tactless on an empty stomach. I hope you won't take it wrong. I didn't mean to come on to you with that list of your lovely characteristics. As I know you're committed to your lovely lady and you also know that I'm crazy about my gorgeous Chuck, I felt I might just be okay to be a bit more honest than I would usually, about how nice you are."

She didn't stop for a breath but went on: "I mean, I'm hoping we'll be good friends, all four of us, if we can, so I'm not going to endanger that by hitting on you and risking trashing two perfectly wonderful relationships that we both have going on already." she finally stopped, wondering if he was going to hand her a spade to keep digging with, but it was the truth! She could tell and see how lovely he was, but he was 100% *taken* - off limits - spoken for - and so was she, so she felt easy about telling him as a friend what his strengths were as a potential husband to his fiancée.

Zac smiled at J'air as she gushed about his good points. He put his arm on the table and propped his chin in his open hand. "Gee J'air, you say the nicest things. Don't stop." He grinned broadly at her even chuckling. "I thank you for all the wonderful, kind things you said. and not to sound like a mutual admiration club. I think Chuck should count his lucky stars to have you for his girlfriend. You are smart, witty, attractive, kind and caring, easy to talk to a great listener and just one very classy lady."

He popped some more of the onion in his mouth, "I hope the four of us can be good friends and forgive me for being bold but I already consider you a good friend. I saw how you were out on the frozen plain with the baby Trigremlers, so I know you care, and I think that is a fantastic quality to have." He paused for a moment and looked into her eyes, "Never stop being honest with me. As friends we should be able to each other anything even it may make us mad." he looked at his glass, "No more drinks or we won't be able to stand let alone find the door.' He joked.

"It's so kind of you to say that, Zac, I feel the same! I will never stop being honest with you and if it makes us mad with each other, we'll then have to think of a good joke each, and laugh it off, right?" J'Air agreed happily.

"Oh and good point about more drinks tonight and walking to the door" she added with another wide grin. "I'm so excited to tell Chuck all about you and to make arrangements for our first joint date! Do you think we should start with an evening out for dinner and drinks? Or shall I cook for us all - you guys could all come round? Or what about a Holodeck picnic at a lovely location? What do you think it would be nice to do?" she asked enthusiastically.

Zac sits and smiles as J'Air speaks excitedly about the four of them getting together for a night out. "I can't wait to tell Emily about you. I think you two will become fast, good friends. As for your suggestions, they are all good. No need for you to trouble yourself by cooking J'air, we can save that for a later date. As for the four of us going out together or the holodeck picnic both are great choices. I know Emily will be happy with either one. If we do decide on the picnic, perhaps we can each bring a food item. You know? Someone brings hot dogs; someone brings chicken salad. That sort of thing." Zac finished waiting to hear what J'Air thinks.

"That's a great idea! I like that, and we can each bring something we like or that's special to where we come from?" J'Air agreed. "So shall we settle on that choice then? Do you know what shifts and dates we could choose? Should we both get back to Chuck and Emily and then speak to each other about what we all have free?"

Zac grinned broadly, "I'm glad you agree and your idea of us all bringing something special is excellent. As far as shifts and dates, I don't know. Emily usually works the same shift I do but her off days can vary and yes we both need to get back to Emily and Chuck, see how they feel and then once that is done you and I can coordinate the date."

J'Air's grin widened as she nodded in agreement. Then she swigged the last of her drink, which was almost completely empty anyway, and stood up to leave. She did wobble just a little and laughed. "You were right about those extra drinks, my friend!" she said and went towards the door, making a very conscious effort to walk in a straight line and still laughing all the way there.

"I'll get back to you very soon!" she called across to Zac and left with the most dignity she possibly could gather, but was still giggling when she got into the corridor. And for that matter, she was still grinning all the way back to her quarters. It was SO lovely to have made a new friend, hopefully two including his Emily.

Zac watched J'Air leave, he wondered if he should go with her, but she seemed in control of herself. He waved at her and called out. "I'll let you know a time and what dates are good for Emily." Then he turned back to what remained of the bloomin onion and took one final bite before he got up to return to Emily and tell her about J'Air and to get her ideas on a good time and date for their double date.


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