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Hello Assistant

Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2024 @ 2:34pm by Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Daisheliss "Lissa" Kerr

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Science Office
Timeline: Back in the day
925 words - 1.9 OF Standard Post Measure

N'vok let the holograms cycle through, showing the latest archaeological finds from Soma IV while waiting for his assistant to check in.

Lissa Kerr had been directed to report to Chief Science Officer and wanted to be sure to be a few minutes early. She personally hated waiting on people, and loathed to make anyone else wait. When she got to Lieutenant N'vok's office she tapped the computer chime to announcer her presence. As she stood, she shifted her weight on her feet a bit, anxious to make a good impression.

"Enter," said N'vok. "Welcome to the Elysium's science department, Lieutenant Kerr.. As you know, I am N'vok, chief of the Department. And, when we are just working within the Science Department, I am happy to dispense with ranks. We are all equal in our quest for the truth."

"May I get you something to drink?"

"I can try to get used to that," Lissa commented with a relaxed smile as she took in the Vulcan's office. "There's the years of Starfleet training and not wanting to dispense with formalities to the wrong person... But, I also tend to feel the same way. I didn't join Starfleet to make rank."

"Um, you know I'm fine, but if you're having something, just a white tea, chilled."

N'vok went over to the replicator and returned with her white tea and a mug of Andorian The for himself.

"What are you excited to work on during your assignment here on the Elysium?" he asked, taking a seat.

"I've tried to keep myself a generalist," Lissa began. "I don't like not being able to get to the answer, and I've always believed that if you narrow yourself to one field, you are limiting your possibilities to getting to the truth. I've always enjoyed studying lifeforms for example, and it wasn't that long ago that might have been xenobiology or a medical degree, but..." Lissa shook her head in awe, a wide smile on her face... "With all that we've come across, noncorporeal beings, alternate universes -- You can't leave behind quantum and temporal mechanics, physics, chemistry, all of it."

"The best I can say, Sir - N'vok, is if you're trying to figure out where to put me, or how to keep me busy, projects with a broad spectrum of possible applications. Or, I don't mind being moved around from time to time. I like to stay sharp, and the best way to do that is to be in the middle of it," Lissa said affirming her position with a nod.

"I have also become a bit of a generalist," said N'vok. "Though specialization has its place as well. As for the chief of science and you, as my assistant, I see our role is primarily to assist the rest of the team, get them what they need, help out as we can, and make sure the paperwork is done to allow coordination with the rest of the ship and Starfleet. We do the boring parts so that others can focus on their science."

"I understand that's part of the job. You don't run any of your own experiments though?" Lissa asked.

"Oh, I do," said N'vok. "But primarily I have been working on xenoathropology projects which do not require any lab space just the occasional holodeck conference with my fellow scientists."

"That sounds interesting," Lissa commented sincerely. "You're a bit of a people person then?" She asked tentatively.

"I study people and cultures now," said N'vok. "But I started in the hard sciences studying energy fields and crystal formation. I do try keep a passing knowledge of most sciences but it is a challenge."

"Right! There's so much out there," Lissa said excitedly. "So what specifically can I do to help you. Anything specific you would like to task out to me?"

"Right now, meet our team, see what they are doing and what can be done to support them," said N'vok. "I am, like yourself, only recently assigned to the Elysium so I am still learning as well."

"Well... in addition to being new to the ship, this is also my first time as an assistant chief, so I suppose I'm a bit of a blank slate for you in that regard," Lissa commented. "From past experiences and talking with friends it seems different ships use that role a little differently. I don't want to overstep, but I like to be busy, so I may ask you what I can be doing from time to time while we figure that out."

"Find a project you wish to help with or initiate and keep busy," said N'vok. "I will be directing some of the departmental paperwork to you, both to lighten my work queue and so that you will know what to do should you end up taking a chief of science role in the future. We will find the proper balance through trial and error, a basic but effective scientific method."

"Sounds good. I guess I'll just take a look around and see where I might be most useful as far as project go, wait for your orders then," Lissa suggested.

"A workable plan," nodded N'vok. "If I can be of help, my door is always open. And, welcome aboard."

"Thank you, Si-N'vok." Lissa stood up gathering it was a good time to wrap up. "I'll look forward to working with you."

N'vok nodded. "I think we will work well together. Now, go and explore."

Chief of Science

Daisheliss Kerr
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Elysium


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