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A pilgrim beyond heaven

Posted on Wed Aug 14th, 2024 @ 11:50am by Lieutenant Commander S'hib

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: The Wandering Child
Timeline: MD:1 -1200
1018 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure

"She is quite a magnificent ship." Noted Sister Abanot, standing beside S'hib as they watched the Elysium lazily turn until it was side on to the station.

It was the first time she had spoken since finding him standing alone, having spotted the impressively tall alien from quite a distance away.

She enjoyed meeting new faces, always making a concerted effort to find the crews that came aboard.

This one however was puzzling, he had not mingled with the brothers and sisters of her clergy like the others of his crew, simply content to wait, staring at the stars for one to move.

Disinterest in her faith wasn't something new, this she knew all too well. Many had only come for the gifts her pious kin had promised.

But this beast of a man wasn't even interested in that, perhaps a different approach was needed she had thought.

"She's my home." He said while turning his head slightly her way, keeping his gaze fixed on the Elysium as she moved closer to the docking ring. "And I don't get to look at her that often." He said after a long pause.

And there, the truth revealed itself.

"So you weren't ignoring us after all." Abanot said, a grin creeping onto her pale lips.

"No. I just... didn't want to miss this." He said with an amused snort, watching as most of the Elysium vanished from view, leaving just the tip of the saucer visible beside a towering statue.

"Besides, there are others better suited at talking, I just keep people safe." He added dismissively, though his tone failed him on the last few words.

"Thats why I wanted to talk to you." Abanot laughed, turning to face him, studying him with her jet-black eyes.

"Even those willing to listen to us often have a motive for doing so, but you..."

S'hib didn't look at Abanot, but she could see his eyes dancing about, thinking, remembering. "I have everything I need. Now, if you'll excuse me, Sister... I have to help my crew."

"Of course, but I happen to be needed that way as well." She said, skipping to keep up with his long legs. "Perhaps we can talk on the way?" She asked, moving just ahead and leaning into his view.

He let out a long drawn out snort, looking at her briefly before turning his head to glance out the numerous glass portholes, spotting more of the Elysium as if worried it might suddenly vanish. "You're a persistent one I'll give you that."

"And you're walking slow for your height." She fired back, mimicking him by placing her hands behind her back.

He frowned, standing up tall as they walked. "I'm just being respectful." He said, dismissing her claims.

She chuckled, looking up at the tall thing next to her. "I see, and what should I call you? do you have a name?"

"Of course, I have a name..." He snorted before realising she was intentionally goading him. "S'hib."

"Ah, I was going to call you tall thing, but S'hib sounds better..."

His frown came back, slowing his pace to look over at her.

"I'm Sister Abanot... It's nice to meet you. " She said before grinning at him.

It was a childlike grin, hidden beneath tattoos of faith and black ominous orbs that were her eyes. But still, her youth shone through.

"Likewise, but like I said, give it an hour and you'll have hundreds of people to talk to."

Her smile softened. "You don't like people getting close do you, it's just one more person for you to worry about."

Her words caught him off guard, leaving him in stunned silence as he came to a stop.

"How do you?" He stuttered.

"Know?" She said, finishing his sentence as she too came to a stop and turned to face him. "It's rather obvious once you look past the brooding."

"Besides, if you're walking with me..." She said turning away. "Nobody else will bother you."

S'hib blinked, reeling from the verbal blows this complete stranger had thrown at him.

"I- what, I do not brood!" He snorted, scratching at the deep red and gold carpet before stepping after Sister Abanot.

She turned, giving him a look that said she didn't believe him. "You know, I wasn't quite sure I believed the rumours at first, but you're far too soft to be from this Galaxy."

"Soft?!" S'hib exclaimed, his voice booming into a loud echo inside the vast docking ring and turning many a pale bald head his way.

"You know, I'm starting to understand why the Thaih'ean doesn't come after you," S'hib added, his voice far lower this time. "You're bloody annoying." He growled.

Abanot laughed, a soft delighted chuckle that only served to further furrow S'hibs brow.

"And you're not used to someone seeing through all the walls you put up."

"Alright, what do you want?" S'hib snarled, grabbing her by the shoulder as he stopped.

"To help, my child..." She said, raising a hand to rest atop his, showing no malice towards him despite the slight twinge his grip was causing. "You're so incredibly lost."

S'hib snatched his hand away, snorting and stepping back as if suddenly overcome by emotions he had buried under an ocean of sand.

She had gotten under her skin, agitated him on purpose to slip between the cracks, like firing on a ship before they could raise shields.

"No, no... stay away from me." He croaked, lifting a stubby finger as he took off, his mind ablaze with questions he didn't want answers to.

Abanot sighed, watching the tall thing hurry away and making no attempt to chase.

It was a start, she thought as she looked at the alien ship, watching one of the four docking arms clamp down on the visible hull with its giant magnetic feet.

"I will help him..." Abanot said, stepping closer and placing her hand on the cold thick glass, looking out across the stars as if it was something tangible that could understand her.

"And in turn, I shall help you."


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