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News From home. (Role Call)

Posted on Mon Jan 6th, 2025 @ 5:02pm by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Warrant Officer Gen'Terta CrystalCliff
Edited on on Mon Jan 6th, 2025 @ 5:02pm

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Warrant officer Gen'Tetra Crystalcliffs quarters.
572 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Gen’Tetra stared at the console in disbelief, her stomach clenching terror as she stared at the Subspace feeds coming from the Cordian Intelligence network. “How bad is it.” Her superior officer, Staff Warrant officer Reo’thanra Sandtail. The shorter Dunepaw Arten was shivering visibly in the icy chill of Her quarters. She gave him a slow glance before returning to her reading.

“Bad…” she whispered quietly. “My contacts on Cordia are going dark, Dead…or in hiding I can’t tell, but …by the stars it looks Like Tell’achta has pulled a Coup.” She said with a grimace.

The shorter female gave a sigh as she rubbed her muzzle. “We knew that was a possibility, Homeworlds always been opposed to joining the Federation.” Reo grumbled. “My question is if our work on the Stars Eye has been discovered.”

“Our work?” Gen asked as she narrowed her gaze. “You made a mass assault transporter; I hardly think that Equates To what I did with The Stars eye.”

“you’re smarter than me, Don’t be petty right now” Reo hissed flatly, her fur bristling up with irritation. “Has The Stars Eye been weaponized?”

“I…don’t know,” Gen admitted, leaning away From Reo with a surprised look. “My contacts haven’t been able to…infiltrate the Intelligence networks yet, and since so many of them are going to ground…,” she shook her head, her long tail curling around her leg with fear. “Even if they figured the system out, you put a Failsafe in the computer, won’t that hold them out?”
Reo’s tail thumped against her armored leg, its weight swaying from side to side with irritation. “yes, but not forever,” she sighed. “Like I said, You’re smarter then me, and you’ve broken my Programs before, so I’m sure an entire Defense fleet worth Homeworlders could brute force the issue if they needed too.”

“So Purging my Research notes is still the best defense against a subspace weapon?” Gen grimaced and rubbed her hands together. “Fuck.”

“Fuck indeed.”

“what do we do now?” Gen whispered as she leaned forwards, her hands clenching together.

“Nothing,” Reo said with a soft tone to her voice. “For now, we’re still officers and diplomats of the Arten Confederacy Defense fleet, Until our orders change, We’ll act In that capacity.”

“Nothing!” Gen Snapped shoving herself to her paws. “Nothing! You want us to do Nothing! To Act like the Voice of our worlds Wasn’t just stolen away in a military coup by the home world?”

“I expect you to calm down, and wait.” Reo said with a sudden iciness in her voice. An iciness that brought a chill to Gens form.

“W…what?” she stammered in surprise.

“Nothing you, or I can do can change the situation back home,” Reo explained with a tired sigh. “Running right back into the waiting hands of the Vor’torok insurrectionists and their allies within the ACDF Will only raise suspicion, and possibly Revel your association to the Stars Eye’s…unintended use.”

“I…hadn’t thought about that.” Gen whispered.

“I know.” Reo said as she stepped closer to the desk. “I want you to stop sending messages back to Cordia, other then any messages you send to your family. Leave what happens with us out here to me, and just wait,” she said firmly.

“Y…yes Ma’am,” Gen stammered.


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