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Departure from paradise

Posted on Wed Jul 31st, 2024 @ 8:24am by Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson & Captain Gary Taylor & Commander Kyle Reece & Lieutenant N'vok Holv & Lieutenant JG Miraj Derani

Mission: Season 6 HIATUS
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD9
327 words - 0.7 OF Standard Post Measure

They had spent several wonderful days on this world, mapped it via scans and personal exploration. Plant samples had been brought back. Supplies, fruit, and more gathered.

Phoenix made notes in the official logs then sent the recall alert. While there were rumours and whispers of people wanting to stay, she was not sure of her legal status about it but she was not about to offer the opportunity, they needed the crew they had. She stepped onto the bridge, now at 15h00 the time of departure.

Her bridge crew, were at their posts.

N'vok was at the science station, making certain that the sensor sweeps as they left the system would gather the maximum amount of data for later analysis.

Gary occupied the center set. As soon as Phoenix stepped onto the bridge, he stood to vacate it and took his own XO seat. "Commodore," He greeted her. " We are prepared to leave orbit once the word is given."

Kyle was sitting at his tactical station, working his controls as he checked on the Elysium's various offensive and defensive systems. "All weapons and shields are fully operational and ready for your command, Ma'am."

Phoenix nodded to them. "Give the area one last scan and lets engage our cloak and head off." She ordered.

"Final scans in progress, Commodore," reported N'vok. "A most interesting planet. Perhaps one day we can return."

Kyle looked over at the Vulcan and grinned. "Between you and me, Mister N'vok...given the choice of that world and going home, I'll gladly choose going home."

"As would I, Commander," said N'vok. "But it does not stop the planet below from being a source of beauty and fascination."

"All systems ready to depart." Miraj reported. "Course, ma'am?"

"Set course for the Milky way Lieutenant." Phoenix replied with a smile. "I know warp 5 will take us time."

Gary spoke again, "Alright everyone, vacation is over, time to get back to work and get home."



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