Cooking Made Easy? (Long Post)
Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 11:27am by Lieutenant Colonel Azhul Naxea & Captain Gary Taylor
Season 6 - 5.5 - Day to Day
Location: Gary's quarters
Timeline: MD1
5799 words - 11.6 OF Standard Post Measure
Gary had heard from Naxea just as she promised, and they were going to have a cooking session in his quarters. He was looking forward to seeing her after their lunch together. He wasn't sure what the future held but he was sure of one thing. If nothing else, he had made himself a very, very, good and trusted friend in Naxea and that was a win any way you looked at it.
He was sitting on the couch waiting for her to arrive. LL was at Mrs. Blakenship's. LL said they were going to be making cookies. He couldn't wait to see how they tasted.
Meanwhile, Naxea was approaching Gary's Quarters. She had opted to dress with a light blue V-Neck pullover and beige colored casual pants and shoes. She was looking forward to spending time with Gary. Her time with him made her relax. Sle'anna was with S'hib. She wasn't entirely sure about their relationship. She cared for him but he had still hurt her deeply. She came to Gary's door and pressed the chime.
Hearing the chime, Gary jumped off the couch and moved swiftly to the door, opening it, he wasn't surprised to see Naxea standing there. Flashing a bright smile, he said, "Hi Naxea, come on in and make yourself at home." As he stepped aside to allow her to enter. "Like the outfit, very becoming. Can I fix you anything?"
"Well since we're cooking, yes, you can," she teased as she stepped into Gary's Quarters, taking a look around. Definitely a far cry from her more spartan furnished Quarters on Marine Deck. It really hadn't felt like home even though she liked the fact she was closer to her Marines.
"Great! Have a seat" Gary replied. "Oh, watch out for any toys lying about. I told LL to pick them all up and put them back in her room, but she may have missed a couple just a warning." He smiled at her. "Oh, what can I fix you? Coffee? Milkshakes? Something stronger or do you want to wait and see how the cooking goes?" He teased.
"Let's see how the cooking goes," she smiled as she headed for the kitchen, "So are we trying the Hasperat Soup or trying to make your favorite beef sandwich, or did you have something else in mind? A dish that is," she commented, with a smile over her shoulder.
"Questions, questions, questions." Gary playfully grumbled . "If I remember correctly, I was going to try to make the Hasperot Soup and you were going to try the sandwich. As for something else in wise, I am open to suggestions." He grinned back at her. "Or we could try to make this a joint endeavor. That might be the best way to go."
"A joint endeavor it is," she replied. "Did you look over the recipe for the soup that I sent?"
"To be honest, I glanced at it Naxea. In fact, you'll see it lying on the kitchen counter where I left it." Gary answered a slight blush coming to his cheeks like a child not finishing an assigned task.
"You glanced at it?" She asked with an amused smile. "Plan to set my mouth on fire? Come on, I'll replicate the ingredients while you grab a do know what a pot is don't you?" she teased as she headed for the replicator.
"Yes, I glanced at it and no, I plan on making the best Hasperot Soup you've ever tasted." He grinned at her, "Yes Naxea, I know what a pot is, and I'll have you know, I am a very good cook. I'll just have to show you sometime."
The spices and Hasperats materialized in the replicator. She would have seen if any space was available on the ship to grow organic Hasperat. "Well you're off to a horrible start," she replied, grabbing the Hasperats and spices and carrying them over to the kitchen counter near the stove.
"I prefer to think I have nowhere to go but up. When I fix you a meal you will change your tune." Gary answered as he took the pot and moved to stand alongside Naxea. "You know, you could probable grow that stuff in the arboretum." Not knowing it was a topic she had already thought on.
"Yeah, but I don't know of any Hasperat seeds on the Elysium. And no, not using replicated seeds. They need to be original," she said. "It'll at least help with my next career as a farmer on Bajor,* she commented as she moved to grab a chef's knife.
