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Siren’s Lament

Posted on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 11:04am by Lieutenant Thor Magnus & Ensign Lorelei Lee ( Barclay de Tolly )

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: USS Pittsburgh
Timeline: 2389
631 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

Cadet Thor Magnus had just started his tenure as a crew member of the USS Pittsburgh. His position was Engineer. He did not have quarters because he was living in the bunkbeds on the lower decks. One of his fellow cadets Cadet Bobby Johnston was in the bunk over him. The two of them were called to the briefing room.

Captain Arnold Nottingham let his First Officer Lieutenant Commander Louise Nimitz give the talk of the upcoming mission.

“Crew, you have been chosen to come with me to the Siren planet called Olympia, a planet of several humanoid aquatic species, namely the Sirens. There are over two hundred thousand of them have just been rescued by their own Siren Militia. Our job is to help them rebuild. On the Pittsburgh, we have over a hundred engineers and over a hundred science officers on this ship. We often help planets rebuild after wars, tragedies or disasters. This planet has all three. They have gone through a lot, so please help them.”

Lt. Commander Nimitz said to the crew, “We will have many of our cadets helping each team. Cadets Johnston and Magnus, you are on Team one. Cadets Yarnik and Scorpico, you are on Team two. Cadets Vex and Rogers, you are on Team Three. The rest of the teams leave tomorrow.

Thor gave a smile as he was excited to go on a mission. The next day he was on the surface. Seeing the Sirens who were rescued, they seem like refugees from vintage reels of Bajorans as well as ones from Earth like Bosnians , Syrians and the ones from World War III.

Thor and Bobby was building a replicator station dedicated to replicating machinery when a young Siren girl walked up to them to see what they were up to . “Hi. My name is Lorelei. Can I help you two?”

Bobby smiled first. “Miss Lorelei, this is very complicated machinery. To bring you to speed, it would take you days to learn.”

“I understand the premises and I would like to learn more,” Lorelei said as she saw Bobby was doing. “You are about to have an accident unless you remove the power source. You should know you should do that last.”

Thor looked over. “She is right Bobby. Miss Lorelei, you are not like the other young girls here. You are curious and some what knowledgeable while the other girls seem to want to flirt a lot.”

“Do not mind them,” Lorelei shrugged her shoulders, “They were brought up their only purposes was to have babies and raise families. I tend on the other hand to stick with learning.”

Bobby removed the power source while the other two talked.

“I agree,” Thor said with a very charming smile, “We need to see how much your fellow citizens know about space warp technology.”

Lorelei giggled, “We only know about the tech due to being captive. They do not understand yet even the fundamentals like Event Horizon. I only know about all of this because being the house girl of their Chief Scientist. I would make him desserts in exchange for knowledge.”

Thor gave palms himself. “So before the captors arrived here, you had no idea of space travel.”

“We had no idea of even aircraft,” Lorelei answered. “We were just a peace loving society who like to fish, make love and play music from the seashells.”

“Thank you for telling me all this,” Thor said.

The next three hours, they continued talking.

That evening, Thor handed a report to Lt. Commander Nimitz.

Two days later, the Captain initiated protocols on how to handle the Sirens. He made his report to Starfleet. Starfleet recommend to spoon feed them with technology and they had ten Sirens like Lorelei for Starfleet Prep Schools.


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