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A Surprise for Emily

Posted on Sun Aug 4th, 2024 @ 2:23am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Emily Charles {Kelea-Salik} & Lieutenant JG Zac Smithson

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Emily and Zac's quarters
902 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Zac came into the quarters he shared with Emily and her daughter Leanna who Zac loved and considered his own daughter. He was smiling ear to ear with the news he had for her. His discussion with J'Air had led them to agree to go out together with their respective partners, for a chance to make new friends and enjoying each other's company.

"Emily!" He called out as he entered anxiously wanting to tell her the news and hoping she would be as excited as he was. "Emily!" he called out again as he started to move further into their quarters.

Emily popped her head out of the bedroom door, she’d not long gotten out of the shower and was wondering what the fuss was all about. “Right here!” She smiled warmly. “What is it?”

Zac smiled at her as Emily stuck her head out of the bedroom door. her hair was still damp. "Oops, Sorry, I didn't know you were taking a shower." he apologized. "Anyway." he started again. "Remember me telling you about J'Air? The doctor who was with me when we discovered the Trigremlers? Well she wants us to double date with her and her better half a Chief Petty Officer named Chuck Finley, Isn't that great?”

“Sure it is” Emily nodded as she walked over to the sofa to sit down. “I guess it would be good to get to know more people. I work with J’Air but we haven’t really been on many shifts together yet.”

Zac followed Emily over to the sofa and sat down next to her, looping an arm over her shoulders. "I agree. I don't know Finley but i want to meet him and like you get to know more people."

Emily nodded. “It’s always good to get to know more people.” She smiled warmly.

"Exactly darling and with all this crew has been through, it feels like a family doesn't it? So we need to get to know our family." Zac said brightly.

“That’s true” Emily nodded. “This is my home now, with you and Leana. I’m just lucky enough to have more family here too, not just George & Leilani and the kids, but the whole crew.”

"I couldn't have said it better Emily." Zac answered with a smile. "No one can go it alone anymore; we all need to rely and be able to count on one another if we're going to survive and make it home."

“We will make it home won’t we?” Emily looked at Zac worriedly. “We’re so far away right now.”

"Hey, no thinking like that. It is expressly forbidden." Zac gently joked with Emily. "Emily, we will get home. I believe in this crew and in Commodore Lalor and Captain Taylor. They will see us home. You need to hold on to that and believe it."

“I have faith” Emily smiled. “This crew can do anything they put their minds to. Commodore Lalor has never failed her crew, neither has Captain Taylor. They are what holds all of us together.”

"I couldn't agree more Emily. This crew is amazing in showing what they can do and overcome. So, has you said I have faith as well and we need to hold onto that and never let go." Zac replied with a soft smile.

“So when are we supposed to be meeting up with the others? Is there a set day and time yet?”

Zac grinned at her, "No day or time has been set yet Emily. J'air needed to talk to Chuck and I'm talking to you to find out what are good days and times." He explained.

Emily nodded. “We don’t have anything scheduled besides getting back to our shifts so evenings would probably be the best time. I’m happy whenever, just let me know when.”

Zac chuckled. "Keep you informed? I figured to just keep you in the dark Emily. You know, just come in one evening and drag you off for a dinner and a good time with some friends." He teased.

Emily couldn’t help but grin. “That’s the whole idea of a surprise though, but that kind of surprise needs to be just the two of us.”

Zac grinned broadly, "Ahhhhh. Got it Emily and don't worry. That kind of surprise is just for the two of us."

Emily grinned. “There were days I used to imagine what life would be like for me in the future, especially when I first came aboard ship. Now I can finally imagine a happy life ahead me, with a family of my own instead of being just a part of George’s family life. I’m very lucky to have both of you in my life.”

"Emily, I want to make you happy every day. You have such a beautiful smile, It lights up a room. I'm the lucky one Emily to have found and fallen in love with you. Despite what we're going through as a crew, these are the happiest days of my life being with you and Leana."

“Then we’re all lucky to have found each other” Emily grinned. “No matter what we’ll be together and that’s what matters to me.”

"I could not agree more Emily." As he said it, Zac leaned across and kissed her softly. "We will always have each other." He answered.



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