"Have you checked with science? They may have some seeds in storage." Gary suggested. "And I don't blame you for not using replicated seeds. You want to use the real deal." he paused and looked at her, "You're going to be a famer on Bajor? Leave the service?"
"No," Naxea shook her head slightly. "Not sure why science would have have Hasperat seeds, though I suppose it couldn't hurt to ask. "As for leaving Starfleet, I am unsure what with our current predicament,". She grabbed the Chef's knife and began to chop the Hasperats as she slid a knife to Gary. "Get chopping Mister Chef Extrodinaire. But I do have a plot of land in the southern Delkar Province. It was originally my father's. The soil there is very fertile." She needed to get away from Starfleet to be honest. She had seen enough death to last two lifetimes. Even by Starfleet Marine standards, she had commanded a mobile Marine Unit far longer than normal.
"Well, science could have seeds to study the prolonged effect of time in space as well as exposure to radiation." He answered as he took the knife did a nifty twirl with it and began slicing up the other ingredients. "I think that is nice Naxea, bet it is peaceful as well. I think if that is what you truly want to do, then do it. If nothing, be true to yourself. "I have the ranch in Montana. That's where I'll go when I leave the service. It will be good for LL as well. Wide open spaces, plenty of fresh air. Horses to ride. Lakes to fish, swim in. Stars to sleep under." Gary paused again. "You and your daughter should come see it. I think you both would enjoy and like it very much."
"Thank you. I've never visited Montana when I was on Earth,* Naxea said as she finished chopping up the Hasperat. "Well, I should get to work on your sandwich, " she grinned as she moved to replicate some beef.
"I think you would love it. Wide open spaces, clear skies. Plenty of land to do what you want without having to worry about running into someone." he looked at her, "You are really going to try to make this sandwich?" he grinned at her as he was through chopping and was placing the ingredients in the pot.
"You're trying your hand at Hasperat Soup, so how hard can a sandwich be?" she shrugged as the beef materialized in the replicator.
Gary nodded, "True enough. Good point. Okay, make the sandwich." He replied as he watched the pot and stirred the contents occasionally.
Naxea busied herself with slicing the roast beef and cutting the ingredients.
Several minutes later, she offered the finished sandwich. "There you are. Your infamous sandwich," she teased.
Gary took the sandwich. His face neutral. "Hmm. looks okay. I think you did fine Naxea. I'll try it after the soup is done." he decided to tease her. "You did toast the hoagie roll right?"
"You never said anything about toasting the bread," she replied before pausing for a moment. "Did you?"
"Oh, oh, oh. Toasting the bun is as important as using deli mustard." Gar replied. The a few seconds later his face split into a smile. "No, I didn't mention toasting the bread. I was teasing you."
She took an extra roll of hoagie bread and chunked it at him. "You are such an ass," she stated, grinning.
Gary grinned broadly at her. "Well, you are smiling. So, I can't be all bad. Right? Right?" He asked raising his eyebrows up and down rapidly.
"Keep dreaming," she chuckled before nodding at the pot. "You do remember that take a couple of hours to prepare properly, right?"
Gary sighed dramatically. "It was worth a shot." He replied even as he glanced at the pot. "Yes I remember that Naxea. Though thank you for the reminder."
"You forgot," she said, grinning as she began to make herself a sandwich.
"I did not!" Gary protested but not too strongly. "Um what are you doing? You are a guest here and I will fix you lunch Naxea and not just a sandwich. Now, go make yourself comfortable on the couch. By the way, do you like Asian food?"
"Asian...I think I've had Asian before. Does it have raw fish? I think I tried, Sushi I think it was. Couldn't stand it," Naxea replied as she sat down on the couch.
Gary chuckled, "Yes, that's Sushi and I'm not crazy about it either. Perhaps I should say Japanese food. Specifically chicken fried rice and Nagoya-style Fried Chicken Wings." He put his fingers to his mouth and said yum!"
