Getting ready
Posted on Sun Aug 18th, 2024 @ 6:58am by Consul Andrinn Orin
Edited on on Sun Aug 18th, 2024 @ 11:01am
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD1-0945
572 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure
Andrinn was one of the first ones for the away team to make it down to the shuttlebay and saw that the shuttle was still being prepared. Since he was rather early for the away mission, Andrinn decided that he would catch up on several things before he left the ship.
Andrinn found an empty space in a corner of the shuttlebay and took out a PADD from his bag. The bag that he was carrying with him was packed full of PADDs, a few things to trade, and a sampling of the ship's horticulture and botanical gardens. While there wasn't much room for all of these things, Andrinn knew that if he was going to be meeting some of these faithful aliens, he would need something to show a bit of their culture as a potential swap of information.
However, one thing fell out of Andrinn's bag as he grabbed for the one PADD and rolled across the deck plate towards an empty shuttle. Andrinn laid his bag on a cargo container and went over to grab what fell out. As he got closer and picked up the item, Andrinn realized what it was that he dropped and let out a small, but audible chuckle.
It was a little figurine that was made to look like one of the Bajoran orbs. Why it made Andrinn laugh was that he had picked it up one of the last times that he was on Deep Space Nine from a local bar owner named Quark. He was trying to get some money to supposedly help one of the Bajoran medical facilities, but Andrinn knew a little bit better. Andrinn had made Quark confess about the real reason why he was selling them and it wasn't a pleasant one, but Quark gave Andrinn one as a parting gift for being so knowledgable about the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
But, the little figurine was something that Andrinn could bring to show that there were multiple faiths and backgrounds from back home in the Milky Way Galaxy. Ones that might be comparable or have similarities to what this new species might practice. Andrinn walked back to his bag and put the little figurine back into the bag before picking the PADD back up, sitting down next to the bag.
Andrinn tapped back into the cultural database and began editing some of the stuff that he had learned over the last few hours about this new species. Teeves was such an amazing help in getting information about this new species. While Teeves himself hasn't been on the ship itself, he still had some contact with the species while out and about. Not only that, but Teeves was helpful with regards to how this new species and how they interacted with their religion, and how their religion was spread.
It didn't take long for Andrinn to update the database, as it was still a newer species. However, Andrinn wanted to keep the file open until after this mission. So, he turned the PADD off and placed it back in his bag. It was perfect timing for everything as well, as it seemed that the shuttle had been finished and the rest of the away team was making their way to the shuttle. Andrinn grabbed his bag and made his way over to greet the rest of the away team.
Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium