
New Faces, New Species-Part One

Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2024 @ 8:49am by Consul Andrinn Orin

Mission: Season 6: Episode 5: A church beyond heaven
Location: Deck Two-Diplomatic Offices
Timeline: MD5, 1000 hrs
670 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Andrinn had just sat down in his office when he heard his computer beeping at him. He thought about who might have sent him something or what could have been so urgent that his aides might've sent something over. But, once he sat down and turned his console on, Andrinn quickly realized that it was a letter from the A'jaine delegation.

Andrinn had requested some information from the A'jaine about getting into their records regarding some of the species that they've encountered over their times within this region of space. Andrinn was sure that they would have some kind of database and records about all sorts of species, so he had sent over the request for them to look into it.

The most important information that Andrinn wanted was in regards to some of the species that weren't native to this region, but weren't native to the Milky Way Galaxy either. Andrinn had sent over a list of all the known species that the Federation had encountered within the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma Quadrants of the Milky Way, which was in no way complete itself. But, it gave the brother that Andrinn had worked with a start on slating out who he should and shouldn't be looking for.= during his search.

Mainly, Andrinn started this search to see about other species that may have been abducted from their home worlds like the species that were already seen. Once everything was done or even during this mission, Andrinn was hoping that their homeworlds would be notified that this was happening, so that what happened to the Elysium wouldn't have happened anyone else. Especially since the crew of the USS Archon already went through it themselves and didn't get to live for their troubles.

Andrinn just hated how they weren't able to do more right now. At least, he felt like he couldn't do more at the moment. While he was the Chief Diplomatic Officer, he knew better than to say that diplomacy ALWAYS worked. Sometimes, there was fighting beforehand to make things work out, as seen with the various wars that the Federation has fought over its lifetime. One of the most recent ones he could think of was the Dominion War, which was a bloody war indeed.

However, Andrinn needed to focus. So, he brought up the files that were sent over to him and he began sifting through some of the various species. The good thing was that the A'jaine were good at keeping their records and that included not only biographical information about the various species, but pictures of the species as well. That gave Andrinn more than a mental picture, so that he could show the crew the species instead of just talking about them.

Some of the first few species weren't that different than the species from back home, at least in looks. Yet, there were two species that intrigued Andrinn has he was going through the records. The two species were called the Zaroodian and the Senti. Both were bipedal species, but each had some unique parts of their anatomy or how they interacted with others.

For example, the Zaroodians had dark red skin and their bodies had four lungs. While the Senti were a nomadic species, much like the A'jaine. The Senti also appeared to have quite the lifespan, living up to 300 years of Earth standard. Both of these species were quite intriguing, but something was telling Andrinn that there was more to them than just meets the eye...or the database.

Andrinn wanted to know more, so he decided to call the one brother that he talked to before to see what he knew. So, Andrinn saved and closed the information that was given to him and called up Brother....Brother....Brother Ludias? Something like that.

Andrinn hit up the comms channel and waited to be connected, so that he could make sure that he had all the correct information at hand...


Consul Andrinn Orin
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Elysium