"Sure. I suppose I could give it a try," Naxea said, leaning forward on the couch, resting her forearms on her knees.
"Well, if it helps you be more open minded, LL loves them. Both the wings and the rice." Give just a few minutes and you'll have a plate that will nice and hot. Temperature hot, not spicy hot." Gary clarified.
"I'm open minded," she protested with a grin.
"Great!" Gary replied with a grin. "Give me a couple of minutes and I'll fix us both a plate. What would you like to drink to go with your lunch?"
"Ok, just a couple of minutes,"she said sitting back on the couch
"I'll have some raspberry tea."
"I promise just a couple of minutes and one raspberry tea." Gary repeated as he headed back into the kitchen, "Oh, can you use chopsticks?"
"What are chopsticks?" she asked. She didn't recall ever seeing anyone eat with sticks. Forks, spoons, knives, and barehands, yes but never sticks. At least she figured they were sticks.
"Chopsticks are, hold on let me show you." Gary replied as he ducked back into the kitchen only to reappear a moment later with a pair of chopsticks. He walked over to Naxea. "These are chopsticks. You use them to eat your food." He said handing them to her. "Oh! let me get your tea. Don't worry if you can't use them. I'm not very good with them either."
Naxea studied the thin sticks, turning them over in her hands, noticing one end was slightly smaller than the other.. "Do you stab the food?
Gary grinned, "No, you use the chopsticks to pick up food by getting the food between the sticks." He replied as he went into the kitchen and came by with Naxea's tea. "Here is your tea and soup smells good."
Naxea continues to stare at the sticks. "That would take you forever to eat," she complained. "Why?";she threw her hands up. "Oh, thank you for the tea.". She set the chop sticks down onto the coffee table and took a sip of her tea, enjoying the sweet raspberry taste
Gary chuckled at Naxea's comment. "Oh, you'd be surprised how fast you can eat with them if you know what you are doing. Don't sweat it. I'll bring us a knife fork. " He nodded, "You are welcome, now let me get our lunch." A moment later he returned with two plates of chicken wings and chicken fried rice. Dig in, I hope you like it."
Naxea grabbed the fork and began to eat the meal. The chicken had a sweet flavor to it that mixed well with the rice. "Not bad," she complimented after swallowing a mouthful of the food.
Gary nodded his head. "Thanks, Naxea, glad you like it. I'll have to fix some Dabo chicken for you to try as well. I think you would like that as well." He replied as he then took a forkful of rice into his mouth.
Naxea finished her meal in silence as she thought about the food, the cooking soup, and the time she had spent with Gary. She enjoyed his company but she was finding herself being drawn to him. Maybe it was the craving for affection that she was lacking in her life that she was used to having.
Gary noticed Naxea had gone quiet, and he asked, "Naxea? Is something wrong with the food? Did you not like?" Then he saw she had finished her meal so that wasn't the answer. It had to be something else. "Is something wrong? You know you can confide in me and it will remain between just us."
"No, nothing is wrong," she assured him, setting her bowl down . "I just have a lot on my mind. This mission, the future, you."
Gary nodded as Naxea spoke, "All perfectly reasonable Naxea." He replied before stopping and looking at her with a confused, surprised look on his face. Wait me?"
Naxea sighed and paused. "I'm enjoying our time together. Like...really enjoying our time together. "
Gary smiled at her, "Naxea, I like you as well and I am enjoying our time together as well very much."
Naxea wondered if he knew what she meant as she looked at him. She wasn't sure about S'hib as he had been distant and shown a history of not being there when she needed him. She recalled when she had been critically wounded and lost her arm, S'hib was the last of the crew to visit when she expected him to have been the first. She knew she would have been had their roles been reversed. "That's good to hear."
Gary smiled at her, "It's good to say Naxea. Even if you screwed up the sandwich." He teased and then grew serious. " I enjoy your company, your conversation and your sense of humor. It feels good to laugh and smile and that is because of you. So, thank you for that and showing me how to make soup." He joked again.
