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Sowing the seeds of chaos

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 9:23am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Desek's Quarters
Timeline: MD1
793 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

Desek stared at the monitor with an image of his wife, Seliak. The woman had a chisled face, one born of military service like himself. Her hair was pulled back into a braid that fell to the top of her shoulders. He stared at the information listed on her profile: KIA during the invasion of Cardassian by Dominion Forces. Anger welled up within him. He had been kept prisoner for two decades while his wife fought and died for Cardassia and now he was once again a prisoner, this time aboard a cursed Starfleet Vessel. Starfleet, his life had been filled with dealing with them--them and those damned Bajorans that kept him away from Seliak all those years. Ever since he was a young fresh-faced tactical officer from the Academy in the Border Wars to, the tensions with them and the Dominion. His mind went to Seliak again. They had discussed having children--it was difficult for Seliak to conceive. He recalled the death of their premature son. That was before he was to go on the deep space patrol where he had been ambushed by the Thaih'ea ships.

He turned the monitor off by slapping the power panel hard with the palm of his hand. Now he was simply going to be a prisoner here until the Thaih'ea Fleet hunts this ship down and destroys it. If he learned anything about the Thaih'ea, it was that they were very persistent. 'These Starfleet fools have no idea what they are up against,' he thought as he let out a sigh. 'Such a shame they don't know of the gateway at the Illandra System.' It wasn't information that he would give up freely, however. No, after 20 years of being a prisoner, he would demand to be treated with respect and to determine his own future. Not one dictated by Starfleet or those damned Bajorans.

He stood and approached the door to his quarters, pressing the door intercom button. "Security, could I have a moment of your time?"

The door slid open with Chief Petty Officer Heather Williams, a human female security officer, taking a step in, with her hand resting on the grip of her Type-2 Phaser. "What is it? And make it quick."

"If you don't mind me asking. Do you know if the senior officers have found a way back to the Alpha Quadrant?" Desek asked, clasping his hand behind his back as he studied the woman.

"That's none of your business," Williams said, as she started to turn and exit the room.

"Just hear me out. What if I told you I know of a way...and yet, your senior staff has refused to even consider it. They rather rely on 'faith' and 'hope' while risking your lives with the Thaih'ea Fleet that is undoubtedly hunting for this ship right now."

Williams stopped upon hearing this, considering the words. She turned to face him. "You're lying."

"I assure you, I do not lie when it comes to matters of survival. Are you willing to die needlessly? Watch your friends die needlessly? All because you don't like me?" Desek stated, gesturing with his palms open upwards.

Williams was quiet for a moment. "And what did you want in return?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

"To simply be allowed to walk about this ship. Is that really too much to ask?"

Once again, the woman was quiet. She had known that many senior officers only cared about themselves. Willing to do anything and even sacrifice anyone just to look good or to come out a hero. She wanted to see her family again. She missed her nephews and brother. "How do I trust you?"

"How do you trust officers who don't have your best interest at heart? Or the interest of your friends?" Desek countered.

"We will see," she said before stepping back out of the door.

"What did he want?" asked the other Security Officer.

"He said he knows a way to get back home," she replied.

"And you believe him?" he asked with a chuckle.

Williams slowly nodded. "I think so. He's been a prisoner for 20 years. He has nowhere to go and would have learned such things from these Thaih'ea. What would he gain by lying to us? Do you really want to risk it and get caught by the Thaih'ea Fleet that's hunting us? I don't know about you, but I'd like to see home again. I've seen too many people get sacrificed for the career of some officer."

The other officer was quiet. He had come to trust Williams. Maybe the Senior Staff didn't have their best interest at heart by ignoring the Cardassian.

"We need to tell others and make our voices heard," Williams said firmly.


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