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To Love and to Cherish

Posted on Thu Aug 15th, 2024 @ 5:32pm by Teevs Dosivi

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Niea IV - Mount Deala, Equatorial Range
Timeline: Federation Year 2381
1617 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Saphse leaned into the giant boulder she and Teevs stopped at to catch her breath. "How much further... did you say the... viewpoint was?" she asked between breaths. Swinging her bag around in front of her, she grabbed her water and took a long drink. Teevs had somehow convinced her to hike the tallest mountain on the planet, and she was only fortunate that they weren't going to the very top.

Teevs had his hands behind his head while taking slow breaths, despite the thin atmosphere. "We're very close. It's just... past that hill," he answered, pointing ahead of them. "This is the hardest part, but the view is very worth it."

"It better be... the best view on... the planet!" she said playfully. Taking one last drink of water, Saphse put the bottle back in her bag before repositioning it behind her. She noticed that Teevs was adjusting much better than she was, and gave him a nod. "How the hell... are you adapting so fast?"

Teevs gave her a smile. "Do what I'm doing and take slow breaths. We learned it when my classes brought me up here for field work, and again during military training."

Nodding, Saphse put her hands behind her head and took some controlled breaths. After a moment, it did help as her breathing returned to normal. "Thanks," she said. While she was catching her breath, she watched Teevs pull out a holomap, highlighting the trail they were taking. "You sure you're not taking me to the top?" she teased.

Looking past the holomap to his girlfriend, Teevs gave a chuckle. "No, I promise. We're here, and the viewpoint is here. Literally right around that hill." He nodded his head toward the hill. "Then you can see what I packed us for lunch," he added with a smile.

Saphse returned the smile, then nodded her readiness to continue and followed his lead. Sure enough, about 20 more minutes of walking led them to the crest of the hill in question, revealing a small clearing next to a cliff. "Wow..." she breathed, stepping down the hill with Teevs to reach the clearing. Being careful to not get too close, Saphse went to the cliff to admire the view.

Below her, the near-vertical wall extended for a few hundred meters, the occasional grassy plant growing on the few available surfaces. As the mountain rejoined with the land, she could see quite a distance. The grasslands were occasionally interrupted by rows of trees that lined rivers. To her left, she could just barely make out the tallest peaks of the Spectral Mountains on the horizon. Tiny specks on the ground hinted to wildlife, and several birds flew beneath her.

While Saphse took in the view, Teevs got to work setting up their picnic, but his hands were slightly shaking. He was excited, and perhaps a little nervous. He hoped the box didn't get too sweaty in his pocket. Putting the blanket on the ground and their lunch container in the middle, he stood and stared at her, enjoying the view of her against the natural backdrop. Things couldn't be more perfect; the weather was great, nobody was up here, and there was a gentle breeze keeping the day's warmth at bay. His heart was racing, and not just from the climb. Slowly, he reached into his pocket, holding the box for a moment, before committing and removing it. Holding it close to his chest, he took a breath to steady his racing nerves.

"Thank you for bringing me here, Teevs. It's beautiful..." When Saphse turned around, she saw Teevs nervously holding a small box in his hands. Confusion led to surprise, and she gasped. Her slightly open mouth was soon partially covered by her hand. No. Was it-?? Was this actually happening???

Holding the box in his left hand, Teevs cupped his right hand underneath his left and extended his arms in front of him, presenting the box to her. He was thankful that traditional proposals included bowing the head, because he was fighting to keep his emotions in check to make it through the offering. "Saphse..." His voice trembled slightly, a combination of his nerves and how overwhelming this moment was. "I fell in love with you at Tafavera. I love you for many reasons, but above all you're confident, kind, and strong. Every moment has been unforgettable, and I wish to be a part of your life. I want to be your counsel and your support. I want a future with you in it."

Saphse couldn't keep the tears from her eyes if she tried. The warm, orange glow of the sun danced in the tears that speckled her eyelashes like dewdrops in grass. "Teevs..." she whispered, moved by his words. She knew how much he loved her, but he set all of this up... for her??

"Saphse, seli phala suhyen?"

An emotional breath came from Saphse as she watched Teevs, his head bowed and the box extended toward her. The question echoed in her mind. The faint shaking in his arms indicated that he too was very emotional, and that his words came from a sincere place. "Do you promise to cherish me, as my partner?" she asked. Per tradition, there were three questions to ask the one proposing before making a decision.

Teevs' heart fluttered at the question. The three questions were an older tradition that wasn't obligatory anymore, but if they were asked, they had to be answered to even be considered as a partner. "I will cherish you with everything I can offer," he responded.

"Do..." Saphse's voice cracked, and she sniffled while quickly blinking away her tears. "Do you pledge your loyalty to me, as my partner?"

His arms were starting to tire, but Teevs forced himself to keep his position. "You and any children you bless me with have my loyalty."

One final question. To Saphse, it was a bit dramatic, but tradition was tradition. "Would you die for me?"

The idea of death was scary. Teevs knew firsthand how terrifying it was to face death. His love for Saphse ran deep, however, far deeper thn any fear. In that moment, with the box outstretched to her, he felt simultaneously untouchable and vulnerable. "I will do anything to protect our family, Saphse. I swear my life to you."

There was a moment of silence as Saphse considered his answers, then she silently approached and lifted the box from his hand. Opening it, she saw a pair of rings, blue-grey in color with dark specks. They were clearly a custom job, and she recognized the material as one of the many rocks Teevs would show off to her. It was the one that she had decided was her favorite in his collection.

After feeling the box disappear from his hand, Teevs took a moment to smile in relief before composing himself enough to lift his head to see her. He couldn't keep the tears of joy out of his eyes, and his lip trembled in an attempt to keep a stupidly wide grin off his face, at least for now.

Picking up the smaller of the two, she put it on her right index finger, then gently picked up his right hand and turned it so the palm faced up. "Then I swear to you, Teevs Dosivi, that I will cherish you with everything I can offer." She put the other ring on his right index finger, then clasped his hands in hers. "You and our children have my loyalty. If death must separate us, let it take the one who holds our values the most."

Teevs looked down at his hand when she put the ring on his finger, then he covered his eyes with his free hand as the emotions became too much. She accepted him! "By Thilia," he choked out. He felt her embrace him, and he hugged her back, holding her close. It felt different, like they weren't two people anymore.

"Stop it. You know that I cry when I see others cry," Saphse laughed, the tears falling down her cheeks as well. With how little she talked about herself, she had never really considered the possibility of getting married, and yet Teevs seemed to accept her anyways. It was relieving to feel seen, and above all else, loved.

A chuckle came from Teevs. "I can't help it, pheya. You accepted my proposal." Pulling back, Teevs cupped Saphse's cheeks and pressed his lips to hers, the joyous grin mildly interrupting the contact.

Her husband-to-be wasn't the only one smiling into the kiss. Saphse kissed him back for a long moment before resting her forehead on his, catching her breath again. The air on the mountain was much thinner than she was used to, and the kiss didn't help. "You really had to... do this on a mountain... though?" she asked quietly, as if the question would disturb the serene rustle of leaves around them.

"I figured I'd take your breath away... one way or another," Teevs answered, his cheeks starting to ache from the sustained smile. The lack of her presence at his forehead was replaced by a slap to the shoulder, and he laughed in response. With her hand in his, he guided her to the picnic he set up. In post-proposal clarity, he probably should have done it after the meal, because if she had said no, then it would have been very awkward. But the way she looked against that vast backdrop, her awe in that instant, pushed him to do it anyways. He couldn't explain it, the moment had just felt... right.


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