"The judgement is still out on that," Naxea said, indicating to the pot of simmering soup on the stove as she smiled. "So what is on the schedule until it finishes cooking?"
"That is going to be the best soup you've ever had." Gary bantered back playfully. A smile on his face. He paused as he thought on Naxea's question. "Good question. Let me think up a good answer.' After several seconds of silence, he looked over to her, "We could talk or play cards. You have any suggestions?"
"We've been talking, but we can do both," Naxea said with a shrug.
"No, you don't like that. How much longer does the soup need to cook and do we need to be here? I mean can we put the soup on low heat and let it simmer? If so, I was thinking we could go to the arboretum. I always find that relaxing." Gary replied.
"Ah, so your plan is to blame me when your Quarters catch fire so you can get better quarters.," she teased.
"Drat! You saw through my plan and I thought I had disguised it so well." Gary answered chuckling. "Okay, so leaving is out." He walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. "So, Azhul Naxea, what's new?"
She looked at him for a moment. "I...don't know. We can still do cards..." she shrugged, chuckling nervously. She wasn't sure why she was nervous but she was beginning to enjoy Gary's closeness. "
Gary shook his head, "No, you don't really want to do that. I know what you need. You need a shoulder rub. To relieve some of that tenseness." He said decisively.
"A shoulder rub?" She asked, surprised. The thought seemed nice. "I doubt a shoulder rub will last four hours but sure." She sat forward as Gary repositioned himself behind her on the couch.
"Oh, ye of little faith." Gary bantered as he repositioned himself behind Naxea. His hands coming up and rested on her shoulders. "Wow, you are tense, I can feel your muscles are all bunched up." He paused for a moment. Then announced, "Okay here we go." As he began to move his hands slowly over her shoulders, His fingers massaging the tense muscles.
Naxea closed her eyes as Gary began his massage. His hands ans fingers working the tightness out of her muscles. She dropped her head down as his hands moved to the base of her neck, causing a soft moan to escape. "That feels wonderful." She wanted to lose herself in this feeling.
Gary moved his hands slowly along Naxea's shoulders. His fingers to massage and loosen the muscles in her shoulders. He moved to the base of her neck and slowly rubbed and massaged there. "Ssshh." He said gently, "Just relax let the tenseness flow
out from you." He said soothingly as he continued his massage.
Naxea arched her back slightly as Gary continued. Then caress from his hands sent a chill down her spine--a good chill as her breathing began to increase. Her left hand drifted back, finding a resting spot on Gary's thigh.
Gary continued his massage of Naxea's shoulders and along the base of her neck. He was slow and thorough as he wanted her to enjoy the massage to the fullest. WHich she seemed to be doing if her back arch was any indication. He felt her hand and looked down and saw it on his thigh. Not doing anything just resting there.
She let out a long sigh as her fingers moved in conjunction with the massage, as she began to massage his inner thigh.
Gary continued the massage, moving down slightly to massage Naxea's back. He continued at the same slow pace as his hands and fingers gave a deep, soothing massage.
"Mmmm...You're good," she complimented ss she flexed and arched her back in response to Gary's touch. She felt good as the tension in her eased as her hand flexed and rubbed his thigh back and forth.
"Why thank you Naxea." Gary replied a smile on his face as he continued his ministrations to her shoulders, neck and back. He looked down and saw her hand was now rubbing back and forth against his thigh.
She continued to arch her back as Gary massaged her, her hand drifted further, lightly brushing against a bulge by accident though she didn't register it at first due to the sensation of the massage.
Gary was concentrating on Naxea's massage and paused at the light brush. "Wandering hand Naxea?" He bantered as he continued his massage of her back.
Naxea's hand stopped as she opened her eyes in shock. She turned to face him. "I'm so sorry!" She felt embarrassed and yet a part of her wanted to see where it would go.
