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The view from home.

Posted on Mon Nov 25th, 2024 @ 2:33pm by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Arten Diplomatic offices
Tags: Arten, Confederacy Vote
535 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"The Confederacy Council is voting now," the melodious voice of Warrant officer Gen'Tetra Crystal cliff said as she walked through the Hatchway into the office. "Our exile might be coming to an end soon." she added as she tossed a Federation issue PADD onto Her superior officers Desk.
Staff Warrant officer Reo'thanra Sandtail looked up from Her work with a tired sigh, her tail twitching from side to side. "I highly doubt you or I will be recalled any time soon," she said with a gentle shake of her head. "Between the science Communities hatred of you for your involvement on project Stars Eye, and my outright refusal to bow to Political pressures at home, You and I are not exactly wanted back home." she paused her work to look at the Tablet with a sigh. "Besides, there's always the chance they vote to Remain independent," she muttered tiredly.

“I hope not…I’d really like to be able to go home again,” Gen’tetra sighed quietly. “I and I can only imagine how desperate you are to see your clan again.” She paused and shifted in place. “Sorry,” she added quietly.

Reo gave a dismissive wave of her paw. “Its fine. Its fine,” she muttered as she Read over the Article a Federation Reporting team had printed.

“Feds think there’s a good chance it could go either way,” Gen Summarized. “The most important event our culture has had in centuries….and we barely warrant a Small article on page eight,” she chuckled quietly.

“we’re a third rate, nonhumanoid species with a single solar system, And all our most impressive technology is sequestered under a planets worth of secret clearances, and one of them is blatantly illegal for us to be perusing,” Reo sighed tiredly as she looked over the Report. “Frankly I’d be more shocked if the Federation was more interested in our politics.”
The tall snow runner Arten gave a gentle sigh. “there’s that famous Sandtail Optimism.” She chuckled grimly. “Now just give me a bright smile and we’ll have the poster child for the Defense fleets Intelligence agency.”

“Fuck off,” Reo said with a flash of a smile crossing her face. “You’re hardly one to talk Gen, You’re a Bright beacon of Cheerfulness so dense that you’re practically A singularity of joy,” she said with a snicker.

“Hey! At least I’m trying to socialize with the Crew, You’re to busy hiding in your office to really associate with them.” Gen huffed. “you’re Here as a Diplomat, not a reclusive Engineer, so maybe you should start acting like it.”

Reo sighed and rubbed her left ear with a paw. “Touche..” she said with a soft chuckle. “Tell you what then, We’ll both start going to Crew events, socializing and mingling with, potentially, our new countrymen.”

“Careful though,” Gen smiled patiently. “Those humans have a tendency to Assume Aliens are mates when we spend lots of time together.

Reo Grimaced playfully and laughed. “Completely forgetting that neither of us could share a bed without the other suffering either Heat stroke or Hypothermia” She chuckled. “Humans are weird.”

“Yes They are,” Gen laughed.


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