Ending a war
Posted on Sun Feb 16th, 2025 @ 5:38am by Consul Andrinn Orin
MISSION 0 - History Speaks
Location: Earth-Palais de la Concorde
Timeline: 2375
1139 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure
Andrinn stood in the diplomatic offices on Earth, where the hum and buzz of life around him distracted him for a brief moment from the task at hand that had gripped the galaxy for the better part of two years, if not more. Sitting in one of the diplomatic offices within the Palais de la Concorde in Paris, France, Andrinn ran his fingers through his brown hair as his eyes ran over one of the final drafts of the treaty that formally ended the Dominion War.
As one of the diplomats that had the privilege of looking over the final drafts that would stop the conflicts between the Federation and the Dominion, Andrinn knew better than anyone else what the cost of war meant. His mother's people, the El-Aurians, had seen a near extinction level event happen in the last couple of centuries, Andrinn knew that this war had to stop before more life was snuffed out by the Dominion. For Andrinn, the weight of History pressed heavily upon him and for once, he wished he could be anywhere but here.
Andrinn had spent the last few months working with others in exhausting negotiations between Starfleet Command, the Federation Council, and their allies within the Klingon and Romulan governments. The war had left deep scars—both physical and political. There were still those who didn’t trust the Dominion’s willingness to abide by the terms of surrender, and others who saw any agreement as capitulation.
The document before him was the product of countless hours of debates, rewrites, and compromises. The terms were clear: The Dominion would withdraw all forces beyond the Bajoran Wormhole, the Cardassian Union would be left to rebuild under strict oversight, and Starfleet would stand down from its war footing. It was a fragile peace, but it was peace nonetheless.
A chime sounded at his desk, pulling him from his thoughts. "Enter," he called out, setting the PADD down. The doors hissed open, revealing an old colleague, Ambassador Loran Rix-a fellow Trill who Andrinn had been working under since the early days of the war. Not only that, but Ambassador Rix had been one of the negotiators for the ceasing of the conflict within the last few months.
However, the look on Rix's face immediately told Andrinn that the negotiations weren't over yet.
“They’re pushing back on the language concerning reparations,” Rix said, stepping inside and handing Andrinn another PADD. “The Romulans are demanding further compensation for their involvement, and the Klingons are refusing to accept any limitations on future territorial claims.”
Andrinn exhaled sharply. “Of course, they are,” he muttered, rubbing his temples. It was a miracle they had gotten this far without the entire agreement collapsing under its own weight. “We can’t let this fall apart now. The Federation won’t back indefinite reparations, and if the Klingons try to claim any more territory, we’re going to be dealing with another war in less than a decade.”
Rix gave a tired smile. "That's why we're here, Andrinn. Nobody else has the patience or ability to keep these talks from imploding under their own weight."
Andrinn let out a small chuckle, even though it lacked any real humor. "I supposed that's why none of us have had a full night's sleep in months, isn't it?" Andrinn replied as he took the PADD and looked over all the new information.
The Ambassador took a seat across from him, replying, "You should get some rest. We're reconvening in about six hours, and I need one of my best diplomats at the top of their game."
Andrinn sighed, glancing at the treaty one last time before nodding. “Alright. Six hours.” He doubted he’d get much sleep, but he would try. The galaxy’s future depended on it, after all.
Andrinn headed back to his apartment back in San Francisco, where he took a quick shower and got something to eat. It wasn't anything fancy, but it made sure that Andrinn didn't collapse from hunger or anything. Before too long, Andrinn was back in his bed, trying to get something that resembled a decent night's sleep.
However, sleep was something that was eluding him, much as it had over the past several weeks and months. Ever since Ambassador Rix asked Andrinn to help him with the talks and eventual negotiations with the Dominion to end the war, it felt like this huge weight was sitting right on his shoulders. While Andrinn wasn't the one directly talking with the Dominion, it wasn't like he didn't know what was going on and how much the end of the Dominion War would mean to the known worlds.
As he laid there, half asleep and half not, Andrinn was going over all the passages and verbiage in the final draft that was to be sent off to Deep Space Nine. Part of his job was to make the most people happy, but the other part was to figure out what would make these people happy. Otherwise, war would just continue to wage onward with little to no end in sight.
Eventually, Andrinn had been tossing and turning so much that the sun was eventually peaking through the window into his bedroom. Tossing the blanket off himself, Andrinn got up and took another shower before getting dressed. He headed down to the nearest Starfleet transporter location, instructing the Ensign to beam him straight to the base of Palais de la Concorde and gave the Ensign his Diplomatic codes for transport.
As with most transports, they were quick and painless these days. Andrinn headed up to the Conference Room, where Ambassador Rix was sitting there with an extra coffee for Andrinn. Andrinn sat down next to him and took the coffee as the Ambassador also handed Andrinn a PADD. "We've done it, Andrinn! We've got everyone to agree to the terms and it's finally being sent over to Deep Space Nine for final signing with everyone."
Andrinn looked down at the PADD and saw the final terms for ending the war. As they were speaking, people like Captain Sisko, Admiral Ross, Martok, and others were signing the final accords to end the Dominion War. Andrinn couldn't help but melt into his seat before looking at the coffee in his hands. He took a few sips of it, as it was still rather hot.
But, Andrinn knew that this was a moment to celebrate. Andrinn looked at the Ambassador, but before Andrinn could say anything, the Ambassador put up his hands and said, "There's going to be plenty of time for celebration. Go back home and get some actual sleep. Okay? Don't make me make it an order."
Andrinn simply nodded his head and said, "Yes, sir. On my way!"
Andrinn Orin
DIplomatic Attache to Ambassador Rix