Gary smiled broadly at her. He didn't laugh as he felt that would make Naxea feel like he was making fun of her or worse. "Why are you embarrassed? Nothing happened? So don't give it a second thought. Besides." He added "I like it."
"Ok," she said softly as her hand returned to his thigh, rubbing it softly as she looked him in the eyes. "Feel free to explore," she offered softly.
"A most generous offer and one I appreciate and would like to explore in greater depth and detail but before we go too far, I have to ask you Naxea what about your marriage to S'hib? And I am married to Lia who is in stasis."
Naxea sighed sitting back. "To be honest, Sequus marriages are polygamous though I had wanted it to be just S'hib and I, it is still allowed. As for Lia, that is something you need to make a decision about."
Gary nodded, "I didn't know that about Sequus marriages. How would you feel about that and how would S'hib feel as well? Personally, I think you just wanting it to be the two of you is the correct way. Actually, the Federation allows me to have two wives if I desire it. So, there is that point in favor though Lia would never go for it. I can tell you that."
"So it's better to be with someone who doesn't trust me? Assaults me? Is never around when I need him the most?" she stated as anger began to build up within her. "I admire your dedication to Lia but she isn't here." She took a breath before getting up off the sofa. "I should go."
"Huh? What? Naxea wait a second. I never said any of that. I was simply agreeing that a marriage should be between two people. Nothing more. No, you shouldn't be anywhere you don't want to be including a marriage." Gary got up and moved to her side. I like the time we spend together and i like you very much, I'm sorry you got upset. I would very much like you to stay so you can taste my world class soup."
Naxea was silent as she thought it over. A part of her wanted to run. To escape back to her quarters in Marine Country. Her quarters there were spartan, no decorations save for a few baby toys for Sle'anna. It was symbolic of the way she currently felt she thought. Then again, she also craved companionship. The need to feel needed, wanted by someone. "Fine" she sighed, sitting back down on the couch.
"Naxea. I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend and I hope a very good one. I enjoy your company and your conversations. I like having you here. I'm sorry if I upset you. That was never my intention. I want you to feel welcome here, needed. I know what you are going through in being alone. Eating alone, sleeping alone. It sucks and no one deserves that." He paused and added. "Plus, I need a soup tester." He smiled broadly at her.
Naxea looked up at Gary. "I know you're not my enemy...and I'm not upset with you, I apologize for lashing out like that. "As for tasting the soup, there is still at least three hours before it's ready."
Gary smiled. "No need to apologize Naxea. I know you have a lot on your mind." Three hours huh? Turn back around, Now you get a back rub."
""Yes sir," Naxea grinned doing as instructed as she felt Gary sit behind her
"So cooperative." He bantered back as he got into place behind her. He placed his hands on her back and began at Naxea's shoulder blades with slow, deep circular massages. Working on the kinks in her shoulder and back muscles.
"Would you rather I be uncooperative?" she asked, teasing, arcing her back slightly and flexing shoulders backwards.
"Absolutely not." He replied instantly. "Where is the fun in that? No reason to make something fun hard. That's just silly. Unless you want to be uncooperative." He teased.
"No. Not today anyhow," she grinned, leaning back slightly, closing her eyes. until she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. "So how did you get so good at massaging?"
"Oh. I used to give Caitlin shoulder and back massages, she loved them." He answered readily as Naxea arched her back, but his voice was more subdued.
Naxea let out a long sigh as Gary continued to massage her back, remaining silent for several minutes. "So should I return the favor?" she asked softly.
"That would be nice and i would be most appreciative." Gary replied. "Let me just finish massaging your lower back Naxea. it will only be a few more minutes."
"Sure thing," she breathed, biting her lower lip slightly.
Gary continued his slow, deep massaging of Naxea's lower back. He could feel her muscles begin to relax and knots disappear under his massage. "Just a little longer Naxea." He informed her.
"Any longer and I just may start having an orgasm,' she joked softly.
"Oh my." He joked. "I guess I should hurry up then." As he continued down until he reached the small of her back and concentrated on that area with slow circular massages.
