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Who are they?

Posted on Sat Sep 14th, 2024 @ 5:26am by Consul Andrinn Orin & Teevs Dosivi

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD-3 days 8h30
2124 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


After the senior staff meeting, Andrinn wanted to get with Teeves before Andrinn headed out towards this new species...homeworld of sorts. Teeves appeared to know more than anyone else onboard, so Andrinn wanted to get all the information that he could before leaving the ship to head towards their homeworld in space.

Andrinn wasn't able to get to Teeves before heading out of the meeting, so Andrinn headed down to the shuttlebay to see if Teeves was down near his ship. Andrinn saw that the hatch was open as he poked his head inside as he said, "Teeves, are you in here? I've got questions for you!"

Once the meeting had ended, Teevs thought that his existing information on the A'janie would be useful to the crew. There seemed to be some lingering hesitations about them, despite his assurances that they were harmless, so maybe this information would help. He glanced up from the wall display in the communal area of the Spheia, leaning back so he could look through the doorway and out the aft end of the cargo hold. Sure enough, there was a familiar face at the entrance. "Mister Orin! Yes, please come in! I have things that may be of interest to you!"

Andrinn came in and sat down at one of the empty seats that adorned the vessel that was part of Teevs' life and looked over at the alien. While he was a diplomat, there were moments where Andrinn was almost at a loss for words when thinking about how to ask questions. However, Andrinn knew that it was sometimes to be rather direct without being rude. So, he asked, "Sorry that I couldn't catch you earlier. But, I was wondering what more you could tell me about this new species and their 'homeworld' in space? I know that I'm supposed to be going over there and meeting these people, so I'd like to have all my Ts crossed and my Is dotted."

Teevs tilted his head slightly at the diplomat's words. Orin's eyes looked fine, why would they need to be dotted? And how would one "cross" tea? Was this a cultural thing on the Elysium? "What is this 'crossed tea and dotted eye,' Mister Orin?" He asked curiously.

"They're a human saying. It just means that one wants to be a thorough as possible and make sure that we all have the same and best understanding of an idea or topic," Orin offered up as he tried to think of the best way to explain everything with that saying.

"Ahh, I understand now," Teevs nodded, appreciating the explanation. Turning his attention back to the display, he pulled up an image of the church. It was a massive vessel more reminiscent of a city than a ship, with towering spires and ornate iconography. Hanging umbilical arms underneath that arched toward the edges of the saucer-like hull hinted to its docking mechanisms.

"God, that's one big place! I think it's even bigger than some of the Federation space stations and outposts that we have back home. Have you ever personally visited this place? I can't remember if I've asked that or not," Orin asked, curious to how deep the ties between Teeves and this species went.

"I haven't," Teevs replied. "As I mentioned in the earlier meeting, Lonians don't have a religious practice, though some might say that our focus on the use of technology for the betterment of society is our 'faith.' This vessel was never of much interest to me for this reason, but it also so happened that our paths simply never crossed. My only interaction with the A'janie was a couple at an outpost, and we shared a meal. They don't typically leave The Wandering Child, because they want people to understand their faith by their own will, but they will sometimes visit outposts, my guess is so they can purchase that one occasional item they aren't able to produce themselves."

The Lonian pulled up the information he had on the A'janie, showing a picture of a heavily tattooed bald man in decorative robes. The tattoos were intricate, with a mix of complex calligraphy and symbols written in a vertical fashion, and were emphasized by their contrasting pale skin. The clothing was extravagant, almost seeming to tell a story much like the tattoos. "To answer your question about the species. The A'janie don't really discuss where they come from, at least not to those I have acquired this information from. All I know is that they had a homeworld, something happened to it, and now they are nomadic. My speculation is that since this event was in the past, they have already learned about that part of the universe, so there's no point in recalling it. Remember that their faith seems to center around understanding, Mister Orin. They believe that people are destined to leave their homes so they can learn help their creator, which they believe to be the universe, to understand itself." He glanced back to Orin with a smile, "it's why I think the A'janie will really enjoy meeting you. Your people travel for the purpose of learning, even if your travels are accidental like your presence in this galasy."

Orin sat there and listened to Teeves talk about the A'janie people and their various beliefs, History, and where they might have come from or not come from. However, something that crosses Orin's mind that might become useful when he gets over to the A'janie people's ship was whether or not they might see the Elysium as an outsider or someone to be feared, much like the Slavery race might have been feared. "How do the A'janie take to outsiders? To people that aren't from this part of the universe? Do you think that they would harm someone like us if we go over there or would they be more curious? Also, they wouldn't throw us into some sort of religious jail to try and covert us to their religion or anything, would they?"

