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Etching of Time and Faith

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 6:14am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Orin's Quarters
Timeline: MD4, 1915 hrs
635 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure


As Consul Andrinn Orin sat in his quarters aboard the Elysium, the hum of the ship's engines could be heard while the ship was slowly making their way towards the A'jaine's space station and homeworld. The engines provided a soft hum and a bit of background noise while Andrinn looked over some of the more recent scans of the space station that the Elysium was heading for. The station appeared to be a bit more ancient, but rather awe-inspiring structure that provided some insight into the people known as the A'jaine.

The scans that captured most of Andrinn's attention were scans of the outer hull, which had several geometric and not-so-natural designs. They appeared to be more than just mere decoration and provided a bit of insight into the A'jaine's History, culture, and possibly showed how profound the A'jaine's sense of religious devotion truly was.

Andrinn leaned back in the chair that he was sitting in and allowed for the lighting of his quarters to cast several shadows across his face as he studied the scans that were on his PADD. While the Elysium had captured several scans of the station when they got close enough, it was still quite a distance away. Between the shuttle's scans and the scans that the Elysium were now able to get as they headed towards the station, it allowed for a fuller picture of the various designs that adorned the A'jaine's homeworld.

However, while there was an openness from the A'jaine when spoken to on their initial visit, there was a reverence to the designs that Andrinn felt he should uphold while combing through the scans. He felt that these etchings were more than just art, they were sacred.

The etchings were unlike anything Andrinn had seen before. The patterns were elaborate, almost hypnotic in their complexity, with each line and curve seeming to tell a story. The etchings reminded Andrinn much of the ones that were found in B'hala, the ancient Bajoran City that was found by Captain Sisko before the Federation was thrown into the Dominion War. While Andrinn hadn't had the chance to see the actual City itself, he had the chance to see some of the depiction of the City that the Ancient Bajorans made throughout the years.

Andrinn knew that while there were differences between the Bajorans and the A'jaine, there could be a lot of similarities as well, even if they were two different faiths.

As Andrinn was lost in thought and just mindlessly going through some of the scans of the station, he stopped at one set of scans that captured his attention. Andrinn stopped at one and zoomed into them, looking at several sets of geometric circles that he knew were man-made. The circles were almost hypnotizing, each one bigger than the next and it made him wonder what each one could mean. It was like they were telling an electrified story and Andrinn knew he would like to get that story one day from the A'jaine.

However, the computer beeped and Andrinn looked over to realize how much time had passed since he started to look over the scans of the A'jaine homeworld. There was a meal that Phoenix called him for and Andrinn knew he would be late if he waited any longer to get prepared.

Putting the PADD down and saving them to the cultural database onboard, Andrinn made a note to touch it up and figure it all out once they arrived to the A'jaine homeworld. As for now, Andrinn knew that he had to get a shower in and get dressed before the meal. So, he hopped in an took a quick one before heading out of his quarters and up to the Banquet Hall.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


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