Naxea leaned forward to offer better access to her lower back as she let out a soft moan.
Gary continued his massage for several more minutes, his fingers kneading and massaging her bunched up muscles before he stopped. "Alright Naxea, all the knots are gone, and you should be feeling better. Your back was really knotted up."
"Thanks," she said sitting up and flexing her back. "That was wonderful." She turned to him. "Ok, my turn," she replied, grinning.
"Glad you liked it Naxea." Gary replied honestly. As he turned so his back was to her. He turned his head to look at her as he said. "Oh, do be gentle, won't you?" As he winked at her a broad smile on his face.
Naxea punched him playfully in his shoulder. "Watch it," she began to run her hands across his shoulders.
Gary mockingly winced at her punch. "Yes ma'am, watching it." As Naxea began to rub his shoulders.
Naxea spent several minutes going over Gary's shoulders and back. Her hands working and kneading the muscles in his back.
Gary rolled his neck and shrugged his shoulders as Naxea skillfully massaged his back. "You have a good technique Naxea. Very good. I am impressed."
"I aim to please,"she replied with a smile as she slowly made her way down to his lower back, kneading out from his spine.
"Well, from my point of view mind you, I'd say your aim is dead center perfect." Gary answered as he flexed his back as Naxea continued her skillful massaging of his back.
Naxea let out a chuckle as she continued the massage. She was quiet as she focused on the massage. After several more minutes she dropped her hands slowly to her lap. "There, that should do it," she said. She felt a growing attraction to Gary as she stared at his back.
Gary turned back around to face Naxea, a bright smile on his face as he stretched and flexed his shoulders and back. "Wow Naxea that feels great. You did a superb job working the knots out of my back. You can give me a back massage anytime." He said honestly. He was enjoying his time with Naxea. In his opinion she was quite a lady.
"Well, let's check on the soup," she said getting up from the couch. And made her way to was the kitchen.
"Yes!" Gary said emphatically. "Best soup you will ever taste. Just you wait and Naxea." As he followed her into the kitchen. "Mmm! It sure smells good." He said inhaling deeply.
Naxea was quiet as she took a ladle and dipped it into the soup and took a small taste. "A bit on the spicy side, but manageable," she said after swallowing the soup.
"What? Let me taste it Naxea." Gary asked as he got a spoon and took a taste. For a few seconds he was silent and then he spoke. "You're right, it is a bit on the spicy side. I was so sure I had it too." He said a bit dejectedly.
Naxea couldn't help but laugh. "It was close. You did better than most do their first tries. My first try sent my mother to medical with an ulcer."
"Thanks, Naxea but I think you are just being kind. Wait, What? You sent your mother to medical with an ulcer. That's not spicy that's volcanic. I guess mine isn't so bad then. I just take pride in my cooking."
"Like I said, you did well. The spices are only slightly off," Naxea assured him, gently squeezing his arm.
He smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks, but I still am disappointed. I so wanted to nail this soup, impress you with my cooking prowess." As he placed his hand lightly over hers.
"You don't need to impress me," she smiled at him. The warmth from his touch was something she needed, and something she wanted more of. 'Is this a mistake?' she asked herself. "I...guess, had better get going," she said unconvincing.
"Very kind of you to say Naxea." Gary answered and stopped at her statement of her needing to leave. He was surprised to say the least, but he realized she probably wanted to think where this was going and if she wanted to continue after all she was married and so was he. "Ah, okay Naxea." He said awkwardly. "Thanks for showing me how to make soup and a fantastic back rub. Don't forget we still have a rematch to do,"
Naxea stopped halfway to the door. She wasn't sure what to do. She felt she needed to tell Gary how she felt. She turned to face him and took a deep breath. "Look, Gary...I'm afraid I'm developing feelings for you, and to be honest, I don't know what to do."