"Oh, no!" Teevs assured, waving his hands. "I know your vessel had the misfortune of meeting the Thaih'ea, but the A'janie are nothing like them. These are a very kind and peaceful people, Mister Orin. They welcome all, no matter the background. They believe that faith should be embraced willingly, not by force, so they will not try to convert you. They only ask that you take the time to learn of their faith, not to follow it." He thought for a second, turning his attention back to the image on file. "This might make more sense to you than it does to me, but I have heard that the A'janie view the universe like a tree, with many branches, and on each branch many leaves. It's their way of saying that everything --planets, to galasies-- is connected."

"I just wanted to triple check because as you've mentioned before, we've had the misfortune of meeting up with the Thaih'ea. As a diplomat, I try to keep an open mind and say that every species that we meet is going to be friendly. But, sometimes I'm unfortunately proven incorrect and the Thaih'ea are proving me very wrong. Something about the A'janie that I am interested in is their faith and how it guides their lives. Have you had the chance to talk to any of the Bajorans onboard? They have a strong faith that helps tie into their ways of life," Orin said, offering up a species that might be comparable to the A'janie.

Teevs nodded in understanding at the concerns. "I think I have talked to a couple of them. They have the... the ear decorations, right?"

"Yeah, that and the ruffle on their noses, much like my spots tell people that I'm a Trill. But, the Bajorans are deeply religious people and have been pretty much since the dawn of time. It's interesting to see how faith drives people's culture," Andrinn offered up, thinking about the time that he was on Deep Space Nine for a little bit when the Bajorans were liberated from the control of the Cardassians.

"I believe the A'janie are similar to the Bajorans then, based off of what you've told me and my own interactions with them. The faith of the A'janie guides their actions and way of life." From the few passing conversations Teevs had had with these Bajorans, he at least understood them to be faithful, something about prophets and how they seem to watch over the believers.

"Yeah, I just want to make sure that I understand the A'janie the best that I can. So, that we can make the best impression on them. Plus, I'd love to see the way that they practice their own faith because while they might be close in how they practice to the Bajorans, it's their own faith and I'm sure that it's interesting!" Andrinn offered up, getting up and pacing the small area around the two men.

Teevs smiled. "Of course, your concerns are understandable. That said, you might need to clarify what your vessel's handshake greeting is during your first meeting if you perform it. Physical contact as a greeting is not that common out here." After it was properly explained to the Lonian what the hell a 'handshake' was, he was rather embarrassed by his response to the Commodore when he and Kerilia first came aboard. Could anyone blame him, though? Extending a hand outward meant someone wanted something, though in hindsight perhaps it meant that she wanted his hand, to shake. Hence: handshake. "The A'janie are accepting of all, so I would be incredibly surprised if they take offense to your method of greeting."

Andrinn couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, especially when he remembered when Teeves first came onboard. From what he remembered, someone tried to shake Teeves' hand and he looked a bit confused because as he had mentioned, it wasn't commonplace for people to shake one's hand for much of anything. So, Andrinn made it a mental note to bring that up in one of the first formal introductions and diplomatic talks with the A'jaine.

Andrinn thought of something else while he was thinking about the handshake. While Teeves' species appeared humanoid, the slaver race was a little less humanoid looking and reminded Andrinn of the Tholians from back in Milky Way. He asked Teeves, "Also, I can't remember if I asked this or not. But, what do the A'jaine look like? I know you said stuff about the tattoos, but do they look more like us or the slaver race? Are they humanoid looking?"

The image Teevs pulled up earlier was still on the display, so the Lonian took a step to the side to let the diplomat see. "They look similar to the Humans on the ship, Mister Orin, but without hair."

Andrinn looked at the image that Teevs pulled up and let it all sink in for a moment. "Yeah, they are quite humanoid, aren't they? Are they naturally without hair or is that apart of their religion?" Andrinn asked, zooming in and out of the picture for a moment.

"I have been told that it's part of their faith," Teevs answered, watching Mister Orin inspect the image.

Andrinn tilted his head and looked over the image for a moment longer before tilting his head back to the normal. Andrinn couldn't help but chuckle as he thought about it. "These kind of remind me of another religious order. This time from Earth. It reminds me a little bit of the monks from old Earth's tale. If you ever get the chance, run the holo-program of 'Robin Hood' and tell me that Friar Tuck doesn't remind you of these guys. But, if we meet these guys, I'd like to see if I couldn't have you come along sometime when we meet them. You're definitely a tie in with this part of the universe and your insight has always been most welcome," Andrinn replied as he handed the PADD back to Teevs.

Teevs gave a smile as he made a mental note to go investigate this 'Robin Hood' holodeck program. "However I can assist, Mister Orin. Do you have any other questions about the A'janie I can answer for you?"

"I think that I'm good! Thank you for all of the amazing answers and letting me rattle on for a bit about friends hopefully! I hope that you know that it means the world to me!" Andrinn replied with a smile and gave a curt bow.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


Teevs Dosivi
Galactic Wanderer
USS Elysium


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