Meeting the Ops Chief
Posted on Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 11:06am by Captain Gary Taylor & Lieutenant Anna Esquivias
Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Gary's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3
867 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure
Gary sat in his office. He was dealing with maintenance requests and prioritizing them. As he was, he realized with a start he hadn't officially met Lieutenant Anna Esquivias, the Elysium's Operation chief. He had talked to her briefly on the away mission to the 'Paradise Plant' when they had both been members of an away team. Now it was time, no, it was past time to welcome her.
Tapping his combadge, "Taylor to Lt. Esquivias, please report to my ready room." As he waited for her reply and subsequent appearance, he got back to work on the small mountain of PaDDs that were atop his desk.
"Yes, sir," Anna answered promptly. It was a little while before she actually arrived but no more than one would expect if allowing for normal travel time. Then the door chimed.
Gary leaned back in his chair as he waited for Anna to arrive. It would be nice to have a more in-depth conversation with her and to hear what plans or visions she had for the operations department. He had barely leaned back when the door chime sounded. Straightening back up, He called out "Enter!"
Anan came in, her eyes up, her shoulders back, her hands clasped lightly behind her. "Reporting as ordered, sir."
" Relax Lieutenant and have a seat. before we begin would you like anything from the replicator? Gary politely inquired.
Anna relaxed and took a seat. She smiled slightly. "Thank you, sir, but I'm good."
"Very well." Gary answered smiling. "I suppose you are wondering why I asked you to come by. The reason is simple and rather straight forward. I wanted us to talk, more than we did on the away mission. I want to hear your ideas and perception of the operations department aboard the Elysium.
"It's a good department," Anna said. "Everyone has performed well so far, sir. Unfortunately, I have become aware of just how uncertain our position is. But I think we can all get through it together and make it home."
"That is good to hear." Gary replied. "Make their strength your strength. Nothing wrong in leaning on them and what they know. They have experience in Ops, they know how to get things done. They went awhile without having an Ops chief, so they learned to rely on each other." He explained.
"I know," she agreed easily. "It's a good team."
Gary smiled, "They are indeed. They are experienced and know their jobs and what they are capable of. You are their leader to direct them to the best of their ability. Which I know you can do. Do you plan on making any changes in the shifts or job assignments?" He inquired politely.
"Not as of yet," Anna said. "Everyone seems to be doing well in his or her current position."
Gary nodded. "It's your department so you have a free hand in any changes you may wish to make in the future." He paused briefly before continuing. "It there anything you or the department need? Anything I might be able to help with?"
"Nothing specific that we don't have," Anna said. "I think we're doing pretty well so far, given the circumstances."
Gary nodded at Anna's answer, "Very well however, if something should come up that you could use my help with don't hesitate to ask." He paused for a moment and continued. "On a different subject, how are you adjusting to being back on a starship?"
"It's an adjustment," Anna admitted, "but I think I am doing ok. It feels good to be among friends and comrades again."
Gary nodded in understanding. "I'm sure it is an adjustment, and I know adjustments can sometimes be hard. Should you have any difficulties and wish to talk, my door is always open."
"Thank you," Anna answered.
Gary nodded and smiled. "You are welcome and now that we have that covered is there anything you wish to ask me or discuss? If so, now is your chance, Lieutenant."
"I'm sure I'll think of a dozen things as soon as I walk out the door," Anna joked, "but nothing is springing to mind. I've been fairly well briefed and debriefed already."
Gary smiled at Anna's statement. "Of course you will Anna that is how it always is. Take a moment and know that there is no such thing as a stupid question." He assured her.
"Oh, I've heard a few," Anna joked. "The crew seems to have very good morale, given the circumstances."
Gary laughed in good humor. "Truth be told Anna, I've heard a few as well but I was trying to be diplomatic." He admitted and grew serious. "This is a good crew, and they have dealt with this situation admirably. They've kept their morale high, their spirits good and I couldn't be prouder of how well they have faced this."
"I'm glad to hear that, sir," Anna said. "Thank you for taking the time to talk with me."
"My pleasure Lieutenant. I don't want you or anyone to feel that they can't come and talk to me if they have a problem, or they just want to vent. I promise to listen and help any way possible."