Gary stood there for a moment before he said "Whew! Glad to know I'm not the only one developing feelings. I have feelings for you as well Naxea. Come sit back down, let's talk this through." he said stepping back so she could sit back on the couch.
Naxea hesitantly turned and sat back down on the couch. "Ok, let's talk. Truth is, it is hard to fight these feelings. I don't know if it's because of being neglected or I am truly drawn to you. If that makes sense."
Gary down across from her and listened as she spoke. When she had finished, he nodded, "It makes perfect sense Naxea. I'd like to think it is the second reason and not the first but in reality, it is more likely a combination of the two. I also don't want to break up a marriage, but I also don't want you miserable and hurting. Look, you're unsure of your marriage with S'hib and that is something you have to answer. Plus, I am married. Lia is in stasis, and I don't know if she will ever recover. Would you like my opinion?"
Naxea took another deep breath as she looked at Gary. "Sure."
Gary nodded, "Okay." He said slowly. "Before I go any farther, I want you to know, I have feelings for you as well Naxea. These last few days we've been together have been absolutely wonderful and it's all because of you. Your kindness and compassion. Your care and concern, Your interest in me. It is wonderful and I have loved every single moment." He took a breath, "And that bring us, to now. I think we go slow. Give us both time to think. You need to decide what you are going to do in your relationship with S'hib. You have a daughter with him so don't rush any decision. I want you to be happy Naxea. Above all else I want you to be happy. I also would like us to remain close friends and still get together for sparring sessions and cooking lessons as we figure out where we are and what we want. It gives us time Naxea, let's use it wisely and act like adults."
Naxea nodded. "I agree but as I've said before, Sequus marriages are polygamous but I respect you and you should figure out if you're going to remain married to Lia before we move forward. So, yeah, let's take it slow."
"Yes, you did mention it. So, let me ask you straight up. Would you be comfortable, happy with having two husbands? Lovers? I also believe I mentioned the Federation now allows a man to have two wives. However, you are correct. I have to work this out."
Naxea couldn't help but grin at Gary as she held up her hands. "First you say take it slow and now you're talking about being married. Make up your mind. But kidding aside, S'hib s hardly a lover at this point. We've barely spoken to one another since the incident. Frankly, I'm tired of not being his priority."
Gary laughed. It was rich and full of good humor. "I know, I know. Got to keep you on your toes. "I'm not talking of getting married now. It was more of a tidbit of information for you." He grinned foolishly. "Okay then, do you honestly see the situation improving and if doesn't then what do you do?"
"I don't know, to be honest. There is a human expression of 'the ball is in his court now.' If it doesn't improve, then I am leaving him, without hesitation." To be honest she hoped the slip stream drive could be fixed soon. The sooner they got back, the better. Yet, she knew if they returned, her time aboard the Elysium would likely end. She could think of three different reasons. One, she was thinking of resigning and if she didn't, then the Starfleet Marine Command would reassign her due to rank, deployment longevity, and record. And then there was Sle'anna--the only one of her kind. She knew how Starfleet would likely require her to remain on a Federation Planet.
"I appreciate your honesty Naxea. I know the expression. However, how long are you going to wait? You have a life to live as well." Gary questioned
She gave a shrug. "I'm not really sure. Maybe a month. How long are you planning on waiting for Lia to recover?"
"That is an excellent question, one you deserve an answer to. I was going to say I don't know but your answer has made me reconsider and I will say a month as well." Gary replied.
"Sounds like a deal, then," Naxea said. "I do hope she recovers." However, Naxea knew that it was highly unlikely from what she understood.
Gary nodded and gave her a soft smile. her comment was just what he had come to expect from her. She was a very classy lady. "Thanks, Naxea, Thanks a lot."
"You're welcome. Well, I probably should go. I need to pick up Sle'anna," she said, standing up, moving to give him a kiss on the cheek.
Gary gave her a hug (not too tight) "I understand, don't keep your daughter waiting and please don't be a stranger."
"I won't, " she assured him before letting go and turning to exit Gary's Quarters.