
Healing the Family

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 7:45pm by Captain Mattias Richardson [Reece] & Commodore Phoenix Lalor-Richardson

Mission: Tales from the other side of the Mirror
Location: Erisia Prime, Imperial home
Timeline: (Immediately following "On a War Footing")
1807 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure

As the Imperial shuttle sped back to the Capitol, Mattias opened a hail to his wife. One of her handmaidens answered the call, and he ordered that the Empress be put on the line.

The screen changed and his wife appeared. "I take you, we're successful, My Love?" She asked.

Mattias's demeanor softened some as soon as he saw his Queen. Then, the intensity returned. "The Baron! He has poisoned you, and the princess through you! I am returning to you now with the antidote!"

The Empress's face didn't change but underneath it, she was starting to panic. "Very well," Her voice barely waivered. "I will await your return."

"It will be within the hour, my Queen. I'm told the antidote won't survive transport, so I'm flying back right now at full impulse. I have already notified the Imperial medical staff. They should be arriving at your door now. They will have everything ready for my arrival." He leaned closer to the camera, his face filling Pene's screen. "Your champion is coming, my love."

Penelope nodded and when the screen shut off, she headed for the nursery, looking for their daughter. She needed to lay eyes on their child. Around her, security swarmed and her ladies in waiting were dragged off to be questioned, as was the head nursemaid.

At the crib, one of Micheal's most trusted officers stood, ready to give her life to keep the Princess safe. When she saw the Empress enter the nursery, she bowed respectfully. "Your Majesty."

Pene inclined her head and stepped up to the crib and then bent down and picked up her sleeping daughter, holding her close. "Inform the Emperor that we are in the nursery." She stated.

The guard, dressed in full battle armor, nodded again. "I have already done so, Your Majesty. Per regulations, there is constant communication whenever a member of the Royal Family is in danger. Everything I see, hear and say is automatically transmitted to Tazys Robertson, Your Grace. It is my understanding that what he learns, he informs His Excellency about immediately."

Penelope sat on the window seat with her daughter in her arms. She bit her lip and kept her gaze on her child.

Almost an hour later, the sound of a shuttle could be heard approaching the grand balcony that was outside the main sitting room. As it hovered just over, the rear hatch lowered, and the Emperor jumped down to the marble balcony deck, Micheal right beside him. As the duo hurried towards the doors, the guards inside quickly opened them, bowing out of complete loyalty to their sovereign. As Mattias entered the sitting room, the shuttle has already peeled away, heading back yo the landing area.

"Pene!" Mattias called out, as he and his shadow ran to the nursery.

At his voice, she stood up, Niamh in her arms. "Mattias!" she said trying not to panic.

Stepping into the nursery, Mattias made a beeline for his wife and child, seeming oblivious to the protection agent standing nearby who had bowed at his entrance. He put his arms around his family, protecting and loving them. "My Queen, I beg your forgiveness for not anticipating this treachery. I will personally peel the flesh from every person responsible for this cowardly act!"

As he spoke, the Royal Family medical staff arrived and moved onto the apartments, the Chief Physician stepping forward, bowing to her Emperor and Empress. "Your Grace's, my team stands ready to analyse both the antidote and Her Grace and the Royal Princess, when you are ready."

Pene gently touched her husband's face then turned to the Doctor. "Do it. No delays," She said softly. "I want this sorted."

The Chief Physician nodded again. "Yes, Your Grace. Please step back out into the main sitting room. My team has set everything up." She then looked at Mattias. "Your Excellency, do you gave the vial containing the antidote?"

"I do," Micheal spoke up, remov8ng both the vial of greenish fluid, and the PADD both identifying the poison, how it had been administered, and how the antidote should he used to eliminate it.

The Chief Physician took both. "Thank you, Tazys Robertson." She then hurried out of the nursery and got to work, personally checking on the validity of the antidote, and looking over the notes very closely. In ten minutes, she was confident in the readiness to treat the Empress and Royal Princess. Turning to the Royal Family, she bowed her head again. "From what I've read in the notes, Your Grace, the poison was introduced into your system as little as a few weeks ago. I believe, it had to have been in your food, which would make at least one of the cooks and one of your handmaidens, at the very least, culpable in this heinous act." She held up a hypo. "It will take at least three to four separate injections to fully cure both you and the Royal Princess." She paused, clearly upset about the next part of her news. Unfortunately, while Your Grace is strong enough to have been fighting the poison in these early stages, I fear that Her Royal Highness, being so young, might still have permanent injuries to her genes because she is still growing and is weaker. I and my staff will work tirelessly to ensure any side-effects of her poison8ng will be a minimal to non-existent as possible."

