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Quiet Reflections

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 5:22am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Orin's Quarters
Timeline: MD5, 0200 hrs
1047 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The sound of the doors to his quarters softly whooshing shut behind him signaled a small but welcome relief as Andrinn leaned back against the cold duranium frame. The familiar sensation of stillness wrapped itself around him like an old cloak. Andrinn allowed himself a moment to take a deep breath in, allowing the silence to comfort him for a moment before moving further into his own quarters.

The time was now 0200 hours, a time in which the ship was typically quieter than usual. Most of the crew had already retired to their own quarters, leaving Delta Shift at their posts throughout the ship for the duration of the evening. Having come from the senior staff dinner, Andrinn felt both refreshed and in some ways, exhausted.

The dinner was a rare opportunity for the senior staff to relax and socialize without the pressure of the current mission to loom over such an amazing evening. Laughter, camaraderie, and even a few shared stories from the past had filled the air. The slaver race, the Thaih'ea, and their tension with the USS Elysium felt distant during those few hours. Andrinn had managed to enjoy himself, even if had been thinking about Sam for a bit that night.

Moving toward the small desk near the far wall of his quarters, Andrinn absentmindedly brushed a hand through his short, dark hair. While the evening with the senior staff was enjoyable and gave everyone in attendance a much needed break for the mission, it was moments like this one that snapped Andrinn back to a bit of reality.

He sat down at his desk and picked up a PADD, glancing at the upcoming meetings and briefings that were scheduled for the next few days. Over the last few days and weeks, Andrinn and his diplomatic abilities had been put to the test, especially with the two biggest species that the Elysium had met over that time period since she was flung to this part of the universe. The Thaih'ea was the species that Andrinn and many others onboard nicknamed the ‘Slaver’ race, while A’jaine were almost the polar opposites to the Thaih'ea. The A'jaine had proven to be more cooperative—an enigmatic but deeply spiritual species whose presence on their wandering space station had fascinated Andrinn and taken the hearts and minds of several crew members. In some ways, they reminded him of the El-Aurians, whose vast experiences across the galaxy had instilled in them a similar sense of cosmic wisdom.

The A'jaine had welcomed the Elysium and her crew with grace and hospitality. Their spiritual beliefs, while foreign, resonated with him in a way that he hadn't expected. Andrinn had always been fascinated by the diversity of cultures and philosophies that populated the stars, a trait likely inherited from both of his parents' worlds. It was no wonder that he had been drawn to diplomacy—a profession that allowed him to mediate between vastly different civilizations, while also learning from them.

And yet, as much as he had enjoyed the evening with the senior staff, Andrinn couldn't shake the shadow that loomed over their mission: the Thaih'ea.

Sighing as he set the PADD aside and moved towards the large window that lined his quarters, Andrinn stared out into the void of space. The stars were different in this part of the universe and felt different to Andrinn. However, they still did an amazing job at reminding Andrinn that no matter what’s going on, his concerns were rather tiny in the grand scheme of things and that he shouldn’t worry about the little things that he didn’t have control over. Still, Andrinn had another belief that even the smallest of moments could shape the future and in his long life due to his El-Aurian heritage, he had bore witness to how a single conversation could change the course of an entire civilization.

The Thaih'ea were a race of cold, calculating nature and history of oppression and were unlike the A’jaine in so many ways. Where the A'jaine sought balance and understanding, the Thaih'ea valued control and dominance. The hostility they exhibited toward the Elysium had made every negotiation with them fraught with tension, and despite Andrinn's best efforts, he couldn't help but feel that conflict was inevitable. His role was to delay that conflict as long as possible, to find a path through diplomacy that could avert unnecessary bloodshed.

But there were limits to diplomacy. Andrinn knew that better than most.

He turned away from the window and began to change out of his formal uniform, folding it neatly and setting it aside. The calm hum of the ship beneath his feet grounded him as he slipped into more casual attire, the fabric soft against his skin. The night had been long, but he felt the pull of tomorrow's responsibilities already weighing on him.

A brief flash of his own memories—memories not entirely his own, but also those of his Trill symbiont, Orin—came to him as he moved through the quiet routine. Orin had lived several lives before joining with Andrinn, and those past experiences often surfaced at unexpected times. The connection between host and symbiont was deep, intimate. Andrinn valued Orin’s wisdom, though it was sometimes overwhelming to bear the weight of those lifetimes, each filled with its own challenges, joys, and losses.

But tonight, the memories were quiet, almost meditative. Orin, like the El-Aurians, was patient, accustomed to the slow passage of time and the long arcs of history. That patience was something Andrinn was grateful for—especially in moments like these when the stakes felt so high.

Taking a few moments before hopping into bed, Andrinn looked out once more onto the stars to gather some insight and calm before another days’ work. However, the Elysium would reach the A’jaine station soon and the negotiations would continue. The Thaih'ea threat would continue to remain on the horizon.

As for that moment, in the stillness of his own quarters, Andrinn allowed himself a moment of peace and reflection, thinking back to the wonderful dinner the night prior. Tomorrow would come soon enough and with it, new challenges.

But tonight, he could rest.


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomat
USS Elysium


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Comments (1)

By Captain Samuel Woolheater on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 5:36am

A very good post indeed. Really good to see Andrinn again in a wee post. Thank you for the treat. Andrinn doesn't shower off before going to bed?