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Rising Tides

Posted on Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 6:35pm by Staff Warrant Officer Reo'thanra Sandtail & Captain Gary Taylor

Mission: MISSION 0 - History Speaks
1474 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Reo'Thanra stared hard at her Wrist comm, Dreading what she was about to do, dreading the conversation that was to come. Still, She knew he had to do this, Not only was it her job as a Diplomatic attache, but it was Her duty as someone who Genuinely despised war. "Captain Taylor, this is Staff Warrant officer Reo'thanra Sandtail, I was wondering if I could borrow a moment of your time?" she repeated the words over and over, her hand poised over the Starfleet integration rune on her Comm unit. It all came down to this, If she went through with this particular action, she was irrevocably Casting the Die as to where he stood with any conflict between the Federation, and The Arten confederacy. "Stars this...shouldn't be this Hard," she breathed shakily her tail curled stiffly around her leg. "Just...tell him what you know, whats going on...and then..." she paused and groaned her large ears folding back. "Stars damn it." she growled quietly and sucked a deep breath in.

"Captain Taylor, this is Warrant officer Sandtail, have some time I think I should brief you on a situation that might become relevant to the Federation, very shortly."

In his ready Room, Gary was going over some operational reports when his combadge chirped and Warrant Officer Sandtail's voice came through asking to meet with him. His brow furrowed; he couldn't ever remember the warrant officer every reaching out to contact him. He was intrigued by what could be so important to move Sandtail to contact him now. "Certainly, Warrant Officer. I am free right now if this time works for you if not, we can work out a mutually agreeable time."

"I..can there shortly, if you tell me where you are," she breathed shakily into the com, her voice wavering. "O..or you could come to my office," she added quickly trying to sound confident.

Gary chuckled softly. "Tell you what. Let me finish these reports. Should take no more than ten, fifteen minutes and I will come to your office. You are in the diplomatic complex are you not Warrant Officer?"

"Yes sir, I'll make sure the climate control here is within the range you'd find tolerable when you arrive," She said with a shaky breath of relief. "I'll be ready for you sir.

"Very good, I will see you shortly." Gary answered and then added. "Oh, Warrant Officer? No need to go through any special accommodations on my part." As he closed the channel, Gary again thought what could be so important for Sandtail to contact him? He hadn't missed the nervousness in Sandtail's voice. One thing was for sure, he would find out shortly.


Coolant lines hissed through her Armor as she paced back and forth in her office, anxiety rising in her throat as she breathed sharply. Waiting. The room had chilled significantly, entering the usual comfort levels Humans preferred, leaving it immensely uncomfortable for her with out the armor, and only tolerable with it.

Nine and a half minutes later Gary stood outside Sandtail's office. He pressed the chime to announce his presence. As he waited, he checked over his appearance and was satisfied that all was it should be. Now, he could get an explanation as to just what was going on.

The Door opened almost as soon as he tapped the control Release, the Tiny form Of The Arten Diplomat seeming to deflate as she stared up at him. "Captain Taylor," she said with gentle smile. "Please come in," She turned and led the way into the Office. "I apologize for calling you on such short notice, but things," she paused and sat down at her desk, a wary look crossing her muzzle that matched the twitching of her large ears. "are moving very quickly back home, And I want to stay on top of this."

Gary took a seat in front of her desk. "I'm sorry Madam Ambassador but I am confused to what are you talking about?" Trying very hard to keep the confusion out of his own voice. "What things are you alluding to?"

"Just...Reo, if thats ok," she said lifting a hand. "My home world...and the other two worlds of the Arten Confederacy, well, The Vote on whether or not to join the Federation of planets happened last week," she said in a slow even tone. "Shortly before the votes were tallied though, a So called Terror attack happened at the Confederacy council building, stalling the vote as the Current Head of the confederacy declaring martial law until the situation is resolved."

Gary nodded his head, "If that is what you prefer, then Reo it will be." He answered and then went to the subject matter itself. "I noticed you said so called terror attack. Is there something to suggest it was not a terror attack and was nothing more than just a front to delay the vote because the vote may have been to join the Federation and there are those in powers who don't want that."

Reo gave a sigh as she looked at her hands for a moment. "The average pulse check from Cordia, or Artania, shows an almost overwhelming support for the measure to join the Federation," she explained. "the two colony worlds have always been more outwardly accepting of alien influence. Artanian clans Signed a trade agreement with both the Ferangi and the Trill nearly a decade before the Confederacy officially opened trade Relationships. And the Crodian Science Academy Managed to arrange an exchange with their counterparts on Vulcan, as disastrous as that was." she breathed softly.

"But..the homeworlders...they've always been insular," she winced. "I don't have Gen'Tetra's Contacts in the intelligence agencies, but my Contacts seem to believe that it was a Coup, A Nationalist bid for power."

Gary listened intently as Sandtail told the story of the terror (so-called) attack on the council building. If that wasn't bad enough, martial law had been declared and was now in place. "This is a disturbing piece of information Reo and I can see where it would throw politics into a state of chaos. "A coup? But why? Is the Nationalist party strong enough to size and keep power? Moreso as Arten Confederacy isn't part of the federation, there is nothing we can do but monitor the situation and advise. The Prime Directive is in place."

"I'm not asking for intervention Captain, I'm asking..." she paused her ears folding back. "I'm asking if you could assist me and Warrant officer Crystalcliff in Securing Asylum in a discreet manner," she muttered silently. "Our attachment to the Federation as diplomats Both an honor, and a curse. I'm not willing to go to far into detail yet, but suffice to say, they sent us out here to make us disappear. We Can't go back, not until either our previous work is nullified, Or the Confederacy Joins the Federation."

"Oh, my sincere apologies Sandtail. Please forgive me. As for securing asylum for you and Warrant Officer Crystalcliff. I will be honored to help you both. As for bring discreet, don't worry on that score." Gary paused for a moment and then spoke with sincere emotion. "You and Crystalcliff both have a home here on the Elysium and in the Federation."

The small Alien gave a warm, if somewhat intimidating smile, thanks to fangs. "Thank you captain...that means a lot." she whispered. "For security reasons, I won't go into the Why of our impromptu banishment is happening, but," she trailed off and took a heavy shaking breath. "We might be ordered back if our worst fears are coming true, and having Starfleet to shield us from that is a huge weight off our shoulders."

You are most welcome Sandtail as is Crystalcliff." Gary offered a sincere smile back. "You both can count on the Federation's protection. Be secure in the knowledge that you both are safe and shielded. I won't ask for any particulars as to what is the reason behind your impromptu banishment as I know you will provide the details to me at a future time. You both can rest easier, and I hope this removes a huge weight off both your shoulders as well as providing some peace of mind to you both."

"I can safely say it removes a Huge amount of stress Captain," she said giving a soft sway of her tail as she bowed her head. "I Only hope sanity returns and this situation blows over."

Gary smiled broadly. "I am happy to hear that Reo. I too also hope that sanity returns to those in charge and that this situation is banished never to return to trouble your people and world. However, for now know you and Crystalcliff are safe and protected here in the Federation."


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