Mattias' face grew red from a growing rage as he listened to the news. "I will personally peel the flesh from every person responsible for this attack!" He looked over at Micheal. "You know what to do."

Micheal nodded, then looked at his younger officer, the one who had been guarding the Royal Princess. "You will stay with the Royal Family until I return." He then hurried from the Royal apartments, taking a few of his guard with him, as they hurried to both the kitchens and to where the Royal staff had been sequestered.

"I want my siblings checked as well." Penelope ordered. "I want the entire family checked."

The Chief Physician nodded. "I will see to it personally, after I have treated you and Her Highness." She then stepped forward, the hypo extended, as she waited for permission to administer the medication.

Penelope nodded. "Do it." She ordered.

The Chief Physician nodded, then first administered the dose of antidote to the Empress, then she moved to refill the hypo with a smaller dose for the Princess then administered it to her, as she lay in her mother's protective embrace. When she was finished, she stepped back. "You both will be feeling queasy during the injections, Your Grace. It will only be temporary. Also, with respect, while you are both receiving the treatments, it is my strong medical recommendations that Her Royal Highness does not receive any milk from Your Grace. It will still be tainted by the poison. I can generate a formula to be used, or you may use a wet nurse. The treatment will take at least the next two months. I will then be able to ascertain as to whether the treatment has been successful." She took a breath, before continuing, "From what I have just read, and after studying the makeup of the antidote, I am confident that the treatments will be successful, Your Grace."

"Formula." The Empress replied. She was not about to risk other sources of contamination. "Thank you doctor."

The Chief Physician bowed respectfully. "It is my honor to serve, Your Grace." She then straightened up. "And now, if I may be so bold, Your Grace, both you and Her Royal Highness require rest now, above all else."

"I will once we have the traitors in the cells." The Empress replied. "I need to know that it is done."

The Chief Physician nodded again. "As you wish, Your Grace. May I at least request that you move to a more comfortable piece of furniture, and put your feet up? You need to conserve as much strength as possible, for both yourself amd Her Royal Highness."

Penelope nodded and moved to a low couch near the wall and crib. She sat down with Niamh in her arms.

As the Empress moved, the Chief Physician looked over at Mattias, bowing her head slightly as she spoke. "With your permission, Your Grace, I shall remain here to observe both Her Excellency and the Royal Princess, ensuring that the first set of inoculations do not cause any unforeseen issues.

Mattias was still quite angry, but he knew it should not be directed at the loyal doctor. Finally, he nodded. "Do as you feel you must, for the benefit of my wife and child."

Just then, Micheal recieved a message over his internal comm init. He stepped forward. "Your Grace, my people have discovered the two traitors. One was a senior cook, the other one of Her Grace's personal handmaidens. They are already being taken to the dungeon, and their families are being rounded up as well.

Mattias took the news with a dangerous look in his eyes. "They are not to be harmed. I shall personally oversee their punishment. See to it." He then moved over to Pene and Niamh. "My Queen, the traitors have been found. One of the cooks and one of your handmaidens. I am heading down to the dungeon to deal with them personally. Unless you would rather deal with your handmaiden?"

"No. I trust you my love." Penelope replied. "Make it so no one dares to do so again."

The Emperor's eyes filled up with murderous joy. "They shall know pain like they've never known it before, my Queen." He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips, then he turned and kissed the crown of their daughter’s tiny head.

After pausing for a couple beats, absorbing the love of his family, the Emperor stood and made his way out of the room, pausing to speak to the guards who were remaining. "Defend them with your lives." There was a dangerous tone to his voice as he spoke. However, the guards, both completely loyal to the Royal Family, simply saluted their Emperor silently. There was no reason for them to speak, only to carry out the orders they were given.

The Emperor then exited the room, followed closely by Micheal. As they left the Royal Apartments, a full squad of handpicked warriors fell into step, surrounding their Emperor in a ring of lethality, as they made their way down to the dungeon. Everyone present was angered beyond words. The guards silently wished that the Emperor would allow them the honor of flaying the traitors alive. However, they also knew that He was far deadlier than they were. So, they would be content, to stand back, watching and learning.



